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Back to the Futures End – Issues #12-15

Hey Match-heads, Shag here! Today our good friend Tim Wallace continues his monthly coverage of DC’s weekly event, The New 52: Futures End! If you missed the previous installments, click hereWarning, Tim’s entries contain SPOILERS for the related issues of The New 52: Futures End. Consider yourself warned! Be sure to follow Tim’s regular work over on his exceptional site, Kord Industries: A Blue Beetle Blog! Get all your Ted Kord, Jaime Reyes, and Dan Garrett goodness there! You can also stalk Tim on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. And now, let’s turn it over to Tim…

A long time ago, well…about 4 months or so, in a Multiverse not so far away, we began a story set 35, then 5 years into our future. It is a period of darkness and uncertainty…a period of sci-fi clichés, and good old fashioned Saturday movie house cliffhanger fun…it is…the Futures End!

The New 52: Futures End #12

Five years from now on “an uncharted planet in the farthest reaches of space”, Hawkman, Frankenstein and Amethyst have just crash landed…and they’re not alone! Robots bearing the 3 circled marking of Brainiac surround the troubled trio. Frank offers a diplomatic “We come in peace”, but the robots respond with gunfire and a battle ensues! Everyone is surprised when Frankenstein is cut by robotic claws and bleeds, but not as surprised as they are when they find out who is leading the robot army…one of Stormwatch’s own, the Engineer!

The New 52: Futures End #12

Back on Earth, Faraday meets with a woman named Courtney, who prefers to go by Mercy (Luthor’s bodyguard?), and warns her that there’s trouble brewing for her, Voodoo and some others. Mercy claims to know nothing, but as soon as Faraday leaves she calls Voodoo to arrange a meeting. Meanwhile in Metropolis, Ethan Boyer and Rampage get set up in a make-shift lab in a suburban home. Ethan seems a little distracted by some text messages, but soon has Rampage hooked up to and ready to go…only he’s not returning her to normal like he said, he’s trying to amp her up! He figures with her on a super powered, uh, rampage, Superman will be too busy with her to worry about him. Then we jump 35 years into the future again. Something that looks like one of Mr. Terrific’s uSpheres is forcefully tube feeding the Joker. The process is interrupted though when Frankenstein (with Black Canary’s head attached to his chest) enters with robo-bug versions of Congorilla (well, a golden gorilla anyway) and Lobo (pre-New52 version! Bonus!) to escort the Clown Prince of Crime to “surgery”. They then take the Joker to a small medical lab, where the missing armed body of Bruce Wayne lies waiting on a table.

The New 52: Futures End #12

The New 52: Futures End #13

Madison and Cal get robbed at gunpoint in Cal’s bar, the Wounded Duck. The thug even takes Madison’s necklace. The same one Cal gave her a few issues back as a gift. Madison expected Cal to take on the thug, based on Lois Lane’s speculation but Cal assures her, that isn’t him, and he’ll get her a new necklace to replace the stolen one. Mister Terrific has second thoughts about Batman Beyond’s motivation, but Brother Eye assures him if he sees Bats as a threat then his “morality takes a back seat to the planet’s safety…it is the burden of greatness”. Sounds like some sneaky manipulation to me! On Cadmus Island, Fifty Sue and Grifter decided to do some investigating into the stealth OMAC that attacked. They’re still not friends though, since she shoves him down a dark air duct. They eventually make their way down to the lower levels where they can spot scientists and OMACs.

The New 52: Futures End #13

Grifter’s abilities let him know these scientists are Earth 2 “normals”. The mystery deepens. In New York, Cal has managed to track down the robber and beats him down to recover the necklace. While in the Key’s workshop, Key, Coil and Plastique meet with Terry McGinnis. It doesn’t go well for Terry though. With Terrific putting Batman Beyond’s presence all over the news they figure he’s too hot to work with and Plastique drops him with an explosive paper airplane. And in Canada, Barda and Emiko try to help a little girl find her father…too bad the little girl is Fifty Sue and her “dad” is Deathstroke.

The New 52: Futures End #13

The New 52: Futures End #14

Picking right up where we left off Fifty Sue and Deathstroke are threatening Barda and Emiko. Deathstroke clarifies his threat by asking Barda to “come peacefully and surrender to the Global Peace Agency as an unregistered super-powered alternate Earth fugitive…or be terminated.” Quite a mouthful! For her part Fifty Sue lets us in on yet another power of her own…she has “created a double and split my consciousness”, which explains why she’s in Canada and also back on Cadmus Island with Grifter. The obligatory fight ensues when Barda tosses Deathstroke into an alley. Fifty Sue blasts the Apokolips power house with an energy burst, while Emiko pulls out a bow and arrow. “Nice shot, Hunger Games.” quips the pint sized pugilist. Emiko, now confirmed as Green Arrow’s sister (as I suspected last month!) puts an arrow in Deathstroke’s neck! Then she has Barda toss the kid in the air, and hits Fifty Sue with an incendiary arrow, giving our heroines a chance to escape. At Key’s workshop, A.L.F.R.E.D. and the Batsuit are coming back online while Terry is slowly regaining consciousness. Key and Coil have an argument about if they should, and who will get to, kill Batman Beyond. When Terry comes to, a three way brawl starts until Plastique breaks it up by threatening to kill them all if they don’t agree to work together.

