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Firehawk by Garrett Blair

Check out this gorgeous drawing of Firehawk by Garrett Blair!

Firehawk by Garrett Blair

I really like this drawing!  I’ve always loved this costume for Firehawk, and Garrett’s art gives it a new, modern lease on life.  And the coloring on the hair is phenomenal!  You can view this image on Garrett’s deviantART page by clicking here, and be sure to visit his website by clicking here.

Also, be sure to come back tomorrow for the FIRESTORM FAN exclusive interview with John Ostrander!

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Nuclear on the Net: Musings on Firestorm

Nuclear on the Net

Another little something to get you excited for this Friday’s exclusive interview with John Ostrander here at FIRESTORM FAN!

Gary M. Miller, the man behind the Spectacular Spider-Cast, posted two great Firestorm pieces on his blog, I’m Not Really Delusional… Honest! In these posts he covers his discovery of the character, and issues #60-79 written by John Ostrander.  They provide really nice coverage of that era and are well worth your time.  Click here to read the first post, and click here to read the second post.

I'm Not Delusional... Honest!

My thanks to long-time Firestorm fan, Keith G. Baker, for directing me to these articles!  For those of you who don’t know, Keith helped inspire the creation of FIRESTORM FAN.  Back in the mid-2000s, Keith ran the excellent NUCLEAR FAN site!  Thanks Keith!

Don’t forget, come back on Friday for the FIRESTORM FAN exclusive interview with John Ostrander!

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Custom Firestorm Plush

Isn’t this one of the cutest things ever!?!?!  It’s freakin’ adorable!

Firestorm Plush by K-n-B Creations

This Firestorm custom plush doll was created by Kayelyn of K-n-B Creations.  Check out her deviantART page for more plush characters!

My thanks to Frank (of the blogs: Martian Manhunter: Idol-Head of Diabolu, Justice League Detroit, Atom: Power of the Atom, Wonder Woman: Diana Prince, DC Bloodlines, and …nurgh…) for pointing me in the direction of this plush doll!

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Favorite Covers: A Couple from the John Ostrander Era

Just a little something to help get you excited for the upcoming exclusive interview with John Ostrander here at FIRESTORM FAN!  Below are a couple of my favorite covers from Ostrander’s era…

Firestorm the Nuclear Man #70 – cover art by J.J. Birch (a.k.a. Joe Brozowski)

Firestorm the Nuclear Man #70

Firestorm #99 – cover art by Tom Mandrake

Firestorm #99 by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake

Keeping watching FIRESTORM FAN in the near future for the exclusive interview with John Ostrander!

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Green Lantern Corps #57 Variant Cover

So Brightest Day #18 and Green Lantern Corps #56 both came out yesterday with no sign of the Nuclear Man anywhere.   … bummer …

The solicitation for GLC #56 indicated Firestorm would be involved, but I guess that’s just lead-up for the following issue.  Check out the gorgeous variant cover by Ed Benes for Green Lantern Corps #57!  Firestorm versus Sinestro!  It was featured Tuesday on the DC Universe: The Source blog.

Green Lantern Corps #57 Variant Cover featuring Sinestro and Firestorm

Dang that looks awesome!  My thanks to the Brandons – Brandon DP (Bdog) and Brandon Leonard – for the heads-up about this variant cover!

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Firestorm Temporary Tattoos

I came across these Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos recently, at a gas station of all places!  I was shocked to find Firestorm amongst the characters!  There was no way I was passing these up!

Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos

Below you’ll find the Firestorm character tattoo, beneath that is a shot of Firestorm from the actual cartoon.  Looks like the colorist for the tattoos didn’t watch the cartoon all that often.

Firestorm temporary tattoo from Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Firestorm from Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon

Below you’ll find a tattoo of a unique-looking Firestorm logo.  It’s not bad, it’s just unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Firestorm logo temporary tattoo from Batman: The Brave and the Bold

There were four different sheets in the package, each repeated one time (for a grand total of eight tattoo sheets).  To give you some perspective, each sheet measures about six inches across and five-and-a-half inches high.  There were two different sheets of characters and two different sheets of logos.  Below is the sheet featuring Firestorm.  I absolutely love the Gentleman Ghost and Despero tattoos!  Check out the Atom rockin’ two tattoos!  He obviously rates better than Firestorm or B’wana Beast!

