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Firestorm by Rod Reis

Rod Reis, the colorist on Aquaman, recently posted to Twitter this astonishing sketch he did of Firestorm! Check it out!

Firestorm by Rod Reis

Holy crap! This thing is a work of beauty! It reminds me of Bill Sienkiewicz work from the 1980s. Wow. Just wow.

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  1. rob! says:

    I am so glad we have Rod on Aquaman!

  2. Frank says:

    See, I can’t get into Peter Parker with Transmutation Powers, but I can do nuke scare super-hero like Reis features here. I really do expect to buy that first collection of the Simone/Van Sciver take for this reason.

    “I will show you fear from up out my puffy sleeves…”

  3. AquaFan says:

    Wow! That’s so awesome!

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