We want to wish a Happy Birthday to Firestorm co-creator and writer (and super-creative and all-around nice guy) Gerry Conway!!
Support Firestorm (and Gerry Conway)! Fan the Flame!

We want to wish a Happy Birthday to Firestorm co-creator and writer (and super-creative and all-around nice guy) Gerry Conway!!
Support Firestorm (and Gerry Conway)! Fan the Flame!
Posted in: Gerry Conway.
Tagged: birthday · Gerry Conway
The Source for DC Comics' Nuclear Man – Firestorm! You'll find anything and everything Firestorm-related here. We cover things such as: news, comics, merchandise, toys, apparel, cartoons, creator interviews, podcasts, and commentary about the character. This site is maintained by The Irredeemable Shag and is not affiliated with DC Comics in any way.
By day, The Irredeemable Shag plays the part of a wealthy industrialist, playboy, and philanthropist. By night, he is a frightening creature that strikes terror into the hearts of criminals!
... or ...
maybe The Irredeemable Shag managed a comic book store for four years, and a movie theater megaplex for three years. Nowadays he's just a really vocal geek and co-founder of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK; host of JLI: BWAH-HA-HA PODCAST, and co-host of WHO'S WHO PODCAST & AQUAMAN/FIRESTORM PODCAST!
You decide...©DC Comics, Inc.
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AW YEAH!!! Thank you, Gerry! I hope you have an AWESOME birthday!!
Hey, Happy Birthday Mr. Conway! Thanks for the countless hours of entertainment you have provided us. And thanks for personally giving me goosebumps in the opening to this week’s F&W Episode #100!
shag you’ve gotta help me! As you may know the next issue of who’s who ends with the syonide entry. Well, she actually broke into my home and kidnapped me! She said that she’s not going to let me go until you and rob cover her issue of who’s who!
Wolfgang – Your liberation is almost at hand! New WHO’S WHO PODCAST this coming Sunday!
Gerry Conway created some of the best characters, moments and stories of the Bronze Age, including Firestorm. But for my money, Conway wrote the first and best origin story for Black Canary in a 1978 issue of DC Special Series.