That’s right! FIRESTORM FAN is finally on Facebook!
Like us on Facebook
Heads-up Facebook users, I’ve launched a Facebook page for FIRESTORM FAN! Please stop by, check it out, and “Like” the page! In addition to announcing new posts, I’ll also share links to various Firestorm-related items that don’t merit an entire post here. Click here to visit the Facebook page for FIRESTORM FAN!
I believe finding the content from FIRESTORM FAN should be convenient for you. That’s why in addition to the primary site I’m trying to make the content accessible across several social media platforms. Even if you already have a reliable way of getting FIRESTORM FAN content, please take a look at the delivery methods below, show your support, and spread the word. Your support is always appreciated.
Follow on Twitter
If you’re on Twitter, please “follow” @firestormfan. There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the Nuclear Men right now and Twitter is an easy way to cover the excitement. Like Facebook, I’ll also tweet links to various Firestorm-related items that don’t merit an entire post here.
As always, you can subscribe directly to the RSS feed. This option provides you with the most flexibility as there are numerous ways to get RSS feeds. Click here for the FIRESTORM FAN RSS feed.
Subscribe via E-mail
By choosing to subscribe via e-mail, new FIRESTORM FAN posts will be delivered right to your inbox! How convenient is that?!?! Click here to subscribe to FIRESTORM FAN via e-mail.
Identify yourself as a “Follower” on the site
It’s easy to show your support by choosing to “Follow” with Google Friend Connect. You may use a pre-existing account from Google, Twitter, Yahoo, AIM, or OpenID to “Follow”. By choosing to “Follow”, it will list you amongst the followers of FIRESTORM FAN. It will also allow you to read FIRESTORM FAN content in Blogger under “Blogs I’m Following”. Click here or look on FIRESTORM FAN in the right-hand sidebar towards the bottom and you’ll see an option to “Follow” with Google Friend Connect.
I recommend the “Follow” feature to anyone wishing to show their support of the site, or to anyone who keeps up with blogs through Blogger (a really handy way to keep up with several different blogs).
If you’re a LiveJournal user, you can keep up with FIRESTORM FAN there. All posts to the blog are cross-posted to the ONCE UPON A GEEK LiveJournal page.
I hope at least one of these ways proves to be convenient for you. Thanks again for reading! It’s an exciting time to be a fan of Firestorm!
Support Firestorm (and FIRESTORM FAN)! Fan the flame!