A big THANK YOU to all the Firestorm fans who read this blog! I sincerely appreciate that you take time out of your busy week to read my thoughts on the Nuclear Man. When I started this blog back in January 2009, I had no idea how long it would last or if anyone would be interested in the content. Fast forward two and a half years… we’ve had over 160,000 hits, with our biggest day just earlier this month! Again, my thanks to all the match-heads out there!
I want to make it convenient for you to keep up with FIRESTORM FAN. That’s one of the reasons I recently launched a Twitter account specifically tracking Firestorm. Even if you already have a reliable way of getting FIRESTORM FAN content, by choosing to “Follow” the blog it helps show your support and spread the word. Your support is always appreciated.
Follow on Twitter
If you’re on Twitter, please “follow” @firestormfan. A few days ago I started this new Twitter account with the express purpose of keeping up with Firestorm. There’s a lot of buzz surrounding the Nuclear Man right now and Twitter is an easy way to cover the excitement. In addition to announcing new posts, I’ll also tweet links to various Firestorm-related items that don’t merit an entire post here.
Identify yourself as a “Follower” on the site
It’s easy to show your support by choosing to “Follow” with Google Friend Connect. You may use a pre-existing account from Google, Twitter, Yahoo, AIM, or OpenID to “Follow”. By choosing to “Follow”, it will list you amongst the followers of FIRESTORM FAN. It will also allow you to read FIRESTORM FAN content in Blogger under “Blogs I’m Following”. Click here or look on FIRESTORM FAN in the right-hand sidebar towards the bottom and you’ll see an option to “Follow” with Google Friend Connect.
I recommend the “Follow” feature to anyone wishing to show their support of the site, or to anyone who keeps up with blogs through Blogger (a really handy way to keep up with several different blogs).
Follow on Facebook using NetworkedBlogs
If you are a frequent Facebook user, you can follow FIRESTORM FAN with the NetworkedBlogs application. By choosing to “Follow” this way, FIRESTORM FAN topics will be posted to your Facebook “Home” page as they are published. Click here to check out the NetworkedBlogs application.
I would recommend the NetworkedBlogs feature to anyone that is a frequent Facebook user, or to anyone who has a Facebook account and wishes to show their support of the site.
If you’re a LiveJournal user, you can keep up with FIRESTORM FAN there. All posts to the blog are cross-posted to the ONCE UPON A GEEK LiveJournal page.
As always, you can subscribe directly to the RSS feed. This option provides you with the most flexibility as there are numerous ways to get RSS feeds. Click here for the FIRESTORM FAN RSS feed..
I hope at least one of these ways provides you with a convenient way to get this content. Thanks again for reading! It’s an exciting time to be a fan of Firestorm!
Support Firestorm (and FIRESTORM FAN)! Fan the flame!

Following on Twitter!