Back in November 2002, Wizard Magazine reported that Jim Lee had designed a new Firestorm costume for the Mike Carey Firestorm series in development at the time. Since then I’ve been looking for these supposed Jim Lee designs. Recently the sketches below were brought to my attention. Personally I like all these designs! I guess […]
Posts under ‘Firestorm comic vol. III aborted’
Jim Lee Redesigned the Firestorm Costume
Did you ever hear the rumor back in the early-2000s that Jim Lee redesigned the Firestorm costume? I’d heard that rumor but never knew where it started. Well, Firestorm fan Florian Schwalenberg comes through again! Previously we’ve covered the aborted Firestorm series from 2003 by Mike Carey and Lewis LaRosa. According to this blurb in […]
The Firestorm Series That Almost Was, Written by Geoff Johns
A while back I published a lengthy post on the aborted Firestorm series from 2003 by Mike Carey and Lewis LaRosa. I’d heard rumors of another series proposed several years ago by Geoff Johns that never came to be. Well… my thanks to Firestorm fan Florian Schwalenberg for sending me some background information on that […]
The Firestorm Series That Almost Was, Including Never-Before Published Artwork – 2003
Firestorm volume III premiered in mid-2004 introducing Jason Rusch. Many people don’t realize that Firestorm volume III was scheduled to premiere nearly a year earlier starring Ronnie Raymond (rather than Jason Rusch). That’s right, before Jason Rusch was even a glimmer in Dan Jolley’s eye, there was a monthly Ronnie Raymond Firestorm series in the […]