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Brimstone is soooooo not a Martian Manhunter rogue!

So the other day I was cruising my buddy Frank’s fantastic blog dedicated to the Martian Manhunter, The Idol-Head of Diabolu. Every so often I like to take pity on ole Frank and visit his site. I figure it brightens his day to get a visitor or two. I mean, c’mon, it’s Martian Manhunter. How many people actually read that blog anyway, right?

While there I decided to check out some of his current “SurVILEvor Island” posts, as well as his “Vile Menagerie March Madness” posts. Frank is running a series of polls to determine if you put all the guys who ever fought Martian Manhunter on a Survivor-style island, who would you cast out as not belonging to the group? A neat idea! Also, I figure I could use a good laugh as Frank tees-up some of the lamest super-villains and rogues to ever grace the DC Universe.

It suddenly stopped being funny when I came across the name … “Brimstone”. Excuse me?!?!? Is Frank trying to claim Brimstone as a Martian Manhunter rogue?!?! I don’t think so, you Mars-loving freak! Brimstone is a 100% Grade-A Nuclear Nemesis! If anyone is going to claim Brimstone as their rogue, it’s going to be Firestorm!

Brimstone has clashed with Firestorm on three different occasions, each time battling a different incarnation of the Nuclear Man. The first time they met was during the Legends crossover in The Fury of Firestorm #55 (January 1987). The second time the “Blank Slate” Firestorm and Firehawk battled Brimstone in Firestorm the Nuclear Man #76 (October 1988). Their final battle took place on the surface of the sun in the last issue of Firestorm #100 (August 1990). That battle not only ended the series, it resulted in the destruction of the first Firestorm Elemental (elemental, Ronnie, Mikhail), and the creation of the second Firestorm Elemental (elemental, Martin Stein).

Fury of Firestorm #55 cover by Joe Brozowski and Steve Mitchell

Fury of Firestorm #76 cover by Joe Brozowski and Sam de la Rosa

Firestorm #100 cover by Tom Mandrake

It now appears Frank has seen the error of his ways. He’s got a post today over on his site indicating that perhaps he overstepped his bounds when claiming Brimstone. He goes on to explain that Firestorm is the most likely hero to “own” Brimstone as a villain. *harumph* Too little, too late Frank. The damage is already done!

Match-heads, please head over to The Idol Head of Diabolu today and let Frank know exactly which rogues gallery Brimstone belongs to!

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Firestorm in DC Sampler 1983

Russell Burbage, a friend to FIRESTORM FAN and a die-hard Nuclear Sub, was kind enough to send me a copy of DC Sampler 1983! DC Samplers were free promotional comics distributed between 1983 and 1984. I’d heard of them, but had never seen any. Research shows this 1983 issue was the only one to feature Firestorm. When I received this copy from Russell, I was surprised to find original Pat Broderick artwork inside promoting the series! How exciting to discover “brand new” Pat Broderick Firestorm artwork! Near as I can tell, this issue hit the stands sometime between The Fury of Firestorm #16 (Sept 1983) and The Fury of Firestorm #18 (Nov 1983). That would make sense with the inclusion of Firehawk and Tokamak in this image. See below and click the image to enlarge.

Fury of Firestorm in DC Sampler 1983 by Pat Broderick featuring Gerry Conway

Take a look at the guys in the plain clothes above. I checked with Pat Broderick to be positive, and sure enough that’s Pat himself at the drawing table, along with Gerry Conway standing behind him! Probably the only time a Firestorm creative team has appeared on the same page as our favorite Match-head.

Below you’ll find the fun jam cover by Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano! Click the image to enlarge.

DC Sampler 1983 cover by Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano

Thanks again to Russell Burbage for sending this my way!

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Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 in stores today! This issue is written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar and Daniel HDR, inked by Marlo Alquiza and Walden Wong, cover by Yildiray Cinar and Marlo Alquiza, colored by Hi-Fi, and lettered by Travis Lanham! This issue the quest for Ashra Khan takes a new turn, and the menace of Zither is revealed! After this issue, only one more with the current creative team. Issue #0 is shaping up to be an explosive conclusion to a year-long blockbuster of a story!

We’ll talk later. There’s lots to discuss. Be sure to leave your comments here!

Below you’ll find the cover to issue #12, both in pencil form and the finished product. Enjoy!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 cover penciled by Yildiray Cinar

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 cover by Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi Color

While you’re thinking about Firestorm, check out who is saying what today…

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The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 goes on sale tomorrow! If you can’t wait that long, check out the five page preview over on right now! Click here to check it out!

This issue is written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar and Daniel HDR, inked by Marlo Alquiza and Walden Wong, cover by Yildiray Cinar and Marlo Alquiza, colored by Hi-Fi, and lettered by Travis Lanham! Based upon this preview, it appears Jason and Ronnie are going to have their hands full with Pozhar, and Zither is finally showing what she’s capable of! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

Below are a few of the pages from the preview. Click the first image below to enlarge. Be sure to visit to see all five preview pages!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 by Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi Color

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 by Joe Harris, Yildiray Cinar, Marlo Alquiza, and Hi-Fi Color

Don’t forget, pick up your copy of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #12 tomorrow!

