Remember last week when we featured a number of Firestorm villains appearing in the gatefold of Forever Evil #1? Well it appears there was one more Nuclear Man rogue tucked away in that montage of bad guys. None other than … SLIPKNOT!
According to Inside Pulse, this guy tucked between Black Adam and Despero is our favorite lariat-wielding one-armed alcoholic! While its hard to call a positive identification from such a tiny picture, I’m hearing through the grapevine that it’s accurate. Just for fun, here are a couple illustrations of Slipknot in his classic garb. As a reminder, Slipknot was created by Gerry Conway and Rafael Kayanan.
Let’s see… so far on the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST we’ve jokingly predicted the VIBE ongoing series and now the return of Slipknot. Can Composite Superman or The Gang be far behind?
Support Firestorm (and Slipknot)! Fan the flame!

Slipknot is not the only baddie to debut here — old school Hawkman foe Lionmane pops up here as well, and we have not seen him in the New 52 yet. The same goes for The Monocle, but… yeah.
If Slipknot returns, I better see The Gang!
Gerry Conway himself left this comment over on my Tumblr today…
“I’ve always loved the idea of a villain based on a knot that is designed not to hold. Because he’d have to be one of the most useless villains ever, right? Boy, we had so much fun with these guys… (And girls)…”
I just hope he doesn’t get the Monocle treatment in the next few issues of Forever Evil.