Here are a couple fun pages of Gehenna giving a hard time to the Justice Society International. … That sound you hear is a bunch of Match-heads scratching their noggin’ thinking, “What the heck is the JSI?!?” The JSI was a team featured in the altered timeline of the Trinity maxi-series. From Trinity #22, Gehenna […]
Posts Tagged ‘Gehenna’
Holiday Break
I’m gonna take a few days off from blogging due to the holidays and some painful deadlines at work. I’ll see you in a few days! Meanwhile, check out Jason and Gehenna at the JLA Christmas party from the 2008 DC Universe Holiday Special. Story by Alan Burnett with art by Kevin Maguire. In this […]
Geoff Johns on Gehenna’s Death in “Blackest Night”
Geoff Johns shared some thoughts on the death of Gehenna, Jason Rusch’s girlfriend, in Blackest Night: The Director’s Cut #1 (June 2010). The Director’s Cut features commentary on the mini-series by: Geoff Johns (Writer), Ivan Reis (Penciller), Oclair Albert (Inker), Joe Prado (Inker), Alex Sinclair (Colorist), Nick J. Napolitano (Letterer), Adam Schlagman (Associate Editor), and […]
Blackest Night to Brightest Day: What a Long Strange Trip
Tomorrow will see the release of Brightest Day #24, the final issue in the year-long saga. However, if you really think about it this story began with Blackest Night. Firestorm fans have their fingers crossed that our hero will exit Brightest Day ready to start a new life of adventure with Ronnie and Jason working […]
Deathstorm’s Winter Fun
Fellow Firestorm fan, A.j. Chwaster, was kind enough to direct me towards his Firestorm-themed holiday comic strip for 2010. You may recall last year he did the “Under the Mistletoe with Firestorm” comic strip. This year he focuses on Firestorm’s doppelganger. Seems Deathstorm is out keeping slippery snowy sidewalks safe for everyone this winter, but […]
Brightest Day Teaser and Solicitations
DC Comics released a Brightest Day teaser image on their blog yesterday. Below you’ll find the Brightest Day teaser image, click to enlarge. Such a cool shot, and so full of clues! Below I’ve zoomed in on Ronnie and Jason so you can get a better look at what they’re doing. JUST THE FACTS, MA’AM: […]
Brightest Day #0 – Ronnie & Jason BFF
Brightest Day #0 came out yesterday and there were four pages of Firestorm story. Those four pages are presented below. I’m publishing these pages here as this is such an important point for our favorite Nuclear Man. Going forward, I don’t believe I’ll be posting every Firestorm appearance page-by-page. In addition to the burden of […]
Under the Mistletoe with Firestorm
Happy Holidays! Here is a funny created by Andy C. of the Unique Geek listserv using the Marvel Comic Book Creator. Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
Nuclear News – 2009-12-16 – Gerry Conway Interview, JLA, Vs The Senty, and other web findings
Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. I guess the biggest news about Firestorm this week is my own. Gerry Conway, co-creator of Firestorm and writer of the character for nine years, was kind enough to grant an interview for FIRESTORM FAN! […]
Nuclear News – 2009.10.12 – Recent Firestorm Appearances
Seems like Firestorm is all over the place right now. Below is a list of recent appearances you may wish to track down. Besides Blackest Night, I don’t know of any other upcoming Firestorm appearances. The comics below may very well be the final Firestorm appearances pre-Blackest Night continuity. Blackest Night #3 (of 8 ) […]