Scott Clark, the amazing penciller who contributed the Firestorm-centric pages to Brightest Day, passed away rather suddenly in early 2013. Scott worked on a variety of high-profile books, including: X-Men, Batman Inc, Alpha Flight, Grifter, Stormwatch, Adventure Comics, Wonder Woman, and Brightest Day, just to name a few. Dave Beaty, Scott’s long-time inker and creative collaborator, created this a […]
Posts Tagged ‘Dave Beaty’
Tribute to Scott Clark, Brightest Day Penciller
Back in February, artist Scott Clark passed away at the far-too-young age of 43. Scott was probably best known to Firestorm fans as the amazing penciller who contributed the Firestorm-centric pages to Brightest Day. Scott Clark broke into superhero comics during the 1990s and worked for years in conjunction with Jim Lee’s WildStorm studio. Scott worked […]
89 Days, 14 Hours, 32 Minutes, and 59 Seconds
Warning, the following contains relatively-minor SPOILERS for Brightest Day #24. *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** Brightest Day #24 shipped yesterday and I was expecting some sort of announcement regarding spin-offs titles. That’s […]
Blackest Night to Brightest Day: What a Long Strange Trip
Tomorrow will see the release of Brightest Day #24, the final issue in the year-long saga. However, if you really think about it this story began with Blackest Night. Firestorm fans have their fingers crossed that our hero will exit Brightest Day ready to start a new life of adventure with Ronnie and Jason working […]
Brightest Day Easter Eggs from Series Inker Dave Beaty
In honor of the upcoming Easter holiday, we present some Brightest Day “Easter Eggs” sent to us by series inker Dave Beaty! Just in case you hadn’t heard, all the Firestorm-centric scenes in Brightest Day have been penciled by Scott Clark and inked by Dave Beaty. If you add up all their pages from the […]
Brightest Day #22 Post-Game Report **SPOILERS**
Warning, the following contains SPOILERS for Brightest Day #22. *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** Okay seriously, we’re about to discuss some HUGE Firestorm-related spoilers. If you haven’t read the issue, I strongly […]
Brightest Day #17 Post-Game Report
We may have only had four pages of Firestorm in Brightest Day #17, but they were really good pages! Warning, the following contains SPOILERS for Brightest Day #17. *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE […]
Brightest Day #17 in stores today
Brightest Day #17 should be hitting stores today! Last issue had quite the Earth-shattering cliffhanger (heh heh), so I’m looking forward to this next one! A couple weeks ago we looked at David Finch’s cover for this issue. From what I can gather, Firestorm is featured on the standard cover, while Aquaman gets the variant. […]
Brightest Day #11 Post-Game Report
Brightest Day #11 was awesome! Things really ramped up this time around! Last issue was full of exposition, while this issue was full of action. Warning, the following contains SPOILERS for Brightest Day #11. *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** SPOILER SPACE *** *** […]
Brightest Day #11: Any Port in a Deathstorm
Brightest Day #11 shipped yesterday to comic shops across the United States. While I haven’t had a chance to pick up my copy, I read the five-page sneak peek DC Comics published on their blog earlier this week. Three of the five pages were specific to Firestorm. Here they are: So its official, the Firestorm […]