Today we’re looking at more adorable do-it-yourself Cubees designed by Joshua Wolf! This time around he’s focused on several of the Nuclear Man’s rogues! These are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! To get an idea what an assembled Cubee looks like, check out this Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) Cubee. Previously, we’ve […]
Posts Tagged ‘Cubee’
Plastique in DC Comics Encyclopedia & Plastique Cubee!
Today we continue PLASTIQUE WEEK! First up is Plastique’s entry from DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008). I recommend fans of DC Comics’ continuity prior to The New 52 pick up the DC Comics Encyclopedia. This is an outstanding resource book and makes for fun reading. Maybe I’m just a junkie for […]
More Firestorm Cubees
A while back we looked at a Firestorm Cubee created by Joshua Wolf. Today we’re looking at a few more of these adorable, do-it-yourself folks. They are called Cubees and are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! I haven’t assembled these particular ones yet, but here are the patterns. First up […]
Firestorm Cubed
Check out this adorable, do-it-yourself Firestorm! It’s called a Cubee and is made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! There are zillions of different Cubees out on the interwebs. This particular one was designed by Joshua Wolf. To provide a sense of scale, below is the Cubee along with the Super Powers […]