First, if you haven’t picked up The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2, then drop what you are doing and head to your local comic shop! Buy it now! It’s a great read! Watch for my full review in a few days. Second, as we mentioned a couple days ago, there was an unfortunate […]
Posts Tagged ‘Steve Buccellato’
Looking forward to FIRESTORM #2 tomorrow!
Can’t wait for tomorrow — we finally get our hands on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #2! Today we’re posting some news and hype-related links to get you jazzed for tomorrow! First up, the news… Yesterday artist Yildiray Cinar posted a super-cool new teaser image promoting issue #2! This image is similar to the […]
Fantastic Teaser by Steve Buccellato
Check out this awesome teaser posted yesterday on the Facebook page for Steve Buccellato, colorist on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1! Art by Yildiray Cinar and colors by Steve Buccellato. What a great way to generate some excitement for a book! I wish I’d caught this yesterday. Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
New Art by Van Sciver & Cinar from Upcoming Firestorm Series
We’ve known Yildiray Cinar’s black and white marker work is amazing. Now check out this color piece that Yildiray shared on Twitter! These gorgeous colors were done by Steve Buccellato. You get a really good look at the new Firestorm costumes too! Click the image to enlarge. Wow! That was breathtaking! This next image was […]