I love old comic advertisements. With my background in marketing and having worked as a comics retailer, I find this stuff fascinating! Today we’re featuring a number of Firestorm promotional blurbs from Amazing Heroes. If you’re not familiar with Amazing Heroes, it was a magazine about comic books published by Fantagraphics Books from 1981 to 1992. It […]
Posts Tagged ‘advertisement’
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Firestorm Joins JLA!
Firestorm joins JLA mentioned in the Daily Planet! … Well, it was mentioned back in 1980. During the Bronze Age, each issue of DC Comics contained an in-house promotional page called “Daily Planet”. The modern equivalent would be the Channel 52 strips or the DC Comics All Access pages. Typical Daily Planet editions included information on upcoming releases or […]
Legends Advertisement (1986)
The following post of awesomeness is dedicated to my good friends: Siskoid, Diabolu Frank, and Benton Grey. Bask in the “Wow” that is Legends, gentleman. Yes, it’s really that good! Click the gorgeous image below to enlarge. Oh yeah, and it’s John Freakin’ Byrne drawing our favorite hot-head! Sweet! A quick nod to a few […]
Elemental Firestorm Promoted in DC Direct Currents #16
A few months ago we ran the back cover of Direct Currents #16 from May 1989. Turns out that back cover was a tie-in with an article within that issue. Check out this cool promotional blurb from Direct Currents #16 about the coming of the Elemental Firestorm! Click the image to enlarge! Man, I love me […]
Daily Planet Headline: Make Way for Firestorm!
Firestorm made the front page of the Daily Planet! .. Well, sort of. During the Bronze Age, each issue of DC Comics contained an in-house promotional page called “Daily Planet”. The modern equivalent would be the Channel 52 strips or the DC Comics All Access pages. Each “Daily Planet” included information on upcoming releases and […]
Direct Currents #16 Promoting Comics Shipping in May 1989
Check out the back cover of Direct Currents #16 from May 1989! It’s a “Collector’s Page” featuring our favorite hothead! If you aren’t familiar with Direct Currents, they were a free, promotional magazine containing approximately 8 pages, that solicited the titles being released by DC Comics that month. It was sort of like a monthly version […]
Firestorm Poster Signed by Writer Dan Jolley
While at DragonCon 2012, I had an opportunity to meet Dan Jolley, original writer for Firestorm vol 3 and creator of Jason Rusch! Our conversation was brief, but he was super-nice! I’m hopeful we’ll get another chance to chat in the future. In the meantime, enjoy his autograph on this awesome promotional poster and check […]
Firestorm in DC Sampler 1983
Russell Burbage, a friend to FIRESTORM FAN and a die-hard Nuclear Sub, was kind enough to send me a copy of DC Sampler 1983! DC Samplers were free promotional comics distributed between 1983 and 1984. I’d heard of them, but had never seen any. Research shows this 1983 issue was the only one to feature […]