Awesome Cosplay and a Blog Crossover?!?! Two great tastes that taste great together! A number of different blogs have combined forces today to feature some of the amazing cosplayers at Dragon Con 2014! Each blog in this crossover will focus on their own favorite heroes and corresponding cosplayers. If you’re not familiar with Dragon Con, it’s the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe! It’s held each year over Labor Day weekend in Atlanta. It is also known as the premier convention for cosplayers and “Geek Mardi Gras”! I’ve attended 10 of the past 12 years, and absolutely love the insanity and fun!
Today here at FIRESTORM FAN we’re going to feature… well… sadly I didn’t see any Firestorm nor Killer Frost cosplayers this year. (sad face) However, there were hundreds of other amazing DC Comics related cosplayers this year. Just check out these group shots! Both of these photos were taken by Patrick Sun, and you can find many more on his Flickr page. Click each to enlarge!
Now just for fun, check out this zoomable photo of the DC Comics Mega Photoshoot by Michael Blitch! These photos were taken during cosplay photoshoots organized by the Superhero Costuming Forum. The planning and coordination of these massive photoshoots is an astonishing task! The Grand Poobah over at the Superhero Costuming Forum is Allen Hansard. Allen’s probably best known to you Match-heads as a frequent Firestorm cosplayer! To the rest of the world, Allen is known as the guy who directs most of these photoshoots! In fact, this year he cosplayed as himself directing a Marvel shoot (he’s represented below by Doctor Strange with the megaphone)! Ha!
I took about 200 pictures this year of various cosplayers and activities which you can find on Flickr. Hopefully next year there will be a plethora of Firestorm cosplayers (especially after his break-out roll on the TV series The Flash)!
Dragon Con Cosplay Crossover Links
As mentioned, several different blogs have teamed-up today to cover some of the amazing cosplayers at Dragon Con 2014! Visit these other character-specific blogs to see how they spotlight their own favorite heroes today. Visit them now, visit them later, and visit them often!
- Aquaman & Mera @ The Aquaman Shrine
- Black Canary & Arrow @ Flowers & Fishnets
- Blue Beetle @ Kord Industries
- Captain Carrot @ Captain Carrot’s Burrow
- Flash @ Speed Force
- Hawkman/Hawkgirl @ Being Carter Hall
- Legion of Super-Heroes @ Legion of Super Bloggers
If you’ve enjoyed this blog crossover, then you should check out some previous comic blog crossovers we’ve done. The first major blog crossover celebrated the gorgeous George Pérez/Alex Ross painting from the Crisis on Infinite Earths 1998 hardcover. The next major blog crossover was a celebration of the Super Powers Collection’s 25th Anniversary. Some subsequent major crossovers included: DC Challenge, Read This Too, Mayfairstivus, April Fool’s Day 2011, Blackest Night to Brightest Day, Green Lantern: Circle of Fire, Animated Anthem Day, Secret Files & Origins, DragonCon 2012 Cosplay, Ghosts Annuals from 1998, and Steve Garcia’s Silhouette Art!
Support Firestorm (and these other bloggers)! Fan the flame!

[…] blogs spotlighting Dragon*Con cosplay today include: The Aquaman Shrine, Captain Carrot’s Burrow, Firestorm Fan, Flowers & Fishnets, Kord Industries, the Legion of Super-Bloggers, and Being Carter Hall. […]
Thanks for providing the pics for this crossover, Shag! They all look terrific.