In one of the stranger merchandising moves, Firestorm is helping to sell Mexican ice cream! Below you’ll find a photo of Aurrera brand chocolate flavored ice cream, emblazoned with the Justice League logo and images of the Cheetah and Firestorm. I’m guessing the white hand around the corner is either Solomon Grundy or Bizarro. Firestorm […]
Posts under ‘Foreign Language’
Fury as he was always intended… in German!
We proudly present the fighting fusionable force of nature, FURY as he was always intended… in German! Okay, that’s not exactly true. Fury wasn’t supposed to be German, but man, doesn’t it look cool!?!? This comes from the first trade of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, translated into German. These pics come to […]
Firestorm, L’Homme Nucléaire
In honor of the current storyline taking place in France in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, let’s check out some French Firestorm comics! Faucon Noir (translated as Black Hawk) was a French comic collection published bi-monthly in digest format during the late 1970s. Issue #12 was released in 1979 weighing-in at a whopping […]
German Blackest Night with Firestorm Variant Cover
Our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog, recently picked up this German language BLACKEST NIGHT comic from eBay. It sports a limited edition variant cover featuring an Ethan Van Sciver drawing of the Black Lantern Firestorm. You can find the Dutch language eBay listing by clicking here. Below is the translation of the […]
Firestorm Rubik’s Cube
Ready for your Friday morning WTF? Here we have the Firestorm Rubik’s Cube! No kidding, this product was produced in Argentina and distributed as part of the Super Amigos line. Our good buddy Jon from the Fizzit blog sent us pictures of his own cube. He included the teeny-tiny Action League characters to provide a […]
عاصفة في اللغة العربية
How about a little Firestorm elemental action … in Arabic! Our good buddy Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog made an fascinating discovery recently. He bought some Superman comics translated into Arabic for a friend who’s learning the language. As he was flipping through a comic he purchased and stumbled across Firestorm! Arabic Superman #703 […]
Firestorm en Español: La Guerra de los Elementales
Back in 1990, Firestorm was featured in a Spanish reprint comic entitled DC Premiere. While DC Premiere ran 18 issues, Firestorm only appeared in two of them. If I understand correctly, these two issues reprinted Firestorm #90-93, the four issues that made up the “Elemental War”. Other series reprinted in DC Premiere include: Doctor Fate, […]
Feuersturm gegen Schwarzer Bison
In 1984 a German comic entitled Superman’s Freunde #4 (translated as Superman’s Friends) featured Firestorm. Below you’ll find the cover which reused artwork from the cover to Fury of Firestorm #2 by Pat Broderick. The cover text translates as “Firestorm against Black Bison”. It’s such a surreal cover anyway, but with the Mexican-looking “Feuersturm” logo […]
Firestorm, El Hombre Nuclear
¡Firestorm, el hombre nuclear, de los Super Amigos! Our good friend Jon over at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog sent scans of these unique Firestorm collectibles. He received the following cards from Argentina. The majority of these come from the Spanish-language version of Kenner’s Super Powers line, Super Amigos. This first one is a trading card […]