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Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Wears Firestorm

This past week on The Big Bang Theory, the character of Sheldon was spotted wearing a t-shirt featuring Firestorm!  The episode was entitled “The Russian Rocket Reaction” and you can see the shirt below.

Big Bang Theory - Sheldon wears Firestorm

Below is a close-up of the t-shirt image.  We featured it here on FIRESTORM FAN back in 2009.  It’s an unusual collection of characters: Red Tornado, Doctor Fate, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, and everybody’s favorite Nuclear Man.  Near as I can figure, the artwork on this shirt must have been produced in conjunction with the second wave of Super Powers action figures.  These happen to be the exact five superheroes that were released in that wave.  Otherwise, I can’t think of a time these particular heroes were together for an image like this.  You can order yourself one of these great-looking shirts from Graphitti Designs by clicking here.

Super Powers t-shirt with Firestorm, Green Arrow, Red Tornado, Doctor Fate, and Martian Manhunter

My thanks to match-head Ken Deemer for the heads-up about this Firestorm sighting!

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Firestorm Icons for Your Desktop

Match-head Christopher Chance has put together some fantastic Firestorm-themed desktop icons for your computer! To download the ZIP file of icons: right-click here, then choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (8.5 MB).  Also, click here for a tutorial on changing your desktop icons if you don’t know how already (yes, that’s Christopher Chance in the tutorial).

Below you’ll find a visual guide to all 57 icons!  So friggin’ cool!

Firestorm Desktop Icons

Below is an example of Christopher’s desktop using some of these Firestorm icons, along with a Firestorm wallpaper!

Firestorm desktop

Just a quick disclaimer… these icons are not to be sold, but may be freely given. Firestorm, his likeness, and related characters are the property of DC Comics. So don’t sell them, unless you are really anxious to be sued by DC Comics or Warner Bros.

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Gail Simone Quits Firestorm? Also, Professor Stein Still Alive?

There is a rumor going around that Gail Simone has left The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men.  I certainly hope this isn’t true.  The first issue got off to a great start and I’d hate to see this creative team broken up.

If the rumor of Gail’s departure is true, I’m sad to see her leave the book. I really enjoyed the first issue and her script was fantastic!  Additionally, I appreciate all the support she’s given the FIRESTORM FAN site. The support from Gail, Ethan Van Sciver, and Yildiray Cinar has been one of the highlights of running this site.

I’m not typically one for spreading rumors or re-posting others content, but I’m doing both in this case in order to get information out to you match-heads as quickly as possible.  I felt this was big enough Firestorm-related news to share in this fashion.  Below is the news story as run on Bleeding Cool.

The hottest rumour burning down the pre-NYCC parties is that Gail Simone, co-writer of DC Relaunch title Fury Of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men with Ethan Van Sciver, has walked off the comic.

The reason being given by the Manhattan tittle tattlers is over editorial conflicts over the book, the kind of thing alluded to here.

This only applies to Firestorm however, this is not the case with the bestselling DC relaunch comic Batgirl, also written by Simone. But for many, Simone is not just a good writer, but seen as fighting the case for female creators and characters at the company. If indeed she has left the series over the reasons suggested, that won’t play well for DC this week. Expect it to be a topic of converation at the DC party, certainly.

Because it seems that Simone did have plans for Firestorm, if this panel from today’s Batgirl #2 is any indication…
Batgirl #2 - Professor Martin Stein

Professor Stein… is alive?

Neither Gail nor Ethan returned emails. DC Comics declined to comment.

There you go.  You know as much as I do.  Let’s continue to hope this rumor is false.  If the rumor turns out to be true, I wish Gail success in all future projects.  I picked up Batgirl #1 and #2 today.  Great comics!  I highly recommend them for all match-heads… heck, I’ll recommend Batgirl for everyone!  It’s that good!

Oh yeah, that “Professor Steins Alive” teaser from Batgirl #2 is AWESOME!

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Geoff Johns on Gehenna’s Death in “Blackest Night”

Geoff Johns shared some thoughts on the death of Gehenna, Jason Rusch’s girlfriend, in Blackest Night: The Director’s Cut #1 (June 2010).  The Director’s Cut features commentary on the mini-series by: Geoff Johns (Writer), Ivan Reis (Penciller), Oclair Albert (Inker), Joe Prado (Inker), Alex Sinclair (Colorist), Nick J. Napolitano (Letterer), Adam Schlagman (Associate Editor), and Eddie Berganza (Editor).

