Announced earlier this week, a new Firestorm mini-series is due in 2016 written by Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway! DC Comics announced eight new mini-series in USA Today on Monday, but only five of those series featured accompanying artwork in the article.
Well, feast your eyes on this Match-heads! Here is the 2016 Firestorm promotional artwork!
The artwork first appeared on Crave Online, and I wondered if this was old stock-art or was specifically for the new mini-series. Dan DiDio himself was kind enough to confirm for me via Twitter this is new promotional artwork for the upcoming mini-series! Apparently it was too late for the announcement, but in time for the San Diego Comic-Con. When I asked Dan for the artist’s name, he was unable to confirm at the time. As soon as we know, we’ll be sure to let you Match-heads know. Hopefully more information will be announced during the San Diego Comic-Con this week.
Love this artwork! Firestorm looks to be saying, “Come at me, bro!” Also, the muted reds and yellows give a dangerous feeling to the image. Can’t wait to see more!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

I *assume* that the Firestorm in question that Gerry will be writing is the Ronnie/Jason Firestorm. It will be incredibly interesting to see Gerry writing for this Firestorm.
With those darker colors, it looks like Dr. Megala has taken over again. Also, #PuffySleeves rule!
When I first saw this promo art, that’s exactly what I thought!! I thought this was old art from the Dr Megala Firestorm New 52 story!!
I do miss the days when the stylized atom design on the tunic was done right. Now it looks like a PowerPoint infographic…