Announced earlier this week, a new Firestorm mini-series is due in 2016 written by Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway! DC Comics announced eight new mini-series in USA Today on Monday, but only five of those series featured accompanying artwork in the article. Well, feast your eyes on this Match-heads! Here is the 2016 Firestorm promotional artwork! The artwork first […]
Posts Tagged ‘promotion’
Amazing Heroes Previews of Firestorm from the 1980s
I love old comic advertisements. With my background in marketing and having worked as a comics retailer, I find this stuff fascinating! Today we’re featuring a number of Firestorm promotional blurbs from Amazing Heroes. If you’re not familiar with Amazing Heroes, it was a magazine about comic books published by Fantagraphics Books from 1981 to 1992. It […]
Elemental Firestorm Promoted in DC Direct Currents #16
A few months ago we ran the back cover of Direct Currents #16 from May 1989. Turns out that back cover was a tie-in with an article within that issue. Check out this cool promotional blurb from Direct Currents #16 about the coming of the Elemental Firestorm! Click the image to enlarge! Man, I love me […]
Direct Currents #16 Promoting Comics Shipping in May 1989
Check out the back cover of Direct Currents #16 from May 1989! It’s a “Collector’s Page” featuring our favorite hothead! If you aren’t familiar with Direct Currents, they were a free, promotional magazine containing approximately 8 pages, that solicited the titles being released by DC Comics that month. It was sort of like a monthly version […]