The New 52: Futures End #14

After falling through another duct, “like a girl”, Grifter finds himself surrounded by OMACs…until Fifty Sue blasts them with her energy beams.

The New 52: Futures End #14

She then takes out one of the scientists for not answering her questions fast enough. Leaving only one, a female named Lana (Lang?) to answer their questions about the stealth OMACs. And as if this didn’t already have a lot going on…back in Metropolis, Lois is examining the contents of her mystery box again…and somehow activates the small green pyramid. It shows her visions of the heroes of Earth 2, and of Red Tornado!

The New 52: Futures End #14

The New 52: Futures End #15

Masked Superman has finally caught up with Rampage, and his singular focus on the battle is once again causing destruction and putting innocents in danger. (I know last time I made a “Man of Steel” reference…but I really am thinking this is someone new to the role of Superman, not experienced) Though when a school bus is knocked over the side of a bridge, he does stop fighting and rushes to save the children allowing Rampage to get away.

The New 52: Futures End #15

He chats with Lois briefly. She tells him about her mystery box, and her visions, and that people aren’t so sure about him anymore. He says he’s got to find Rampage. (Superdickery?) In a holding cell somewhere in space, Hawkman and Amethyst flirt some more while Frankenstein is “hibernating” in a corner. As they discuss whether or not they’ll end up together, Frankenstein wakes up screaming. He’s just had a dream, something that hasn’t happened in 200 years, about the future. He saw Brother Eye’s robo-bug Superman…and thinks they are responsible!

 The New 52: Futures End #15

Deathstroke is pretty ticked that Grifter and Fifty Sue stumbled into the hidden underground E2 lab. Faraday isn’t super thrilled either, until Grifter mentions stealth OMACs. In the E2 cells Hawkgirl and a woman named Rita wait for Scott “Mister Miracle” Free to return. He’s figured out a way to escape his cell and go do a little recon…and he’s found out that they’ve all been implanted with a device…that is growing inside them!

The New 52: Futures End #15

Finally, in Africa, Constantine meets with one of the lone survivors of a ship that was attacked by that weird Machine Man/Parasite/Brainiac creature…only the man thinks it’s an angel, and knows that it’s looking for “the alien” and for the sake of the planet, mankind has to find “the alien” first!

Whoa! That’s 4 issues straight with no Jason or Ronnie…could they really have been serious when they said no more Firestorm?!

Shag here again! That’s it for this month! Thanks again to Tim for this fantastic coverage! Next month Tim will return with further coverage of, The New 52: Futures End! Let us know what you think of this weekly series in the comments.

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Check out the latest episode of The Flash Podcast

Check out the latest episode of The Flash Podcast, a show dedicated to the upcoming CW television series The Flash. The host was kind enough to invite me on episode #33 to discuss our favorite Nuclear Man!

The Flash Podcast

In this episode, we discuss characters who have been Firestorm – Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein, Jason Rusch, his comic book history in the Pre/New 52 era, powers, publication history, comic recommendation, his appearances in the media and more. We also speculate on how Ronnie Raymond is going to be portrayed on the new The Flash TV show with Robbie Amell (cousin of Arrow’s Stephen Amell) debuting as Ronnie in episode 3 “Things You Can’t Outrun” as well as how Martin Stein might come into the show eventually. If you want to learn more about Firestorm, then this is the perfect episode for you!

The Flash Podcast with Firestorm

Support Firestorm (and The Flash Podcast)! Fan the flame!


The Road to 100 with Listener Feedback – FIRE & WATER #99

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 99th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

We’re one episode away from our three year anniversary and episode 100! To celebrate the upcoming occasion, episode 99 is dedicated entirely to you… yes, you the listener! Rob and Shag compiled all feedback from the past several episodes and spend a couple hours discussing! The listeners of this show (affectionately called “Nuclear Subs”) compose the single greatest podcast listening community on the planet! Sit back, relax, and enjoy your episode!

You can find the 99th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (107 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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The road to Episode 100!!!

The Road to Episode #100

Thanks for listening! Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Interruption of Service for Geek Mardi Gras!

Hi Match-heads! Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I’m heading to Geek Mardi Gras! Or as it’s officially known, DragonCon!

Regular service should resume after Labor Day (assuming I survive the experience). In the meantime, you can watch our social media feed for Firestorm news or even some DragonCon chatter!

Here are a couple of great Firestorm related photos from DragonCon’s past!

DragonCon 2013

DragonCon 2012 Box Heroes

 If you’re unfamiliar with DragonCon, perhaps this video with Chloe Dykstra will help explain it.

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Power Records Podcast #06: Spider-Man!

