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Posts Tagged ‘Victor Garber’

“Firestorm & His Atomic Friends” spin-off is a Go!

Great news! The recently-announced spin-off of Arrow & The Flash has been “picked up”, without even a pilot episode being filmed! That’s right, “Firestorm & His Atomic Friends” should be airing on your TV sometime during mid-season. The odd thing is within the official announcement they misspelled, “Firestorm & His Atomic Friends”. For some reason they spelled it, […]

Firestorm from The Flash T-Shirt – Order Today!

Are you a Firestorm fan and enjoying The Flash TV series? Then pick up this great Firestorm t-shirt today over on Redbubble! The shirt was designed by fellow Match-head, Ben Plavin! The design is a nice representation of the “Splicer” Ronnie Raymond (played by Robbie Amell) & Professor Stein (played by Victor Garber) use to fuse […]

No Robbie Amell in Flash Spin-Off

According to news reports from last week, the unnamed Arrow/Flash spin-off will not include Robbie Amell. We knew he wasn’t part of the initial announcement, but here is further information from Greg Berlanti in a recent Entertainment Weekly interview. One of the main burning questions after the project’s announcement was why Robbie Amell was missing […]

Unite The Seven/Firestorm Debut – FIRE & WATER #118 Play in new window | Download The 118th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. A HUGE week for both Aquaman and Firestorm! Shag and Rob discuss the first official photo of Jason Momoa as […]

BOOM! Firestorm. TV. Series. (plus some other folks)

Firestorm is going to headline an ongoing TV series! Not a hoax! Not a dream! Not an imaginary story! This is happening, Match-heads! Happy early Birthday/Christmas/Life Day all rolled into one! My mind is still reeling! Firestorm, Atom, Captain Cold, and Black Canary starring together in an ongoing team-up TV series?!?!?! Deadline broke the news and […]

The Flash S01E14 Post-Game Report – Fallout

I’m still in total shock! After 37 years in comic books and a handful of appearances in animation, we finally got a proper Firestorm in live action! This week’s episode of The Flash was more than I could of hoped for! I’m not going to spend time recapping the story. You either saw it, or […]

More Firestorm on The Flash tonight!

While this week’s trailer didn’t hint much about Firestorm, we know he’ll play a major role! The episode tonight is appropriately entitled, “Fallout” featuring Robbie Amell and Victor Garber as Firestorm! Below are a few stills from the episode. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the shot below of Ronnie and Professor Stein face-to-face! Looks like they […]

F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M./Aquaman’s New Creative Team – FIRE & WATER #116 Play in new window | Download The 116th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. This week Shag and Rob discuss the ongoing Firestorm storyline on The Flash, followed by a brief chat about Aquaman‘s […]

The Flash S01E13 Post-Game Report – The Nuclear Man

Wow! An entire episode of a live action TV show focused on Firestorm! As a fan for the past 30 years, I hoped for this but never imagined it would actually happen! I’m not going to spend a lot of time recapping the story from last night. You either saw it, or can find a […]

“The Nuclear Man” on The Flash Tonight!!!

If you’re not too busy tonight (and if it’s not too much trouble), you might want to check out The Flash. No pressure.  Nothing big, just THE MOMENT EVERY MATCH-HEAD HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!!!! The episode tonight is entitled, “The Nuclear Man” featuring Robbie Amell and Victor Garber as Firestorm! Below are a few stills […]

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