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Who is controlling Fury?

After reading The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2, I can’t help but wonder who is controlling Fury. I’ve been operating under the assumption that Fury’s independent persona comes from one of two places:

  1. Fury’s persona is an amalgamation of Ronnie and Jason’s subconscious minds; or
  2. Fury’s persona comes from the nuclear power itself.

However, after reading the panel below, I’m left wondering if there is another possible answer…

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #2 page 7

Seeing Ronnie and Jason operate consciously inside Fury reminded me of the “Blank Slate” incarnation of Firestorm.  In that incarnation, Ronnie and Mikhail Arkadin were trapped inside the Firestorm persona, much like Ronnie and Jason in this issue.  In the “Blank Slate” version, the Firestorm persona was being controlled by Professor Stein’s subconscious mind.

The panel above has me wondering if there could be a third person in the Fury matrix with Ronnie and Jason? Could Ronnie’s murdered friend Trev have something to do with Fury’s persona? Could Fury’s persona be derived from Professor Stein in some way?

What do you think?

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Printing Problems with FURY OF FIRESTORM #2

First, if you haven’t picked up The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2, then drop what you are doing and head to your local comic shop! Buy it now! It’s a great read! Watch for my full review in a few days.

Second, as we mentioned a couple days ago, there was an unfortunate printing problem with this issue. Below you’ll find three versions of page two from this issue: pencil and inks, colored digital version, and colored printed version. Once you get to the printed version, the problem will be immediately evident.

 Below is Yildiray Cinar’s original pencil and ink of page 2

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 2 by Yildiray Cinar

Below is the digital version of page 2 from DC Universe The Source Blog

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 2 by art by Yildiray Cinar and colors by Steve Buccellato

Below is the printed version of page 2 (scanned from my own copy)

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 2 by art by Yildiray Cinar and colors by Steve Buccellato

I don’t know much about printing or coloring, but clearly something went wrong. I feel bad for artist Yildiray Cinar and colorist Steve Buccellato. Given the beauty of the digital version, it seems they poured their heart into this project. Their work deserves to be showcased in a more appropriate way.

To be fair, the problem is not this extreme on each page. Some pages look perfectly fine to me. If you are struggling with the coloring issues, pick up a digital copy over at Comixology.

Support Firestorm (and Yildiray Cinar & Steve Buccellato)! Fan the flame!


Quit goofing around on the internet.  Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2!

We’ll talk later.  There’s lots to discuss.

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Check this out, in the 34 years Cliff Carmichael has been around, today’s issue is only the fourth time he’s ever made the cover. The first was The Fury of Firestorm #1 (June 1982), the second was Suicide Squad #48 (Dec. 1990), and the third was Firestorm #13 (June 2004). That’s it! The more you know…

While you’re thinking about Firestorm, check out who is saying what…

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Looking forward to FIRESTORM #2 tomorrow!

Can’t wait for tomorrow — we finally get our hands on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #2! Today we’re posting some news and hype-related links to get you jazzed for tomorrow! First up, the news…

Yesterday artist Yildiray Cinar posted a super-cool new teaser image promoting issue #2! This image is similar to the teaser images released prior to issue #1. Who is featured in this teaser? Possibly the new villain Helix? Click the image below to enlarge.

Firestorm Teaser

Colorist Steve Buccellato and artist Yildiray Cinar have both indicated there was a printing problem with The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #2. Buccellato posted a few pages to Facebook showing, “what they were SUPPOSED to look like.” Cinar indicated we’d see the problem when the issue is released. Below I’ve posted three different versions of the first page from issue #2. Right away I notice the colors are much more muted in the third page below. I’m not sure if that is the printing problem or not, but it’s worth noting.

Below is Yildiray Cinar’s original pencil and ink

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 1 by Yildiray Cinar and Steve Buccellato

Below is the colored page posted to Facebook by colorist Steve Buccellato

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 1 by Yildiray Cinar and Steve Buccellato

Below is the page as it appears in the five page preview on Kotaku

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 1 by Yildiray Cinar and Steve Buccellato

Again, if you compare the second and third image, you’ll see a dramatic difference in the coloring. I’ll guess we’ll have a better understanding of the printing problem tomorrow.

