Tom Katers hosts a fun series of podcasts reviewing Silver & Bronze Age comics. He started with “Tom vs. the JLA”, covering each issue of the original Justice League of America run, issue-by-issue. Once he’d covered all those issues, he moved on to “Tom vs. the Flash”, and most recently “Tom vs. Aquaman”. Each episode Tom covers a single issue, delivering a summary in which he celebrates the Silver/Bronze Age story-tropes. Oh yeah, he’s damn funny too.
While doing the “Tom vs. the Flash” series of podcasts, he touched on the Firestorm back-up stories. While he wasn’t always kind to Firestorm’s adventures, he certainly was hilarious to listen to. I highly recommend you give these podcasts a try!
You can find “Tom vs. the Flash” on iTunes, his Libsyn page, and his blog. Be sure to check out the podcasts that cover the Firestorm back-up stories in The Flash #289 – #304. Fun stuff! If you enjoy those, you may wish to go back and listen to his “Tom vs. the JLA” episodes that covered Firestorm-centric issues, such as Justice League of America #179 & #180.
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I have a long trip coming up….I think I just found my entertainment! Thanks for the heads up!
Hey check this out.
Felicity Smoak is coming to Arrow.
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