The Power Records Podcast, Part of the Fire and Water Podcast NetworkThe sixth episode of THE POWER RECORDS PODCAST is now available! This week it’s all about one of Power Records’ biggest stars, The Amazing Spider-Man! Rob and Chris take a listen to two exciting Spidey audio adventures, “Return of the Conquistador” and “The Mad Hatter of Manhattan.”

Find the sixth episode of THE POWER RECORDS PODCAST on iTunes. Each episode is released as part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST feed. While you’re on iTunes, please drop us a review. Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (40 MB).

Power Records Podcast

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Support Firestorm, Aquaman, and Power Records! Drop the Needle and Flip the Page!

Firestorm Lego Minifigure… welcome home!

I finally saw The Lego Movie recently, then quickly broke down and bought a Firestorm custom Lego minifigure. I’ve seen them on eBay for years, but never felt the compulsion to own one until now. Behold the latest addition to the Firestorm Fan Sanctum. … That’s right, “Sanctum”. What? I wasn’t going to call it a “Shrine”.  That would just be silly…

Firestorm custom Lego minifigure - DC Comics

The hair was the tricky part. When you buy him, he’s bald. Not surprisingly, Lego doesn’t produce fiery hair for their minifigures. So I had to buy the fire piece separately. I chose an authentic Lego piece, whereas Match-head Travis Fowler opted for custom-sculpt fire hair (see below). Travis’ minifigure hair certainly looks more like Firestorm than mine, but I wanted the total Lego package.

Firestorm custom Lego minifigure owned by Travis Fowler

Support Firestorm (and Lego)! Fan the flame (and the brick)!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Firestorm in Daily Planet!

Firestorm back-up feature appearing in The Flash mentioned in the Daily Planet! … Well, it was mentioned back in 1980.

During the Bronze Age, each issue of DC Comics contained an in-house promotional page called “Daily Planet”. The modern equivalent would be the Channel 52 strips or the DC Comics All Access pages. Typical Daily Planet editions included information on upcoming releases or feature articles. The June 1980 edition discussed a price increase from 40 cents to 50 cents, but promised in exchange an increase of 8 pages of story. Firestorm was identified as, “.. one of the most often requested heroes of recent years ..”! Represent! The article mentioned Firestorm will begin appearing in The Flash with stories by Gerry Conway and George Perez. Nice! Click the image below to enlarge.

Daily Planet June 1980 featuring Firestorm

Love reading about all those back-up strips! That was also a nice piece on Dick Giordano. In addition to all those things mentioned, Dick was also the inker on many covers from Firestorm vol 2!

My thanks to our buddy Anj from the Supergirl blog for sending this my way!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Killer Frost in ‘Batman: Assault on Arkham’ available now

Available now! Batman: Assault on Arkham animated film featuring Killer Frost! The ice queen is voiced by Jennifer Hale, who is no stranger to the role. Hale also voiced Killer Frost on Justice League Unlimited, Batman: The Brave & The Bold, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, and in the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Killer Frost in Batman Assault on Arkham

Batman: Assault on Arkham is a vehicle for the Suicide Squad, including characters such as: Joker, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Riddler, Amanda Waller, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, and more. This direct-to-video release takes place in the same universe as the Batman: Arkham video game franchise. It was released last week and it getting very favorable reviews! Check out the trailer below!

Support Firestorm (and Killer Frost)! Fan the flame!

Megos! – FIRE & WATER #98

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 98th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

It’s MEGO WEEK here at The Fire & Water Podcast! Rob is joined by Mego expert Brian Heiler (of the Mego Museum and Plaid Stallions) to talk about their favorite line of action figures, Megos!

You can find the 96th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (53 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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Below you’ll find some art from the Mego Museum site! First up is Aquaman art from Mego!

Aquaman art from Mego Museum

Here is a custom Firestorm Mego by “Black Knight” posted to their User Forum!

Custom Firestorm Mego on Mego Museum

Thanks for listening! Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Captain America and Firestorm in Basic Training

Captain America has taken Firestorm under his wing and intends to make a soldier out of the Nuclear Man!

Super-Team Family proudly presents Captain America and Firestorm in “Basic Training”!

Super-Team Family: Captain America and Firestorm

No, you didn’t miss an inter-company crossover featuring the Super Soldier and the Nuclear Man. This fictitious meeting is the work of a gentleman named Ross who runs Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! That site is dedicated to the greatest team-ups that never happened. He started with Brave and the Bold fake covers starring Batman, transitioned into Marvel Two-in-One fake covers starring the Thing, and is now doing Super-Team Family featuring a wide variety of team-ups. This entry features an Ed Benes Firestorm paired with (I believe) a Ron Garney rendition of the Star-Spangled Avenger! Like it? Well, below are several previous Firestorm appearances on The Lost Issues blog:

Be sure to check out Ross’ work on Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues! Every day there is a new amazing piece!

My thanks to Jeph Remley for the heads-up on this particular entry!

Support Firestorm (and Super-Team Family)! Fan the flame!

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