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Ethan Van Sciver is Leaving Firestorm

Big news, match-heads! Ethan Van Sciver is leaving The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! Ethan has been plotting this Firestorm series since day one, drawing covers, and even some interiors. His departure from the book is a really big deal. With that said, I have no doubt that Joe Harris and Yildiray Cinar will continue to rock our socks off.

Ethan posted the following on Facebook on Sunday:

Hey guys! Just thought should drop a line to let you know that I’m moving on from FURY OF FIRESTORM to draw some GREEN LANTERN and finish this ogn that I’ve been working on. I’ve helped plot the book’s course into the future with Joe Harris, but I want to narrow my focus now. And believe me, he and Yildiray Cinar have got the ball. Thanks to everyone who’s supporting the book!

Ethan Van Sciver

Be sure to visit Ethan’s Facebook page and thank him for all he’s done for Firestorm, and wish him good luck on Green Lantern! My thanks to Daniel “Cynical” Adams for the heads-up on Ethan’s departure.

Support Firestorm (and Ethan Van Sciver)! Fan the flame!

Super Powers Collection Action Figures – FIRE AND WATER #17

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 17th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

BECAUSE THE LISTENERS DEMANDED IT! This episode Rob and Shag take a look back at one of the most important superhero toy lines of all time – Kenner’s Super Powers Collection! The entire action figure line is discussed, including: the origin of the line, each wave of figures, the packaging, and the planned-but-unproduced figures!

For more on the Super Powers Collection action figures:

You can find the 17th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (44 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our super-cool outro theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Check out these awesome Super Powers Collection action figures!

Firestorm Super Powers Collection Action Figure

Aquaman Super Powers Collection action figure

Thanks for listening! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Yildiray Cinar Sketches of Jason and Ronnie

Fury of Firestorm artist Yildiray Cinar does some impressive sketches! Thankfully for us, he posts many of these sketches to Twitter. Over the past several months I’ve been copying these breathtaking sketches and saving them for a rainy day post here on FIRESTORM FAN.  Well, it’s not raining today, but I’m really anxious to share these with everyone!

This first sketch was posted back in December. It was a digital warm-up sketch of Jason and it looks gorgeous!

Yildiray Cinar draws Jason Rusch as Firestorm! A completely digital drawing done back in December 2011.

This next sketch is a cool study of Jason. The gray marker work is beautiful!

Jason Rusch as Firestorm by Yildiray Cinar

Below is Yildiray’s first take on Ronnie after the costume had been approved. Fantastic!

Yildiray Cinar draws Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm!

A super-cool commission from Comicdom Con 2012 in Athens, Greece.

Yildiray Cinar draws Firestorm at Comicdom Con 2012 in Athens

Another commission from Comicdom Con 2012 in Athens, Greece.

Yildiray Cinar draws Firestorm at Comicdom Con 2012 in Athens

Such gorgeous work! While I’m really enjoying Ethan Van Sciver’s current art on Fury of Firestorm, I’m also looking forward to Yildiray Cinar’s return with issue #9! Can’t wait!

Support Firestorm (and Yildiray Cinar)! Fan the flame!

Getting the Wonder Twins Drunk

Believe it or not, Firestorm tried to get the Wonder Twins drunk back in Extreme Justice #15 (April 1996). Poor Zan and Jayna, victims of Ronnie misspent youth…

Extreme Justice #15 by Dan Vado, Marc Campos and Ken Branch

Support Firestorm (perhaps not ever decision he makes, but still support him when you can)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm by Rod Reis

Rod Reis, the colorist on Aquaman, recently posted to Twitter this astonishing sketch he did of Firestorm! Check it out!

Firestorm by Rod Reis

Holy crap! This thing is a work of beauty! It reminds me of Bill Sienkiewicz work from the 1980s. Wow. Just wow.

Support Firestorm (and Rod Reis)! Fan the flame!

New Costume for Ronnie & FURY OF FIRESTORM #11 Solicitation!

Yesterday DC Comics released the solicitation for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #11 shipping in July! Below you’ll find the eye-catching cover by Ethan Van Sciver with colors by Brian Miller from Hi-Fi!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #11 cover by Ethan Van Sciver with Joe Harris, and Yildiray Cinar

That’s right, your eyes are not deceiving you — Ronnie is wearing a new costume! And it looks friggin’ awesome! I love the combination of the red & black with the blue flames! Very striking! Hi-Fi really outdid themselves with those blue flames!!! And the new symbol is very interesting; somewhat reminiscent of the Yin-Yang symbol. Also interesting is how Ethan Van Sciver described the new costume on Facebook…

Ethan Van Sciver: “Firestorm #11 cover, with Ronnie’s Secondary Power Costume!”

“Ronnie’s Secondary Power Costume?” Huh? “Secondary?” Does this mean his current costume is his “primary” costume? Will he continue to switch back and forth between costumes? Will he use different powers when in his “secondary power costume?” Will he finally learn to access the transmutation powers, or some other powers altogether? I can’t wait to find out! Here is the solicitation featuring Ethan Van Sciver, Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, and Hi-Fi! Such a dream team!