Below you’ll find the commentary relevant to Gehenna’s death in Blackest Night #3.  Notice Geoff’s comments at the end…

 Blackest Night Director's Cut - Geoff Johns on Gehenna's Death

In case you have trouble reading the graphic above, here is Geoff’s quote:

GEOFF JOHNS: This was the hardest death scene I ever wrote.  The torture is not only on Gen, but Jason.  I knew this was going to have major fallout well beyond BLACKEST NIGHT and into BRIGHTEST DAY after Ronnie Raymond returned. Firestorm, like Aquaman and Martian Manhunter, is one of DC’s mainstays in my opinion and deserves some more spotlight in the center of the DCU.

That death scene was seriously gut-wrenching for Firestorm fans and those just learning about the character during Blackest Night.  Given the emotional and graphic nature of the scene, I’m content knowing Geoff struggled writing Gehenna’s death and understood the downstream impact.  I’m also heartened by Geoff’s comment about Firestorm being one of DC’s mainstays!  If it weren’t for Geoff’s love of Firestorm, the character probably wouldn’t have been a major player in Brightest Day.  Thanks Geoff for re-popularizing our favorite hot-head!

My thanks to match-head Ed “The Unique Geek” for the heads-up on this!

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September Comic Sales Figures – DC on Top!

DC Comics’ The New 52 titles ruled September! Newsarama has published the Diamond Comic Distributors sales data for September 2011 and DC Comics was clearly the top performing company!  You can see the original data over on The Comic Chronicles by clicking here, or read Newsarama’s analysis by clicking here.  Suffice to say 17 of the top 20 comics sold in September were published by DC Comics!  The article breaks out the top 100 comics sold, measured by units and dollars.  The last time DC Comics was the undisputed leader in comic and graphic novel sales was October 2007.  Congratulations, DC Comics!

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men

Now you’re probably wondering about The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1, right?  After all, you are reading a Firestorm blog.  Well, in September our favorite Nuclear Men came in at 46th in units sold, and 47th in dollars.  46th, huh?  Not as high as I was hoping, but after looking at the chart it’s pretty encouraging.  There were 52 DC Comics released in September as part of The New 52 (duh), and Fury of Firestorm landed as the 30th book in units sold of The New 52.  That’s good news!  Fury of Firestorm out-performed other books such as: X-Men, Secret Avengers, Wolverine, Legion of Super-Heroes, Animal Man, Blue Beetle, and many others. Also, just think how good these rankings will look once they include digital sales! Overall, I think it’s fair to say Fury of Firestorm #1 was a success! Below you’ll find the entire list from The Comic Chronicles.

September 2011 Comic Sales according to The Comics Chronicles

Congratulations to DC Comics, Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone, Yildiray Cinar, the folks in DC Editorial and Marketing, and anyone else involved in making Fury of Firestorm and The New 52 such a success!

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Fury of Firestorm #1 – Did you notice…

It’s been a few weeks since the new Firestorm series hit the stands, so I now feel pretty comfortable dishing out spoilers here.  However, if you haven’t read the first issue, STOP READING NOW!  Seriously, dude… there be SPOILERS ahead for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1.








The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 – “God Particle”
Co-Plotters: Ethan Van Sciver and Gail Simone
Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Yildiray Cinar
Cover Artist: Ethan Van Sciver with Hi-Fi
Colorist: Steve Buccellato
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Asst. Editor: Richey Purdin
Editor: Rachel Gluckstern

If you’d like my complete spoiler-filled review, please check out The Fire and Water Podcast episode 4.  In that episode Rob of The Aquaman Shrine and I go through the entire issue.

Today we’re going to focus on a few tidbits worth noticing in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1… Y’know, we REALLY need an abbreviation or nickname for that title.  It exhausts my fingers just typing it. How about TFOF:TNM?  That’s not much better.  Hmmm… maybe Firestorm v4?  Still not there…  I don’t know.  Anyone, feel free to leave a comment with suggestions for an abbreviation or nickname for this new series.  No haters need apply.

