Firestorm back-up feature appearing in The Flash mentioned in the Daily Planet! … Well, it was mentioned back in 1980. During the Bronze Age, each issue of DC Comics contained an in-house promotional page called “Daily Planet”. The modern equivalent would be the Channel 52 strips or the DC Comics All Access pages. Typical Daily Planet editions included information on […]
Posts Tagged ‘Flash back-up’
Tom Katers vs. Firestorm
Tom Katers hosts a fun series of podcasts reviewing Silver & Bronze Age comics. He started with “Tom vs. the JLA”, covering each issue of the original Justice League of America run, issue-by-issue. Once he’d covered all those issues, he moved on to “Tom vs. the Flash”, and most recently “Tom vs. Aquaman”. Each episode […]
Don’t forget, pre-order your FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN TPB
Be sure to pre-order your copy of the FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN trade paperback ASAP! Most local comic book shops will be placing their orders for this collection with their distributors within the next few days. Don’t miss the chance to pre-order this trade paperback! Even if you already have the issues, order a copy […]
Pat Broderick’s First Firestorm Signed
Before drawing The Fury of Firestorm #1, Pat Broderick tackled the Nuclear Man in the Flash back-up stories. Broderick’s first work on the Firestorm character appeared in Flash #303 (Nov. 1981). Check out the splash page below from that issue. I was fortunate enough to meet Pat Broderick back in 1991 and got this issue […]
Pre-Order the FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN Trade Paperback Right Now
Two weeks ago DC finally published their solicitation for the FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN trade paperback. It’s been listed on Amazon for months, but it’s nice to finally see the official announcement from DC. Also, keep reading as there may be some “easter eggs” that aren’t mentioned in the solicit! FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN Written […]