Here is your resource for Firestorm action (and inaction) figures! Several Match-heads have requested a guide to the Nuclear Man in molded plastic, so I’m happy to oblige. Below you’ll find every Firestorm action figure produced to date. You can use the group photo at the top to provide a sense of scale for subsequent […]
Posts Tagged ‘JLU’
Happy Holidays from Firestorm Fan!
Happy Holidays!! Enjoy this Christmas-themed Justice League Unlimited cover! Happy holidays to the readers of FIRESTORM FAN! It’s been a fantastic year here and I sincerely appreciate all the support and comments! Y’all are the best! Ho Ho Ho! Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
Bruce Timm discusses Firestorm & the Justice League Unlimited cartoon
Sadly, our favorite Nuclear Man never appeared in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon. However, there were apparently discussions about using the character. In a previous post, we shared some of the rumors and some visuals showing how Firestorm might have looked on the show. Well, thanks to a comment here at FIRESTORM FAN, I stumbled […]
Plastique on Justice League Unlimited
Today we conclude our coverage of PLASTIQUE WEEK! Not only was Plastique lucky enough to appear on Smallville, but she also made an appearance on the Justice League Unlimited cartoon! Man, this girl gets around (just ask Captain Atom). 😉 Plastique appeared in the second season of Justice League Unlimited, during the fourth episode entitled, […]
Rogues Gallery: Killer Frost part 2
Back in August I posted the first “Rogues Gallery” entry on Killer Frost, promising the same week would also feature further images of her. That will teach me not to make promises. Today we’ll be presenting several Killer Frost images. Most of these were taken from lazy afternoon web surfing, so I’m unable to identify […]