CROSSOVER! Everybody loves a crossover! Today FIRESTORM FAN joins the illustrious Super-Blog Team-Up! Several different blogs have combined forces today under the banner of Parallel Worlds and Alternate Realities! Each blog in this crossover will focus on alternate versions of their favorite characters and niches. Today here at FIRESTORM FAN we’re going to feature… well… Firestorm. Specifically the […]
Posts under ‘Links/websites’
Silhouette Art by Steve Garcia – Massive Blog Crossover
Inspiring Artwork and a Blog Crossover?!?! Two great tastes that taste great together! 22 different blogs have joined forces today to celebrate the eye-catching silhouettes produced by artist Steve Garcia! Below you’ll find striking images of our favorite Nuclear Man and his Frigid Foe! These would make great posters! Finally, here is a Firestorm silhouette wallpaper! […]
Count Drunkula’s Firestorm Fan Casting
Ever thought up your own ideal Firestorm movie casting? Well our buddy Ryan Daly has done exactly that! You may know Ryan better as the madman called “Count Drunkula”, or as the man behind the Flowers and Fishnets: A Black Canary Blog. Either way, check out his five-part Firestorm movie fan casting! Part One Part […]
Firestorm Fan is now on Tumblr!
That’s right, Match-heads! FIRESTORM FAN has joined Tumblr in an effort to conquer each and every social media platform! Well… maybe not Pinterest. Follow us on Tumblr Head over to the new Tumblr site for FIRESTORM FAN! Please stop by, check it out, and “Follow” the page! If you’re not on Tumblr, you can still […]
Get Social for FURY OF FIRESTORM #7
The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #7 arrives in comic book shops this Wednesday. This issue makes a great jumping-on point for readers with a new direction, new co-writer Joe Harris, and interior artwork by Ethan Van Sciver! As usual, the colors by Hi-Fi Colour Design will be outstanding! Just in case you were […]
Episode 7 of FIRESTORM FAN and AQUAMAN SHRINE Podcast!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Play in new window | DownloadThe seventh episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. This time around we cover: “Crisis on Earth-Prime”, fellow JLA bloggers, and more Listener Feedback! You can […]
Facebook Page for Firestorm Fan – Show Your Support
That’s right! FIRESTORM FAN is finally on Facebook! Like us on Facebook Heads-up Facebook users, I’ve launched a Facebook page for FIRESTORM FAN! Please stop by, check it out, and “Like” the page! In addition to announcing new posts, I’ll also share links to various Firestorm-related items that don’t merit an entire post here. Click […]
Follow FIRESTORM FAN and show your support
A big THANK YOU to all the Firestorm fans who read this blog! I sincerely appreciate that you take time out of your busy week to read my thoughts on the Nuclear Man. When I started this blog back in January 2009, I had no idea how long it would last or if anyone would […]
Brightest Day, Odd Couple, Ed Benes sketch, Racism in comics, drink recipe, and more
Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. A few weeks back I did a post on the 2003 Ronnie Raymond Firestorm series that almost was. I’m over-the-moon happy to report that I received very nice notes about my post from both writer […]
Crisis On Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge
Welcome to FIRESTORM FAN’s part of the Crisis on Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge! FIRESTORM FAN is the source for DC Comics’ Nuclear Man! You’ll find anything and everything Firestorm-related here. Things such as merchandise, comics, toys, apparel, cartoons, news, creator interviews, and commentary about the character. If this is your first time here, welcome aboard! […]