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The 118th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.
A HUGE week for both Aquaman and Firestorm! Shag and Rob discuss the first official photo of Jason Momoa as Aquaman, as well as the debut of Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm on THE FLASH! Finally, we wrap up with your Listener Feedback!
You can find the 118th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (80 MB).
As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by InStockTrades.com!
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Thanks for listening! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Wow, Shag with the (nuclear) burn! How’s that crow tastin’, Rob?
Love the stinger at the end.
Of course my comments on the hows and whys of Reverse Flash now seem way off base…Thawne may just be a red herring, inserted to throw us know-it-all nerds off.
I can’t really say much more about Firestorm on the Flash, other than it was a homerun. I really hope we see Amell on this new spin-off series.
Shagg, I do have to come to the defense of Brandon Routh a bit. I feel the guy gets a lot of guff for Superman Returns, when I think he turned in a solid performance, despite being hindered with essentially playing the ghost of Christopher Reeve, and not his own version of Superman. I like Robbie Amell, but I think I’d have to put Routh in in the lead for acting chops in that race. I think he and Garber can carry a series just fine, although I want Firestorm complete.
Aquaman…I’m just going to wait until I see the film. If you think about it, this is kind of like casting Cathy Lee Crosby as Wonder Woman back in 1974. She looked nothing like the classic Wonder Woman, but the movie (near as I can remember) worked for what it was, and she was a psuedo-amalgam of the classic Wonder Woman and the then-recent “karate-choppin” Diana Prince: Wonder Woman run.
I second Earth 2 Chris’s comment re: Brandon Routh. I think Routh is a better actor than Amell from what I’ve seen so far in their careers. Routh has been one of the best actors on Arrow since he joined the cast, frankly. I love that show, but he’s easily one of the more natural performers on the show. His performance has been a revelation to me, honestly. I think he could easily carry his own show. Looks like we’ll get to see more of him on the spinoff show. Now this is not meant to rip on Amell, I think he’s been terrific on Flash so far. But I think Routh has been a step above, that’s all.
I think once Mamoa was cast in the Aquaman role, it was obvious he’d be done up to resemble PAD era Aquaman. And as much as I love classic Aquaman and it’s easily one of my fave comics looks, I am not sure how that would be replicated on film. So this may have been the only way for them to do the character, visually, especially within the realm of grim ‘n’ gritty that (for some reason) DC has settled on as their default movie universe aesthetic. Ah well.
Also with regard to the “Unite the Seven” tag, I believe they are reviving Green Lantern for a film in the coming years – wasn’t GL one of the umpteen films WB announced for the next 8 or 9 years? So that would make him the 7th JL member.
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Sorry about that last comment, my cat just worked over the keyboard. Nice episode, anyway.
1) Bought and read the Ronin trade in the early ’90s. Thought it was a lame mash-up of Akira, Lone Wolf & Cub, and any random period issue of Heavy Metal Magazine. Haven’t read it since, but I suspect I’d be even less tolerant of it now than in my more forgiving earlier years. Tried to read Understanding Comics, but got frustrated with having stuff I intuited as a child explained to me in detail.
2) If it helps, my non-comic reading girlfriend saw the “Unite the Seven” image and said that’s not Aquaman, who she knew from Super Friends. And she’d have preferred the Aryan pretty boy, just like she favors Loki over Thor. But casting a minority suits the Sub-Mariner well, and was totally the way to go. His “otherness” is part of Namor’s identity, and Momoa is quite close to Jae Lee’s take on the character.
3) But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever discussed Firestorm the Nuclear Man with NotFrank1. Now I’m curious…
Another great show guys.
As far as the Unite The Seven Aquaman….
Like Rob, I’m happy to see DC/WB finally giving Aquaman a chance at live action, I just wish they’d give Aquaman an actually chance.
This Aquaman looks like a cross between PAD’s Aquaman and Namor.
But enough about the fish guy…
FIRESTORM was soooooooooooooooo farkin’ awesome.
I’ve had to re-watch his scenes a couple of times. I’ve left those two episodes of Flash on my DVR so I can get a Firestorm fix every so often…. 8)
Anyways… until next time…
Fan The Flame and Ride The Red Head!
Fan The Flame and Ride The Red Head?! Aaron Moss that is GENIUS!
I stand by a comment I posted to a Facebook thread Andy Kapellusch started. While I personally love the Peter David Aquaman, and am 100% ok with the Mamoa shot we got, I know some have their concerns and doubts, and I respect that! I think we all need to keep something else in mind though…we’re looking at a picture. A single static image. Until we see it in motion, with dialogue, delivery, and in story context it’s hard to tell what we’ll really get…beyond a pretty kick ass costume and trident!
And Firestorm on Flash? AWESOME!
By the way, thanks for plugging me Shag! I was really just kinda of kidding about the Showcase Blue Beetle thing, but I always appreciate the mention! So remember folks, you can find me at Kord Industries, Legion of Super-Bloggers and Firestorm Fan (which I owe a couple Futures End posts for)