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Posts Tagged ‘superheroes’

Fury of Firestorm Advertisements – May and June 1982

Here are a couple advertisements that promoted The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man in various DC Comics in 1982. This first ad ran in comics cover dated May 1982.  In reality, comics with this cover date probably reached stores in February 1982. This next ad ran in comics cover dated June 1982.  In reality, […]

Nuclear News – 2009-11-09 – Brave & the Bold, Action Figure Magazine, Sketches, and more

Here are some Firestorm news items and findings from around the interwebs: Blackest Night #4 came out back on October 28.  If you haven’t picked it up yet, be sure to get a copy.  It’s a good issue and has one really good Firestorm moment. Still no word on an air date for the Batman: […]

Unpublished Cover to Firestorm #6 (1978) by Al Milgrom – Never Seen Before

As you probably already know, the first volume of Firestorm (1978) was cancelled after only five issues.  The series was an unfortunate casualty of the so-called DC Implosion.  What you may not know is that issue #6 was completely drawn, but never published.  The pages for issue #6 resurfaced only once in a volume entitled […]

The “Blank Slate” Firestorm – 1987-89

Back in 1987, Firestorm writer John Ostrander made a dramatic and risky change to the lead character of the series.  For nine years, Firestorm had existed as the combination of the youthful Ronnie Raymond and the brilliant Professor Martin Stein.   While merged, Raymond was in command of the Firestorm form with Stein a voice of […]

Firestorm Boxers?!?! Seriously!

I never thought I’d live to see the day they put Firestorm on a pair of boxers! Check these out! I can understand putting Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Robin, and even Green Arrow on licensed merchandise.  They are all characters the general public is likely to recognize.  But Firestorm and Doctor Fate?!?!  They happen to […]

Exclusive Interview with Artist Jamal Igle

Today we’ve got a very special treat – the first creator interview for FIRESTORM FAN!  Jamal Igle was the penciller on Firestorm vol III for 23 issues.  Thanks to the length of his run, Jamal has drawn the Jason Rusch Firestorm more than any other artist.  While on the book he had the opportunity to […]

Blackest Night #3 — OMG! (No Spoilers)

If you’re a Firestorm fan and haven’t read Blackest Night #3 yet, head out to your local comic book store RIGHT NOW!  This is the one we’ve all been waiting for!  Jason Rusch/Gehenna Firestorm versus Ronnie Raymond Black Lantern Firestorm. I don’t really want to share spoilers here just yet.  I will say that it’s […]

Crisis on Earth-Blog – Super Powers 25th Anniversary **UPDATED**

*** UPDATED WITH MORE LINKS *** CELEBRATING FIRESTORM IN THE SUPER POWERS COLLECTION! Fourteen different blogs have combined forces today to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Kenner’s Super Powers Collection! While we’ll be looking at Firestorm here, every other blog in the crossover will cover different action figures or mini-comics from the Super Powers Collection.  […]

Firestorm vol. II #57 (March 1987) – Original Art

Jon from the Fizzit Firestorm blog has really come through for us again!  He happens to own several of the original Firestorm pages and was kind enough to allow me to publish them here.  Jon’s been a great contributor to FIRESTORM FAN and my thanks go out to him. Firestorm volume II #57 – “Due […]

Jamal Igle Firestorm Art

Jamal Igle (former Firestorm vol III artist and current Supergirl artist) has been kind enough to grant permission to republish some Firestorm sketches from his blog.  Jamal had a great run on Firestorm vol III, drawing issues #8-#32.  In addition to Firestorm drawings, Jamal’s blog also features other amazing artwork, updates on current projects, and […]

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