First up, I gotta talk about the most jaw-dropping page in the book.  Below you’ll find the bottom half of page 10…

Firestorms from FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Prior to the release of issue #1, we’d heard there was more than one Firestorm.  I didn’t imagine we’d get a glimpse of so many in the first issue!  Starting at the far left and working clockwise:

  • No obvious hint on this character, but my gut tells me he’s connected to the Middle East.  Additionally, notice his hair looks reminiscent of the Elemental Firestorm’s flowing mane.
  • This next character appears to be the New 52 incarnation of Firehawk.  This theory is supported by the teaser image we saw prior to the release of issue #1. No obvious hints as to her location, but with the red and white costume motif it’s possible she’s from Canada, Japan, Denmark, or Poland… or perhaps she’s just a really big fan of Van Halen’s Diver Down album.
  • The next character appears to be from Great Britain.  I’m looking forward to seeing more of this particular character.
  • Next up is the Firestorm we saw on the cover of TFOF:TNM #4.  (that abbreviation is still rubbish — don’t forget to put your suggestions in the comments!)  Due to the Russian language characters on the cover, I’m guessing he’s .. well, Russian.  Perhaps his metallic chest plate is representative of the Iron Curtain.  I suppose it’s possible he’s the Middle Eastern Firestorm since that geographic area is referenced in the solicitation, however, I’m hoping this is Mikhail Arkadin/Pozhar.
  • Finally, on the bottom appears to be a Chinese Firestorm.  His costume and flame affects look REALLY cool!  Being outside with people watching suggests this Firestorm is publicly known, rather than hidden in a laboratory somewhere.

Next up, I want to talk about the mercenaries in issue #1.  Using the original solicitation as a guide, I’m guessing the mercenary team is called the “Dog Team”, even though they are not specifically named in the issue.  Did you happen to catch the name of the lead mercenary?  If not, check out the page below and notice the two bits I highlighted in orange.

Cliff Carmichael in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

That’s right, it’s Cliff Carmichael!  This is an updated incarnation of our favorite jerk from the original Firestorm continuity!  Honestly, I didn’t catch his name the first time through.  I didn’t figure this out until I read a Tweet from Firestorm creator Gerry Conway about the new Cliff.  This time around, Cliff is an unforgivable murderer.  On the positive side, he’s got the beginnings of the Cliff Carmichael trademark mutton-chops.  :)

Another member of the Dog Team is Dr. Loren Fortier.  She’s the sadistic killer with purple hair seen in the panel above and below.  Notice the “Z” shaped scar on her cheek.  I’m not sure what that represents, but I’m guessing it’ll be important later.  Maybe she ticked off Zorro.  Dr. Loren Fortier is a character to watch as you’ll see below…

Doctor Loren Fortier, Killer Frost, in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

When Jason and Ronnie were transformed into Firestorms by the blast from the magnetic bottle, Dr. Loren Fortier caught a health dose herself of that transformative energy.  See below…

Doctor Loren Fortier, Killer Frost, in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Remember that amazing two-page spread when we first see Jason and Ronnie as Firestorm?  Did you notice the hand in the middle bursting from the ground?  Yup, that’s Dr. Loren Fortier.

Doctor Loren Fortier, Killer Frost, in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Check out the panels below of Cliff Carmichael trying to aid Dr. Loren Fortier…

Doctor Loren Fortier, Killer Frost, in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Doctor Loren Fortier, Killer Frost, in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Let’s see… Dr. Loren Fortier was caught in a nuclear blast, her skin turned blue, she hurt Cliff when she touched his arm, and ice crystals appeared to grow on the ground around her arm.  Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? That’s right, it’s a pretty safe bet she will be our new Killer Frost!  I’ve been thinking about the “Z” shaped scar on her cheek.  It’s possible they may choose to call her something other than Killer Frost. They might play off the “Z” shaped scar and call her something with the name “Zero”, as in zero temperature.  Just a thought, but I personally hope they stick with the name Killer Frost.

Finally, did you spot the cosmic purple-hooded lady from Flashpoint #5 that has been popping up in each New 52 #1 issue?  She’s on the third to the last page, right above Jason and Ronnie as they burst from the school.  Nice hiding spot, Yildiray!  It took me a while to find her.  :)

Purple hooded lady from Flashpoint in FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Did you spot any other “Easter eggs”?  If so, be sure to share them in the comments.  I’m looking forward to issue #2!

