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Count Drunkula’s Firestorm Fan Casting

Firestorm Fan Casting

Ever thought up your own ideal Firestorm movie casting? Well our buddy Ryan Daly has done exactly that! You may know Ryan better as the madman called “Count Drunkula”, or as the man behind the Flowers and Fishnets: A Black Canary Blog. Either way, check out his five-part Firestorm movie fan casting!

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JLA featuring Firestorm in Who’s Who – 1986

Below is the Justice League of America entry by Luke McDonnell and Bill Wray from Who’s Who: The Definite Directory of the DC Universe vol XII (cover dated February 1986).

To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of this piece. While Luke McDonnell is great for gritty books like Suicide Squad, I never warmed to him on the JLA. Given that the JLA is the top-tier team of the DC Universe (and this was released moments after Crisis on Infinite Earths), they probably should have gone with someone like George Perez for this particular Who’s Who entry. Just my two cents.  Click the image to enlarge.

Justice League of America by Luke McDonnell and Bill Wray

I’ve featured this previously as part of the WHO’S WHO PODCAST coverage, but never as a stand alone post.  I figured it deserved the extra attention.

By this post, you can probably guess what I’ve got on the brain. Might be recording something in the near future…

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Killer Frost #1, Black Manta #1, & Listener Feedback – FIRE & WATER #65

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 65th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

It’s Villains Month at DC Comics! Rob and Shag cover Killer Frost #1 (by Sterling Gates, Derlis Santacruz, and Brett Smith) and Black Manta #1 (by Geoff Johns, Tony Bedard, Claude St. Aubin, and Blond). We also spend time discussing Geoff Johns’ upcoming departure from Aquaman, the return of a beloved character, and Listener Feedback!

You can find the 65th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (40 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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Check out the covers to Justice League of America #7.2 Killer Frost #1 below! Cover by Tony S. Daniel and Matt Banning! Click to enlarge!

Justice League of America #7.2: Killer Frost #1 by Sterling Gates, Derlis Santacruz, and Tony S Daniel

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Firestorm by Mark Kalmbach

Mark Kalmbach sent me these fun Firestorm pics he drew! I love the face on the one below!

Firestorm by Mark Kalmbach

Just for fun.. Mark doctored this photo of myself and my good friend, Michael Bailey!

It’s Fire-Shag!

Fire-Shag and Michael Bailey

My thanks to Mark for these super-fun drawings!

Support Firestorm (and Mark Kalmbach)! Fan the flame!

Pre-order your Dan Jurgens’ FIRESTORM trade paperback

Be sure to pre-order your copy of the THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN VOL. 3 – TAKEOVER trade paperback! You can get the entire Dan Jurgens run in one collected edition! Most local comic book shops will be placing their orders for this collection with their distributors within the next few days. Don’t miss the chance to pre-order this trade paperback!

Even if you already have the issues, order a copy of this trade! We may not have an ongoing series to support, but let’s show our support for any new Firestorm-related material! Besides, these issues by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, Karl Kesel, and Hi-Fi Color are really fun! Order today! Below is the solicited cover for this collection (from issue #14). Click the image to enlarge!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man Trade 3 Takeover

Here is the solicitation:

In these stories from issues #13-20, Ronnie and Jason have managed to get their superpowered alias in check, but with Super-Villains like Multiplex and agents of Project N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Firestorm’s future is uncertain.
Written by: Dan Jurgens
Art by: Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy
Cover by: Dan Jurgens
Color/B&W: Color
Page Count: 176
U.S. Price: $16.99
On Sale Date: Dec 18 2013

Support Firestorm! It’s not just slogan! Seriously, SUPPORT FIRESTORM by ordering this trade paperback! Fan the Flame!

Bruce Timm discusses Firestorm & the Justice League Unlimited cartoon

Sadly, our favorite Nuclear Man never appeared in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon. However, there were apparently discussions about using the character. In a previous post, we shared some of the rumors and some visuals showing how Firestorm might have looked on the show.