Temporary tattoos from Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Below is the other sheet of characters.  You just can’t beat Aquaman riding a shark!

Temporary Tattoos from Batman: The Brave and the Bold

The next two sheets feature the logos.

Temporary tattoos from Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Temporary Tattoos from Batman: The Brave and the Bold

I really like these!  My four year old daughter LOVES temporary tattoos.  Now I just gotta convince her to wear a Firestorm tattoo for her dear ole dad.  Knowing my luck she’ll probably pick B’wana Beast.

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*** UPDATE ***

Our good buddies Frank Lee Delano (of more blogs than you could possibly imagine), Rob of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, and Doug of RED TORNADO’S PATH have joined in the fun and posted some of these temporary tattoos on their sites!  Frank’s also featured a similar Batman: The Brave and the Bold sticker set.  Glitter stickers!  Yes, you heard me properly – GLITTER STICKERS!  Show the guys some appreciation by demonstrating you know how to click …

Thanks Frank, Rob, and Doug!

Killer Frost Cosplay

Check out this fantastic Killer Frost cosplay!  Silena Evion posed in this “hot” costume (yes, pun intended) recently during IKKiCON in Austin!

Killer Frost Cosplay at IKKiCON

Killer Frost cosplay at IKKiCON

Killer Frost Cosplay at IKKiCON

And finally, here she is with our friend Brad West in his Brightest Day Firestorm costume from Outrageous Outfits.

Killer Frost and Firestorm cosplay at IKKiCON

You can find these pictures, taken by Frank Hui, over at Robyn’s Roost on the “Other Adventures” page under “Ikkicon”. This was Silena’s first convention!  Great costume and great look!  Well done, Silena!  Ironically, during the convention she caught … a cold.  I’m not making this up!

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Brightest Day #17 Post-Game Report

We may have only had four pages of Firestorm in Brightest Day #17, but they were really good pages!

Warning, the following contains SPOILERS for Brightest Day #17.








What struck me the most about these four pages was Ronnie and Jason getting along.  That’s refreshing to see and it gives me hope for their ongoing adventures once Brightest Day is over.

While it consumed half of the Firestorm content in the issue, this two-page spread by Scott Clark and Dave Beaty was phenomenal!

Firestorm in Brightest Day #17

It was nice to see Ronnie recalling his Crisis on Infinite Earths experience with Shadow Demons and Qward.  It may seem odd, but I was thrilled the editor didn’t choose to insert a footnote referring to Crisis.  I prefer to just accept that Ronnie has the knowledge.

Brightest Day #18 ships on January 19, the same day as Green Lantern Corps #56.  We know Firestorm guest-stars in that issue of Green Lantern Corps (GLC), but I’m not sure which issue of Brightest Day leads directly into the GLC issue.  So we may get some more Firestorm action in Brightest Day #18, or perhaps what we saw in this issue leads directly into the GLC issue.  I guess we’ll find out on January 19!  Here is the description for GLC #56:

The Sinestro Corps battles the Weaponer as the Green Lantern Corps finds itself caught in the middle of the mayhem! Will the GLC shatter its truce with the yellow fear masters to protect innocent Qwardians? Has the Weaponer brought doom upon his world? And what role does Firestorm play in this BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in?

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New Firestorm Symbol

I played around in Photoshop and cleaned up the new Firestorm symbol from the cover to Brightest Day #17.  I thought y’all might enjoy!

Firestorm symbol from Brightest Day #17

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Brightest Day #17 in stores today

Brightest Day #17 should be hitting stores today!  Last issue had quite the Earth-shattering cliffhanger (heh heh), so I’m looking forward to this next one!  A couple weeks ago we looked at David Finch’s cover for this issue.  From what I can gather, Firestorm is featured on the standard cover, while Aquaman gets the variant.  The DC Universe: The Source blog has released the final cover treatment which includes a symbol for Firestorm.  Pretty friggin’ sweet!

Brightest Day #17 cover featuring Firestorm by David Finch

Also worth noting, DC is currently using the artwork below of Firestorm to promote Brightest Day #21.  It appears to be by Scott Clark and Dave Beaty, the interior Firestorm artists on Brightest Day.  DC has indicated this is not the final cover artwork, but it’s still gorgeous!

Brightest Day #21 with Firestorm - Not final cover

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