The Black Lantern we love to hate has his own HeroClix! Check out who arrived at the Firestorm Fan Sanctum this week! It’s Black Lantern Firestorm (later known as the original Deathstorm)! This particular HeroClix has been available since August, but I just got around to picking him up. You can find him as part of […]
Posts under ‘Blackest Night’
Geoff Johns on Gehenna’s Death in “Blackest Night”
Geoff Johns shared some thoughts on the death of Gehenna, Jason Rusch’s girlfriend, in Blackest Night: The Director’s Cut #1 (June 2010). The Director’s Cut features commentary on the mini-series by: Geoff Johns (Writer), Ivan Reis (Penciller), Oclair Albert (Inker), Joe Prado (Inker), Alex Sinclair (Colorist), Nick J. Napolitano (Letterer), Adam Schlagman (Associate Editor), and […]
German Blackest Night with Firestorm Variant Cover
Our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog, recently picked up this German language BLACKEST NIGHT comic from eBay. It sports a limited edition variant cover featuring an Ethan Van Sciver drawing of the Black Lantern Firestorm. You can find the Dutch language eBay listing by clicking here. Below is the translation of the […]
Blackest Night #3 Cover by Ethan Van Sciver Reenacted with Action Figures
See what you can accomplish with too much time and too many action figures? Sometimes I frighten myself… Yes, I took the time to reenact the Blackest Night #3 variant cover by Ethan Van Sciver using action figures. I’m not sure what possessed me, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Support […]
Deathstorm Figurine Collection Magazine
DC Comics Blackest Night Figurine Collection Magazine #11 featuring Deathstorm is solicited in the current issue of Previews for shipping in August. Be sure to pre-order this item from your local comic shop before the end of the month! These 16-page collector magazines and figurines are produced by Eaglemoss Publications Ltd. Here is the solicitation […]
Blackest Night to Brightest Day: What a Long Strange Trip
Tomorrow will see the release of Brightest Day #24, the final issue in the year-long saga. However, if you really think about it this story began with Blackest Night. Firestorm fans have their fingers crossed that our hero will exit Brightest Day ready to start a new life of adventure with Ronnie and Jason working […]
Toy Fair 2011 Firestorm Pics
Toy Fair 2011 is going on right now in New York City. Comic Book Resources has posted several pictures from the event, some of which include Firestorm! While it’s wonderful to see these pics, we’re not seeing anything new in regard to Firestorm. All of the items pictured below had been previously announced. Still… the […]
Deathstorm’s Winter Fun
Fellow Firestorm fan, A.j. Chwaster, was kind enough to direct me towards his Firestorm-themed holiday comic strip for 2010. You may recall last year he did the “Under the Mistletoe with Firestorm” comic strip. This year he focuses on Firestorm’s doppelganger. Seems Deathstorm is out keeping slippery snowy sidewalks safe for everyone this winter, but […]
Black Lantern Firestorm Bust
DC Direct just announced their intention to release a Blackest Night Black Lantern Firestorm bust in 2011! This is part of DC Direct’s year-long program to produce a new Blackest Night bust each month in 2011. Here is the solicitation: HEROES OF THE DC UNIVERSE: BLACKEST NIGHT BLACK LANTERN FIRESTORM Bust Based on the art […]