Well, thanks to a comment here at FIRESTORM FAN, I stumbled across a series of forum posts in which Bruce Timm himself discussed the JLU Firestorm plans! I’ve posted Timm’s comments below. These were written in April 2007.

Firestorm in Justice League Unlimited?

[In response to a question about Multiplex and Firestorm]

but as for firestorm hisself…

i think i’ve mentioned this before, we definitely WERE planning on using him in JLU, but it just never worked out….”the greatest story never told” started as a firestorm story, but as we were breaking the story it became more and more comedic, and we soon realised it would work better with booster gold in the lead….

and actually, we had started with a quite different story altogether that we ended up killing at the outline stage…it was going to be firestorm’s origin, with a jl vs. clayface “a-plot” mixed in, but it just wasn’t working, so we threw it out and started over from scratch….after several more false starts we wound up with the “greatest story” plot, and then had to replace firestorm to make it work….

[In response to comment about the design of Firestorm’s costume]

and THAT’S why he never showed up at all, not even as a “seat-filler / red-shirt” hero — james and i both did a few firestorm sketches and quickly decided WE didn’t really care a whole lot for his costume either!

if his story had actually gone through, we would have HAD to find a way to transform the basic design into something we found visually appealing, but still retained some of the original motifs…for sure we would have kept the flaming head (you can never have too many of those) and DEFINITELY would have lost the puffy sleeves…. but when we killed the story, we realised we already had enough “background” heroes, and didn’t need to bother cracking the “firestorm” code…

[In response to a comment about Firestorm talking with Professor Stein]

firestorm’s ongoing “one-sided dialogue” with prof. stein was, of course, one of the things we liked the most about the character, the one signature gimmick that makes him unique (among dc heroes anyway — the gimmick is obviously a blatant lift from mar-vell / rick jones)…

…but it made the story-break process even harder and more complex — setting up ronnie raymond’s back-story, introducing the professor, showing the accident that fused ’em, showing him discovering his new powers and dealing with the prof.’s disembodied voice in his head PLUS having a real JL action “a-plot”, and ending with firestorm officially joining the JLU — that’s a helluva lot of story to cram into 22 minutes…

one of the “false start” story ideas we toyed with for a hot minute: we were thinking of doing a story with firestorm and professor stein narrating the entire episode in “director’s commentary” style…..but soon realised it would be just way too confusing to a non-geek audience, without having already set-up the firestorm gimmick in a previous episode…not to mention having TWO disembodied voices narrating the story would almost completely cancel out the effectiveness of prof. stein’s usual presence…

hmmm…come to think of it, i wonder if we were subconciously remembering firestorm when we came up with the lex / brainiac’s ghost gimmiick in the “legion of doom” arc…..but no, actually, i think we were just stealing from “six feet under”….

[In response to a question if any Firestorm sketches were still lying around somewhere]

nope, they were crap.


There you have it, from the man himself! Now we know they were interested in using Firestorm, but just couldn’t make it work. While I wish he’d appeared, I guess it’s somewhat gratifying to know he was considered.

Support Firestorm (and Bruce Timm)! Fan the flame!

Hey Kids, Comics!: A Fire and Water Podcast Special

The Fire and Water Podcast: Hey Kids Comics Special

We’ve got a very special episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST today focusing on Hey Kids, Comics!: True-Life Tales from the Spinner Rack! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

In this episode, Shag and Rob talk about the origins of Hey Kids, Comics!: True-Life Tales from the Spinner Rack, the vintage photos, and present audio clips of some of the essays read by the authors themselves! Featuring the guest voices of West Anthony, Sholly Fisch, Paul Kupperberg, and Erika D. Peterman!

You can find this special episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (27 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Here are some important links:

Support Firestorm and Aquaman (and Hey Kids Comics)! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Blank Slate Firestorm RPG stats from Dragon Magazine

Just when I think I’ve seen every Firestorm-related RPG item, a gem like this turns up!

