If you’re not too busy tonight (and if it’s not too much trouble), you might want to check out The Flash. No pressure. Nothing big, just THE MOMENT EVERY MATCH-HEAD HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!
The episode tonight is entitled, “The Nuclear Man” featuring Robbie Amell and Victor Garber as Firestorm! Below are a few stills from the episode.
Check out the preview and sneak peek below!
So excited for tonight!!!
Support Firestorm (and The Flash)! Fan the flame!

Wow! I am both thrilled and disappointed at the same time. Thrilled to see the story center on Firestorm. Disappointed in some of the directions they took with the character. Thrilled to see Firestorm in action. Disappointed in (CENSORED–no spoilers yet).
However, things can fuse together here soon I’m sure. (pun intended). There are so many things I hope to see happen here. I can see lots of hope here. The question is, will it happen? These shows seem to like to kill off main, strong supporting characters.
Any word if Firestorm will be in Season #2 of the Flash?
And anyone else think General Eiling (Clancy Brown) would make an awesome Major Force Character?
Looking forward to a good discussion this week!
Loved the show. I think the General will scoop up Firestorm and the team will think he’s dead again. And the General will misuse our hero.