And now for the hype… Here are some links that should keep your spirits up until you get your mitts on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2:

Over the course of the next couple days, keep your social media radar pointed in these directions for more on Firestorm:

Not too much longer now! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

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Eddie Earhart – The Man Who Created Firestorm

If you were asked who is responsible for the creation of Firestorm, the choices that come to mind might include: Professor Martin Stein, Ronnie Raymond, the Fire Elemental, or even Gerry Conway.  If you picked any of those, you’d be wrong.  The man responsible for the creation of Firestorm is without a doubt the eco-terrorist Eddie Earhart.

If you’ve never read Firestorm The Nuclear Man #1 (Mar. 1978) written by Gerry Conway and drawn by Al Milgrom, then you probably don’t know who I’m talking about.  Eddie Earhart was a 1970s hipster who sported gold chains, a receding hairline with a Mike Brady-like perm, and thick mutton chops with connecting ‘stache.  I’m sure you can tell by the description he was a real class act.  Eddie was the leader of an environmentalist group known as the Coalition to Resist Atomic Power (yes, the acronym is C.R.A.P. – well played, Mr. Conway).  The Coalition held protest rallies at power plants in the attempt to slow the spread of nuclear power. After watching Clark Kent interview Eddie Earhart on television, Ronnie Raymond decided to join the Coalition in the hope of impressing Doreen Day.  Ronnie did a lot of dumb things in his teenage years and I’d say joining a nuclear protest group to win a girl’s heart is pretty high on that list.

Eddie Earhart from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1

Ronnie joined the Coalition and soon discovered that Eddie and his group had a darker agenda.  That evening several members of the Coalition broke into the Hudson Nuclear Power Plant with the intention of blowing it up.  Eddie had the idea to bring Ronnie along to take the blame from the authorities for their terrorist actions.  Eddie knocked Ronnie unconscious when the teenager attempted to stop the Coalition.  Meanwhile, Professor Martin Stein (sporting a friggin’ cool pipe!) was in the process of bringing the power plant online.  Stein discovered Eddie and his gang, which resulted in being knocked out himself.  I tell ya, Eddie should’ve been a boxer the way he knocked people out with one punch.  Next, Eddie set the explosives by the atomic pile and the unconscious forms of Ronnie and the Professor.

Eddie Earhart from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1

Eddie Earhart from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1

The resulting explosion transformed Ronnie Raymond and Professor Martin Stein into Firestorm the Nuclear Man (but you probably already knew that part).  After briefly testing his new powers, Firestorm tracked Eddie and the Coalition to another nuclear power plant in Jersey.  Firestorm made quick work of the Coalition members and managed to punch Eddie Earhart twice — once for the Professor and once for Ronnie I suppose.

Eddie Earhart from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1

Eddie Earhart from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1

Eddie Earhart from Firestorm the Nuclear Man #1

There you have it, Eddie Earhart is the man who single-handedly created Firestorm.  Eddie conned Ronnie into joining the Coalition on their bombing attack of the Hudson Nuclear Power Plant, he punched out both Ronnie and the Professor, and he set the explosives himself that blew up the nuclear reactor.  If it weren’t for Eddie, Firestorm may never have been created!  Thanks Eddie… I guess.  Kinda weird thanking such a rotten dude.

Surprisingly, Eddie Earhart never appeared in comics again.  Sure you’d see him in flashbacks of Firestorm’s creation, but he never returned to plague the Nuclear Man.  Considering how often other Firestorm villains reappeared, I’m shocked we never saw Eddie again.  If we’re lucky, perhaps Ethan Van Sciver and Gail Simone will figure a way to incorporate this dastardly dude into the new Firestorm continuity.

For the full story of Firestorm’s creation, pick up the Firestorm the Nuclear Man trade paperback by Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom!

Support Firestorm (but not Eddie Earhart)! Fan the flame!

NEWS: Gail’s still writing Firestorm and read issue #2 now!

I don’t normally post on Saturday but some news broke yesterday and I simply couldn’t wait!