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German Blackest Night with Firestorm Variant Cover

Our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog, recently picked up this German language BLACKEST NIGHT comic from eBay.  It sports a limited edition variant cover featuring an Ethan Van Sciver drawing of the Black Lantern Firestorm.

Blackest Night in German

You can find the Dutch language eBay listing by clicking here.  Below is the translation of the eBay page (colors too) …




Limited to 222 copies extreme German variant cover editions of Panini Germany


(contains the exclusive German edition of U.S. Black Lantern Blackest Night of Files: Director’s Cut # 1)
Was only at Comic Action 2010 in Essen, available and sold out immediately.

Of course, unread, in perfect condition “0, 0-1″ (nm m /)!


Below are a couple pages from the comic…

Blackest Night in German

Blackest Night in German

Pretty cool-looking BLACKEST NIGHT support comic featuring a Black Lantern Firestorm variant cover!  Those wacky Germans get all the fun!  :)

Thanks again to our good buddy Jon of the Firestorm-themed FIZZIT blog for the heads-up on this comic!  Be sure to check out Jon’s awesome Firestorm original art collection!

Stütze Feuersturm! Fan der Flamme!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #1 Alternate Cover

That’s right, the header for this posting isn’t a mis-print.  Today we’re talking about an unused alternate cover by Pat Broderick for THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #1 (1982).

I didn’t even know this piece of artwork existed! Thankfully fellow match-head Philip Rutledge directed me to Heritage Auctions where it was being sold.  The auction ended on September 11 with a final sale price of $537.75.  Congrats to whoever picked up this beautiful piece!  Such a great piece of art with amazing line work! Click the image below for a much larger version (1.78 MB).

Fury of Firestorm #1 alternate cover by Pat Broderick

Below you’ll find the description from the Heritage Auctions website of the artwork above.

Pat Broderick The Fury of Firestorm #1 Alternative Unused Cover Original Art (DC, 1982). Firestorm busts a nuclear move on what we believe to be a preliminary cover design for The Fury of Firestorm #1, as it’s similar to that issue’s cover. The art has an image area of 10″ x 15″. Aside from some light paper tanning and light edge wear (well outside the image area), the condition is Very Good.

For comparison purposes, below you’ll find the published cover to THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1 (1982).  I’m a little torn which would have made the better cover to issue #1.  My gut tells me the published artwork was the better choice, but I keep looking at the unpublished piece and finding more things I like about it.

Fury of Firestorm #1 cover by Pat Broderick

For more Firestorm original artwork by Pat Broderick on Heritage Auctions, please click here.  If you like Firestorm original artwork, click here for a cool collection of scans assembled by Philip Rutledge.  In case you’re wondering, he doesn’t own all this original artwork, he just assembled the scans into one cool package.  Thanks, Phil!

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More Yildiray Cinar Firestorm Artwork

Yildiray Cinar recently posted a couple really cool Firestorm-related pieces!

First up is the cover to his fourth sketchbook which he posted on his website.  According to Yildiray, this 28-page sketchbook features lots of behind-the-scenes stuff from Firestorm!  If you’re heading to the New York Comic Con October 13 – 16, check out Yildiray in Artist Alley at table V 18.  He’ll be selling signed sketchbooks for $10.  After the con, check with The Art of Comics for details on how to order a sketchbook.

Yildiray Cinar sketchbook cover featuring Fury from Firestorm

Next up is the uncolored page 17 from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1.  Yildiray posted this to Twitter and Facebook.  Without the colors, you can clearly see the marker and inkwashes on this page.  Simply gorgeous!

Yildiray Cinar page 17 from FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

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More Firestorm Cubees

A while back we looked at a Firestorm Cubee created by Joshua Wolf.  Today we’re looking at a few more of these adorable, do-it-yourself folks.  They are called Cubees and are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! I haven’t assembled these particular ones yet, but here are the patterns.

First up you’ll find Jason Rusch as Firestorm.  Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Firestorm Jason Rusch Cubee

Next up is a two-part Firehawk cubee, with her fiery wings on the second page.  Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Firehawk cubee

Firehawk cubee

Finally, here is a Killer Frost cubee.  I love the red circle through the Firestorm logo! Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Killer Frost cubee

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