Before drawing The Fury of Firestorm #1, Pat Broderick tackled the Nuclear Man in the Flash back-up stories. Broderick’s first work on the Firestorm character appeared in Flash #303 (Nov. 1981). Check out the splash page below from that issue. I was fortunate enough to meet Pat Broderick back in 1991 and got this issue signed!
Broderick took over the penciling chores from Denys Cowan. Prior to Cowan, George Perez and Jim Starlin had both drawn installments of these Firestorm eight-page back-up stories. Talk about an impressive line-up of talent! I can’t wait to re-read some of these back-up stories in the upcoming Firestorm The Nuclear Man trade paperback!
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Awesome you got this signed. It looks like a great splash page here. I really love the Professor’s word choices… “Ronald, my boy–I strongly urge action!”
I always love great Professor speak.
If this was me, I would be “Ronald! Ronald! Wake the f#$@ up! We’re going to die! Wake up you son of …”