Only one week left until the release of THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1 and the hype engine is running on all cylinders!
On Monday, DC started a Firestorm Scavenger Hunt across the internet for teaser images. According to Gail Simone on Twitter, there are four different Firestorm teaser images scattered on various news/social websites. I’ve stumbled across three of the four teaser images, and have no idea where to find the fourth. The first three images are posted below. If you come across the fourth, please let me know! Click each image to enlarge.
The first teaser appeared on Comic Vine and featured the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm.
The second teaser appeared on Yildiray and featured the Jason Rusch Firestorm.
This third teaser appeared on Comics Alliance. Given the blue flaming (and feathery) wings and feminine arm, many are guessing this represents The New 52 version of Firehawk.
What a great teaser phrase, “The World is Watching”!
You’ll notice the second image features the release date, “September 28, 2011″. Only the early releases of these images include the date. Perhaps DC hopes to use the advertisements beyond the first issue. Just guessing.
Remember, if you come across the fourth teaser image, please let me know!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Been looking around for this, but haven’t found it. You’d think in the Google age it wouldn’t be that hard to find, right? Were the others released in a staggered manner — that is, might the fourth one not be posted yet?
There’s also an issue preview on MTV Geek, but I refuse to read it. I can wait a week for the real deal.
[…] Study the teaser advertisements […]
[…] Cinar posted a super-cool new teaser image promoting issue #2! This image is similar to the teaser images released prior to issue #1. Who is featured in this teaser? Possibly the new villain Helix? Click the image below to […]