First… yesterday Gail Simone confirmed in a roundabout way that she’s still writing Firestorm!  You may recall there was a rumor going around that she quit the book.  Neither Gail nor Ethan Van Sciver had confirmed or denied the rumor up until this point.  Well, on Twitter last night Gail indicated that she’s currently working on script corrections for Fury of Firestorm #6.  That means she’s staying on the book, at least through issue six (hopefully longer)!  This is great news! Check out her tweet below plus some commentary from Gerry Conway (co-creator of Firestorm), Yildiray Cinar (current Fury of Firestorm artist), myself (Chief Firestorm Freak), and a few others.

Gail Simone Twitter regarding Firestorm

Second… You can read the first five pages online of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 right now! I’ve posted the first page below by Yildiray Cinar, and it’s AMAZING! Check out the rest over at Kotaku! My thanks to Michael for the heads-up!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 page 1 by Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone, Yildiray Cinar

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Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 Cover and Solicitation

DC has published the cover and solicitation for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5, due in comic shops on January 25, 2012!  Click the cover below to enlarge.

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 cover by Ethan Van Sciver

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5

Written by Gail Simone and Ethan Van Sciver
Art by Yildiray Cinar and Norm Rapmund
Cover by Ethan Van Sciver

Ronnie and Jason have never agreed on anything, and now it’s all-out war as the mysterious Zither pits them against each other! But with the mystery of the Rogue Firestorms spiraling out of control, the guys will have to come to an agreement – or risk serious fallout!

On Sale January 25, 2012 | 32pg. | Color | $2.99 US

When I first saw this cover, I thought Zither might be Dr. Loren Fortier from issue #1.  After all, Dr. Fortier had a “Z”-shaped scar on the left side of her face (as in “Zither”).  In the picture above, the left side of Zither’s face is covered.  Additionally, Dr. Fortier had a purple tint to her hair.  Zither appears to have a blue tint to her hair, but it’s close enough to purple to question.  Finally, Dr. Fortier was transformed by the same radiation that made Jason and Ronnie into Firestorm, thus hinting that she’d become a threat to the Nuclear Men someday.  Add all this together and it seemed logical that Zither was Dr. Loren Fortier.

I looked up the definition of “Zither” and turns out it is a musical instrument.  Hmmm… how do you reconcile a stringed instrument with the woman on the cover above?  I couldn’t figure it out, so I asked Ethan Van Sciver.  He responded by saying “Zither” was her last name.  If that’s the case, then it sounds like Dr. Loren Fortier is not Zither.  I hope that’s the case, because I’d rather Dr. Fortier became the new Killer Frost.  I like the idea that Killer Frost’s boyfriend is Cliff Carmichael.  :)

Also worth mentioning is that Gail Simone’s name is still attached to this issue.  That means one of three possible things to me: 1) the rumor of Gail quitting Firestorm is false; 2) she wrote this script before she quit the book, or 3) the information from DC about Gail’s involvement on this issue is just plain wrong.

Finally, it appears Yildiray Cinar is sharing the art chores with Norm Rapmund on this issue.  I’m not sure what Norm’s role will be on this issue, but I thought it was worth pointing out.

** UPDATE **  Yildiray Cinar indicated on Twitter that Norm Rapmund is inking The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men starting with issue #4.  Thanks for the info, Yildiray!

Don’t forget, The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 comes out next week! I can’t wait!

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Yildiray Cinar sketch from NYCC for FIRESTORM FAN

Fair warning everybody, I’m going totally fanboy today here at FIRESTORM FAN! You’ve been warned…

At the New York Comic Con last week, our good friend Rob from THE AQUAMAN SHRINE had an opportunity to chat with Fury of Firestorm artist Yildiray Cinar. Rob was kind enough to get me a copy of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 signed by Yildiray! Thanks, Rob! That was incredibly generous of you!

While visiting with Yildiray, Rob mentioned that he and I have a podcast dedicated to Firestorm and Aquaman, THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST. Beyond all belief, Yildiray not only had heard of our show, but he said he just recently downloaded our latest episode! Yildiray then took out a sketch pad and spent about 10 minutes drawing this gorgeous piece for me!