While doing research for the new DC RPG: THE HERO POINTS PODCAST (you do know about the new podcast, right?), Siskoid informed me that for many years Dragon Magazine featured a one-page “Daily Planet Gaming Supplement” for the DC Heroes RPG. I had no idea! Turns out there was a Firestorm entry in 1988!!! How cool is this?!?! Click below to enlarge.

Black Slate Firestorm RPG stats from Dragon Magazine

What fascinates me about this entry is that its focused on the “Blank Slate” Firestorm! Hooray! Essentially Mayfair took the stats for the classic Firestorm (first edition RPG rules, as that was the only edition at the time), and made some minor alterations to accommodate the new incarnation. See below a breakdown of the major changes from the classic Nuclear Man.

  • Miscellaneous Limitation: A third personality controls the Firestorm body, rather than Ronnie or Mikhail.
  • Minor Irrational Attraction: Confusion about the world.  This is to represent the “blank slate” nature of the new Firestorm personality. It’s worded strangely, but I understand the spirit of the item.
  • Lowered Intelligence by 2 ratings, to represent the loss of Professor Stein.
  • Added Starbolt power. This is probably just a correction as it should have been included with the original Firestorm.
  • Finally, added Bio-Energy Blast power, limited to contact with the ground to create miniature exploding volcanoes. This was a power Firestorm inherited from Pozhar (as demonstrated below).

Blank Slate Firestorm and Energy Geyser

I’m thrilled to find the “Blank Slate” Firestorm getting some respect in the RPG! Years later Mayfair published a Who’s Who companion for 2nd edition which indicated the classic and “Blank Slate” versions of Firestorm had identical abilities. So not true!!! That never sat well with me. This version above accounts for the differences pretty well. For other Firestorm stats, please see below.

Support Firestorm (and DC Comics Role-playing Games)! Fan the flame!

Go read JLA #7.2: KILLER FROST in stores today!

Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read Justice League of America #7.2: Killer Frost in stores today! Firestorm may not have his own ongoing series anymore, but at least we’ve got today’s Killer Frost one-shot to celebrate! This comic features a story by Sterling Gates, art by Derlis Santacruz and Brett Smith, with a cover by Tony S. Daniel & Matt Banning.

If you can’t get to the comic shop right now (what’s wrong with you?!?!), then head over to DC Comics website for a five page preview of this comic! You just might hear a familiar name mentioned (you could even call it an Arctic Blast from the Past)! Below is one of the pages from the preview. Sweet!

JLA #7.2: Killer Frost preview on DC Comics by Sterling Gates, Derlis Santacruz and Brett Smith

Pick up your copy in stores today! We’ll talk later. Be sure to leave your comments here!

Support Firestorm (and Killer Frost)! Fan the flame!

Forever Evil Update: The New 52 Slipknot has arrived!

Remember last week when we featured a number of Firestorm villains appearing in the gatefold of Forever Evil #1? Well it appears there was one more Nuclear Man rogue tucked away in that montage of bad guys. None other than … SLIPKNOT!

Slipknot in Forever Evil #1

According to Inside Pulse, this guy tucked between Black Adam and Despero is our favorite lariat-wielding one-armed alcoholic! While its hard to call a positive identification from such a tiny picture, I’m hearing through the grapevine that it’s accurate. Just for fun, here are a couple illustrations of Slipknot in his classic garb. As a reminder, Slipknot was created by Gerry Conway and Rafael Kayanan.

Slipknot from Fury of Firestorm #28 by Rafael Kayanan and Dick Giordano

Slipknot from Fury of Firestorm #28 by Rafael Kayanan

Let’s see… so far on the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST we’ve jokingly predicted the VIBE ongoing series and now the return of Slipknot. Can Composite Superman or The Gang be far behind? :)

Support Firestorm (and Slipknot)! Fan the flame!

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