OFFICIAL: There will be a new Firestorm six-issue mini-series written by co-creator Gerry Conway coming in 2016! Full details over on USA Today!
Here are a few of the quotes from the article:
- “By bringing them on to their own special limited series, we’re really spotlighting what’s so fantastic about these characters,” says Bob Harras, DC’s editor in chief and senior vice president for editorial.
- These comic books are born out of DC’s continuing push to diversify their line, adds DC co-publisher Dan DiDio, and readers will also “see a lot of this feeding into that core sensibility of superhero storytelling.”
- Their task was to “freshen up and contemporize,” DiDio says. “We want the best writers working on our characters, and these are the best writers for these characters.”
We’ve been hearing rumors for a couple months; now we know for sure this is actually happening! Hot dog!
That’s all we know at the moment. As more information is unveiled, FIRESTORM FAN will be sure to keep you in the loop! Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Support Firestorm (more true than ever)! Fan the flame!

I’m finding it curious that, although most of the other titles have an image related to them on the article’s web page, there is no image for Firestorm. I can’t help but wonder if this is because of changes to the character related to the Future’s End series (although, despite comments from DC to the contrary, I fully expect to see a cosmic reset button hit at the end of that series).
(Yes, I suppose that makes it obvious that I haven’t read it at all. Only the reviews here. I’m still boycotting the New 52. Firestorm was the sole exception to that in the past, but Future’s End hasn’t drawn me in.)
Great news! Conway & Firestorm go together like Ronnie & Professor Stein!
IIRC the Firestorm in Future’s End is an alternate universe and not the main DCU Firestorm. It’s still Ronnie/Jason. See JLU #11 out this week.
Conway on Firestorm! Wein on Swamp Thing and Metal Men! Lopresti on Metal Men! Wolfman on Raven!
MIKE W. BARR on KATANA! F YEAH! And look at the image for Katana — looks like a tease for Halo as well!
Wow, there are some real classic character/creative team combinations here!
I keep trying to walk away from the comic-verse Titans, but Marv Wolfman writing Raven…
Fantastic news. Now I just hope we get a good artist for him to collaborate with. Also, if this mini-series is successful, I hope we finally get some Fury of Firestorm (original series) trades.
Schwinggggg! (Wayne’s World) this is so cool! I am sure it will mirror the TV show?
[…] Announced earlier this week, a new Firestorm mini-series is due in 2016 written by Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway! DC Comics announced eight new mini-series in USA Today on Monday, but only five of those series featured accompanying artwork in the article. […]