Yildiray Cinar sketch of Firestorm from NYCC

OMG! Rob told me the sketch was entirely Yildiray’s idea. I’m completely stunned! Yildiray drew this sketch unsolicited and free of charge, FOR ME?!?!? Thanks, Yildiray! And my thanks to Rob for taking the time to talk with Yildiray, and for mailing the sketch to me. Like most artists, Yildiray normally charges folks for sketches. It’s just normal practice for an artist to charge for a sketch at a convention. The fact that Yildiray took ten minutes out of his busy schedule to draw this for me… I’m blown away!

It’s such a beautiful sketch of Ronnie Raymond as the new Firestorm! Well, it’s not really fair to call it a sketch. “Sketch” doesn’t do justice to this piece of art. You can see the pencil outline Yildiray started with. Then he inked the piece using his marker technique. Finally, he finished the piece using inkwash for the flames! Clearly this is much more than just a “sketch”! This is a full-blown work of art! I especially love the Kirby Dots, the wicked-cool cowl, and the hint of the chest emblem! Such attention to detail!

THANK YOU, YILDIRAY! This incredibly generous gift is sincerely appreciated. It means a lot that the creators behind the new Firestorm series have been so supportive of the FIRESTORM FAN site! Yildiray, Ethan, Gail… y’all rock!

You can keep up with Yildiray through his website, deviantART, Twitter, and Facebook! Be sure to tell him FIRESTORM FAN sent you!

Support Firestorm (and Yildiray Cinar)! Fan the flame!

Episode 5 of FIRESTORM FAN and AQUAMAN SHRINE Podcast!

The Fire and Water Podcast - The Official Podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINEThe fifth episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. This time around we cover: the New York Comic Con, a Fury of Firestorm rumor, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and more Listener Feedback!

You can find the fifth episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (50 MB).

Thanks again to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Additionally, special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our super-cool outro theme!

Thanks for listening! Send your feedback to:

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Firestorm RPG Stats from DC ADVENTURES by Green Ronin

Last week Green Ronin Publishing released the newest book for the DC Adventures role-playing game.  This volume, entitled DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. I, features our favorite Nuclear Man!  Check out his RPG statistics below!

DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. I

Here is the description of the book from the Green Ronin website:

The DC Universe features a dazzling array of characters who have thrilled readers for generations. Now they come to life for tabletop gaming in DC ADVENTURES Heroes & Villains. Vol. I covers characters A–K, from Abra Kadabra and Adam Strange through Kid Flash and Kobra. Each entry comes complete with DC ADVENTURES game information, character details, and a full-color illustration from one of DC Comics’ best artists. Heroes & Villains also includes entries on various teams, from the Justice League and Justice Society to the Injustice Gang and the Fearsome Five. With Heroes & Villains in-hand, you have a tremendous wealth of material for your DC ADVENTURES games, all usable with the award-winning Mutants & Masterminds game system!

Below you’ll find the statistics for Firestorm (as he was at the conclusion of Blackest Night).

Firestorm in Green Ronin DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. I RPG

Firestorm in Green Ronin DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. I RPG

Firestorm in Green Ronin DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. I RPG

Firestorm in Green Ronin DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. I RPG

Pretty cool!  They didn’t get all the details about the first Elemental Firestorm exactly correct, but this coverage is otherwise fantastic! In addition to Firestorm, the book also includes statistics for Firehawk and Killer Frost! Beyond Firestorm-related characters, this book includes other favorites of mine, such as: Aquaman, Blue Devil, Doctor Fate, Flash (all of them!), the JSA, Animal Man, Kyle Rayner, Hawkman (and Hawkgirl & Hawkwoman!), Blue Beetle (all of them!), and so many more! All of the entries are pre-Flashpoint, so you get a look at the characters just before The New 52 began.

I gotta tell you, this is a really gorgeous book! It’s 320 full-color pages packed with information and beautiful illustrations culled from years of DC comics. For me this book is a melding of two great worlds – DC Comics and Mutants & Masterminds. I’ve been an avid reader of DC Comics for over 25 years, and I roleplayed using the Mutants & Masterminds system for about three years and really enjoyed it.

Order your own copy from your local comic book shop! Alternatively, order a copy through the Green Ronin Publishing online catalog. Now I can’t wait for the next book, DC Adventures Heroes & Villains, Vol. II due in January!

Support Firestorm (and DC Adventures role-playing)! Fan the flame!

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