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Aquaman and Firestorm Live Action – FIRE AND WATER #27

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 27th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Rob and Shag talk about live action incarnations of our favorite heroes! We chat about Firestorm’s connection to the upcoming Arrow series, then Aquaman’s appearances in Smallville and the Mercy Reef pilot. We wrap up explaining why we’re concerned about the potential JLA movie.

You can find the 27th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (41 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Here are some photos of the live action versions of our favorite characters!

Below from Smallville is Alan Ritchson as A.C. along with Erica Durance as Lois Lane

Alan Ritchson as Aquaman with Erica Durance as Lois Lane from Smallville

Below is the cast of Mercy Reef, featuring Justin Hartley as A.C.,
along with Ving Rhames and Lou Diamond Phillips.

Mercy Reef pilot cast -  Justin Hartley as Aquaman

Finally, below from Arrow we’ve got Emily Bett Rickards
who is scheduled to play Felicity Smoak

Emily Bett Rickards scheduled to play Felicity Smoak on Arrow

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Justice League Customizable Photo Frame

Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite comic geek? Well this just might be it! It’s a customizable Justice League of America photo frame! It features a colorful vintage comic book cover design (from Justice League of America #207, featuring Firestorm with art by George Perez) plus an area where you can add a photo of your very own printed right on the panel.

Justice League Customizable Photo Panel

Justice League Customizable Photo Panel

Just to give you an idea how this would look with your picture inserted, check out this super-cool dude! Keep in mind, you’ll never be as cool as this guy. :)

Justice League Customizable Photo Panel featuring Slipknot!

Such a great looking frame! Where else are you going to buy a piece of merchandise that includes: Firestorm, Doctor Fate, Aquaman, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, and Power Girl?!?! The JLA, JSA, and All-Star Squadron together?!?! It doesn’t get any better! Visit the DC Entertainment online store to order your own today!

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New Firestorm Heroclix in Stores Today!

Check your local comic book or gaming shop today for DC Heroclix: Justice League, a brand new series of Heroclix based upon DC’s New 52! This set not only includes Firestorm, it includes THREE DIFFERENT FIRESTORMS! The set also includes fan-favorites like Cyborg, while characters like Madame Xanadu and John Constantine appear for the first time ever in HeroClix! Here is the product solicitation:

DC Comics’ “New 52″ comes alive with this all-new take on classic heroes and villains! Featuring all new sculpts and dial designs based upon the “New 52″ Justice League and Justice League Dark comics stories, this DC HeroClix expansion includes more than 20 figures to add to your HeroClix games! Available in individually boxed figures (offered in 24-count displays) or a six-figure “Fast Forces” Starter Set!

The Firestorm Heroclix were featured on the WizKids website a couple weeks ago. Below you’ll find the three different Firestorm figures, their Heroclix dial statistics, and their character cards. Click the character cards to enlarge.

First up, the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm:

DC Heroclix Justice League New 52 Firestorm - Ronnie Raymond

DC Heroclix Justice League New 52 Firestorm - Ronnie Raymond

Next, the Jason Rusch Firestorm:

DC Heroclix Justice League New 52 Firestorm - Jason Rusch

DC Heroclix Justice League New 52 Firestorm - Jason Rusch

Finally, the Fury entity (which appears when Ronnie and Jason merge into one being):

DC Heroclix Justice League New 52 Firestorm - Fury

DC Heroclix Justice League New 52 Firestorm - Fury

Be sure to visit the Heroclix website for a really thorough breakdown of the powers and abilities available to the Firestorms during a Heroclix game. And be sure to pick up some DC Heroclix: Justice League booster packs today!

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Looking to the future with FURY OF FIRESTORM #14

Yesterday DC Comics released the solicitation for The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #14 shipping in November! Check out the fantastic cover below penciled by Dan Jurgens and inked by Ray McCarthy!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #14 cover by Dan Jurgens

Here is the solicitation:

Written by DAN JURGENS
Art and cover by DAN JURGENS and RAY McCARTHY
On sale NOVEMBER 28 | 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US | RATED T

  • Nothing is going right for Firestorm as he battles Black Trident and tries to keep up a normal high school life!
  • The reappearance of Firestorm is causing great concern in the DCU — and how is Captain Atom involved?

I think that cover sums up Ronnie & Jason’s relationship pretty well! It appears Dan Jurgens is really going to focus on their struggle for control of Firestorm, and we’ll see a return to “normal” high school life! I’m looking forward to reading these new adventures!

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A Few Words About Joe Kubert – FIRE AND WATER Episode 26

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast talks about Joe KubertThe 26th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available. THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Rob takes a few minutes to remember Joe Kubert, comic book legend and Rob’s former instructor.

You can find the 26th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (6 MB).

Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Below you’ll find the cover to All-Star Squadron #14 by Joe Kubert featuring both Aquaman and Firestorm.

All-Star Squadron #14 cover by Joe Kubert

R.I.P. Joe Kubert

Favorite Covers: JLA #205

I love the cover to Justice League of America #205! At first glance the cover looks like a joke — Professor Martin Stein versus Hector Hammond?!?! It’s no joke! One of Professor Stein’s great moments! Gorgeous cover art by George Perez and Mike DeCarlo.

Justice League of America #205 by George Perez and Mike DeCarlo featuring Professor Martin Stein versus Hector Hammond

Support Firestorm (and Professor Martin Stein)! Fan the flame!

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