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Posts Tagged ‘Despero’

Go Read JUSTICE LEAGUE #20… next week

UPDATE: Whoops… Justice League #20 comes out next week.  My mistake.  Just read today’s post as if it’s from the future! Hey Match-heads, go read Justice League #20 in stores today! This issue features a story by Geoff Johns, with art by Gene Ha, Andres Guinaldo, Joe Prado and Rob Hunter! Cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and […]

FURY OF FIRESTORM #20 and JUSTICE LEAGUE #20 Solicitations

With all the craziness surrounding the cancellation of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man, I failed to post the solicitation for issue #20 coming in May. Below you’ll find the cover and the solicitation! THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #20 Written by DAN JURGENS Art and cover by DAN JURGENS and RAY […]

Firestorm vs Despero by Joshua Flower

CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Today FIRESTORM FAN is teaming up with the blogs representing Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman! All through December over on THE IDOL-HEAD OF DIABOLU, our good buddy Frank has been running “The December of Despero!” That’s right, everyone’s favorite Martian Manhunter blog has turned the reigns over to one […]

Firestorm Temporary Tattoos

I came across these Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos recently, at a gas station of all places!  I was shocked to find Firestorm amongst the characters!  There was no way I was passing these up! Below you’ll find the Firestorm character tattoo, beneath that is a shot of Firestorm from the actual […]

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