On a recent episode of the animated series YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS, Dr. Allen Phaedon made an appearance! You know, Dr Phaedon from FIRESTORM! Isn’t that great!! … … Yup, I didn’t remember him either. My thanks to FIRESTORM FAN friend, Joshua Lapin-Bertone for the heads-up on this character appearance. Check out Josh’s YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS article […]
Posts under ‘Jamal Igle’
Firestorm gets a costume for Legends of Tomorrow!
Firestorm on the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow TV series will have a suit that resembles his comic book suit!! A new trailer dropped yesterday announcing a release date of January 21, 2016! Check out a few screen shots below! Click to enlarge! Franz Drameh appears to be doing a great job with the role! Looking […]
Firestorm Sketchapalooza!
Over the past few months a number of fantastic Match-heads have sent me information on cool Firestorm sketches. I’ve been collecting them for a while with the intention of publishing them. Rather than doling them out one at a time, I thought it might be fun to look at them all together! A veritable Sketchapalooza! […]
Pozhar Week: When Mikhail Met Jason
We’re continuing our Pozhar Week coverage! With the character of Pozhar scheduled to appear soon in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, we’re covering the character’s pre-New 52 continuity. Okay, so we might not be producing a consecutive week, but we’re gonna get five days worth of posts out of this eventually. Today […]
Stuart Moore: Exclusive Interview with FIRESTORM FAN
We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – a fantastic interview with Firestorm writer, Stuart Moore! Stuart Moore wrote FIRESTORM vol III for 19 issues from 2005 through 2007. Thanks to the length of his run, Stuart has written Jason Rusch more than any other writer. Stuart’s run brought dramatic changes for […]
Jamal Igle Firestorm Sketch Colored by Brandon DP
Today we’re featuring a beautiful Firestorm sketch by Jamal Igle that was colored by Brandon DP (Bdog). Jamal Igle was the penciller on Firestorm vol III for 23 issues and has drawn the Jason Rusch Firestorm more than any other artist. Jamal posted this awesome Ronnie Raymond Firestorm sketch on his DeviantArt page back in […]
DC Reprints Jason and Ronnie’s first meeting
Hot dog! In an effort to tie-in with Brightest Day, DC will be reprinting some of Firestorm volume III. I’m really pleased with this because I believe more of Jason’s run should be collected. DC Comics Presents: Brightest Day #2 ships in November and will be a mini-trade paperback containing three issues of Firestorm along […]
Nuclear News – 2010-02-19 – Firestorm in the upcoming JLA film, JLU toy, and Shadowstorm
Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. We’ve got a sneak peek of Firestorm from the Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths DVD scheduled for release next Tuesday, February 23. These photos confirm that the Firestorm that appears in the movie is […]