Written by: Ethan Van Sciver and Joe Harris
Art by: Yildiray Cinar and Norm Rapmund
Cover by: Ethan Van Sciver
On sale July 25 | 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

  • JASON and FIREHAWK head to Russia and discover the secret origin of POZHAR!
  • Ronnie, Rakshasa and Pozhar head to the wilds of mountainous Pakistan to continue their hunt for the heart of the rogue threat: ASHRA KHAN!

We’ve read only one issue with fantastic new writer Joe Harris, and yet we already have four further issue solicitations! I can’t stand the wait! Perhaps knowing too much can be a bad thing.

My thanks to match-head Brandon Leonard for the heads-up on this costume change! Much appreciated!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Firehawk as a Member of the JLI?

I noticed some interesting wording while reading the solicitation for an upcoming issue of Justice League International

Justice League International #10 cover by David Finch

Written by: Dan Jurgens
Art by: Aaron Lopresti & Matt Ryan
Cover by: David Finch & Richard Friend
On Sale JUNE 6 | 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US

  • “BREAKDOWN,'” picking up where last month’s FIRESTORM #9 left off.
  • The JLI team – BOOSTER GOLD, AUGUST GENERAL IN IRON, GODIVA, GUY GARDNER, BATWING, O.M.A.C. and FIREHAWK – face off against THE BURNERS, who want to create anarchy by any means necessary!

Did you notice that Firehawk is listed as part of the JLI team?!?!? Now that’s interesting! Could it be permanent? I always thought the old school Firehawk would have been an excellent addition to the Justice League. I’ll be interested to see how the New 52 French Firehawk works out with this particular team. Maybe the JLI will finally get on the right track with this nuclear addition. In fact, maybe she should be the new team leader. I mean, c’mon, we haven’t even seen this new Firehawk in the comics and I’m already sure she’ll do a better job with the JLI than Booster Gold. Is that right, Walter? :)

Support Firestorm (and Firehawk)! Fan the flame!

Fury of Flintstone by Matt Fagan

Check out this fun mash-up of Firestorm the Nuclear Man and Fred Flintstone! It’s the Fury of Flintstone by Matt Fagan!

Fred Flintstone as Firestorm by Matt Fagan

This painting is for sale over an Etsy. Here is how artist Matt Fagan described the painting:

This mash-up is a riff on my favorite comic book from my teenage years, THE FURY OF FIRESTORM THE NUCLEAR MAN. The tale of high school jock Ron Raymond who was caught in a nuclear blast, he found himself molecularly fused with the unconscious professor Martin Stein into a new being, FIRESTORM! Firestorm could fly, crack wise, and rearrange the atomic structure of any nonorganic material at will. Because he was unconscious during the incident, when they are fused as Firestorm, professor Stein has no physical control over their form and exists only as a disembodied consciousness that can communicate with Ron and advise him on courses of action. In the comics, he was typically depicted as a ghostly white outline of his face floating in the general vicinity of Firestorm.

For this 16×20 inch painting, I have turned FRED FLINTSTONE into Firestorm, altering his traditional caveman skins to reflect the color scheme of the Firestorm costume… and who better than to stand in for Martin Stein than The Great Gazoo? A mysterious entity that communicates with Fred, but nobody else can see him…

That bit with The Great Gazoo standing in for Professor Martin Stein is brilliant! For more information on this awesome painting, please visit Matt Fagan’s Etsy store!

My thanks to Patrick Wait for the heads-up on this hilarious piece of artwork!

Support Firestorm (and Flintstone)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm by Luke Daab

Check out this super-cool Firestorm art by Luke Daab! I really dig this piece, especially the way he chose to represent Professor Stein! Awesome!

Firestorm by Luke Daab

Luke Daab is an artist, a writer, a musician and a puppeteer. Luke has created artwork for McDonald’s restaurants, Star Wars, DC Comics, Transformers and Kung Fu Panda! For more information on the artist, visit his website!

Support Firestorm (and Luke Daab)! Fan the flame!

Kevin Smith Mocks Firestorm on Comic Book Men

In the season finale of AMC’s new show Comic Book Men, star Kevin Smith took a shot at our favorite Nuclear Man!

Kevin Smith on Comic Book Men on AMC

While bantering with his co-hosts, Kevin Smith took the opportunity to crack a joke at Ronnie Raymond’s and Professor Martin Stein’s expense. Geez Kevin, what did they ever do to you?!?! Still holding a grudge because they didn’t see Jersey Girl? Get over it, man. :)

Here are the quotes from Comic Book Men, episode 6 entitled “Ink”:

Kevin Smith: Who would you say hands-down is your favorite super-team?

Michael Zapcic: I’d do a different iteration of the JLA. The Satellite years. Firestorm…

Kevin Smith: Nuclear Man. The boy who was inhabited by his teacher.

Group: *Laughter*

Kevin Smith: It’s like… what’s the character? He’s a boy whose teacher enters him and they become a superhero together.

Group: *Laughter*

Okay, in all fairness, it was a pretty funny slam. My thanks to Avery Barnes, A.C., and Diabolu Frank for the heads-up about this episode! Thanks guys!

Support Firestorm (but not Kevin Smith)! Fan the flame!

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