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George Perez art on May 1983 DC Comics Retailer Order Form

Check out this fantastic George Perez drawing from a May 1983 DC Comics Retailer Order Form! I love that they put together special artwork for retailer forms! As a former retailer myself, I always get a kick out of these types of treats. Click the image to enlarge!

 DC Comics Retailer Order Form from May 1983 by George Perez including Firestorm, Swamp Thing, Teen Titans, Batman, Captain Carrot, Legion of Super-heroes, Night Force, All-Star Squadron, and Camelot 3000

If you are 1980’s challenged, here are all the characters listed (L to R): King Arthur (from Camelot 3000); Firestorm (duh); Liberty Belle (from All-Star Squadron); Swamp Thing; Starfire, Robin, & Cyborg (from The New Teen Titans); Batman (from … seriously? You need me to tell you that?); Baron Winters (from Night Force); Captain Carrot (from Captain Carrot & His Amazing Zoo Crew!); and Dream Girl & Wildfire (from Legion of Super-heroes)!

A shout-out to Sean Kory for sending this awesome graphic to me recently! This isn’t the first time I’ve seen it; someone else sent it to me months ago. I apologize to whomever I’m failing to credit, but I’ve lost that information to the sucking vortex of time and failing memory.

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JLA Satellite Era Poker Game by Jamal Igle

Check out this super-fun drawing by Firestorm vol III artist Jamal Igle! This is the Satellite Era Justice League kicking back and enjoying some time off!  Going around the table from left to right you’ve got: Barry Allen (Flash), Ronnie Raymond (one half of Firestorm), Professor Martin Stein (the other half of Firestorm), Ray Palmer (The Atom), and Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)! Click the image to enlarge!

JLA Satellite Era Poker Game by Jamal Igle

Notice Hal distracting the hormonally-driven Ronnie with a Black Canary construct, meanwhile he’s checking out Ronnie’s cards with a camera construct! Hal, you cheater!

My thanks to Eric Sellers for the heads-up on this commission! Keep up with Jamal Igle on his website and Twitter!

Support Firestorm (and Jamal Igle)! Fan the Flame!

WHO’S WHO: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe, Volume VIII

Who's Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC UniverseThe Fire and Water Podcast Presents… WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE, Volume VIII!

FINALLY… Firestorm in WHO’S WHO!!! The eighth episode of our WHO’S WHO podcast is now available — the show that dares to tackle one of DC Comics’ greatest publications! Each episode Rob and I cover a single issue of the legendary 1980s series, Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe. This time around we chat about WHO’S WHO: Volume VIII, discussing characters such as Firestorm, Firehawk, Fisherman, Flash, Forgotten Heroes, Firebrand, Force of July, and many more! We wrap up the show with Who’s Who Listener Feedback!

Click here to read Jerry Ordway’s blog post discussed in this episode.

Be sure to check out our Tumblr site for a few pages from this Who’s Who issue:!

You can find the eighth episode of WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE on iTunes. Each episode is released as part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST feed. While you’re on iTunes, please drop us a review. Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (69 MB).

Thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on this episode! Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic Who’s Who theme song!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

One of the coolest aspects of each Who’s Who issue was the amazing wrap-around cover! Check out this impressive Paris Cullins and Dick Giordano cover for Volume VIII! Click the image to enlarge.

Who's Who: The Definitive Guide to the DC Universe #8 cover by Paris Cullins and Dick Giordano

Here are your Firestorm-related Who’s Who entries from this issue…

Of course we’re going to feature Firestorm himself! Below is the entry drawn by co-creator Al Milgrom! We’ve featured it here previously on FIRESTORM FAN, but it’s worth checking out again! Click the image to enlarge!

Firestorm the Nuclear Man by Al Milgrom from Who's Who

And you know we’re not going to skip Firehawk! Below is the entry drawn by Fury of Firestorm artist Rafael Kayanan and inked by Dick Giordano! We’ve featured this one here previously also, but it’s certainly worth repeating! Click the image to enlarge!

Firehawk by Rafael Kayanan from Who's Who

This issue also included Barry Allen, the Silver Age Flash, by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson. Firestorm appeared as a back-up strip in his series for several months, so I figured it merited including here.  Click to enlarge!

The Flash by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson from Who's Who

Finally, I wanted to include Firebrand from All-Star Squadron by Rich Buckler and Mike DeCarlo! While Firestorm only encountered her a couple times, I’ve always really liked the character. … and she’s fire-related … and she’s reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllly cute.  :)  Click to enlarge!

Firebrand from the All-Star Squadron by Rich Buckler and Mike DeCarlo

Support Firestorm (and the WHO’S WHO podcast)! Fan the flame!

Artist Pat Broderick Launches New Digital Comic!

Fan-favorite artist Pat Broderick has returned to the world of comics with a brand new creator-owned digital book! Most of you probably remember Pat from his fantastic year-and-a-half run on The Fury of Firestorm (1982-83), or his work on other great books such as: Micronauts, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, Doom 2099, Captain Atom, or Batman: Year Three. Well, get ready for his latest with NIBIRU and the Legend of the ANNUNAKI!

Nibiru and the Legend of Annunaki by Pat Broderick

Pat’s been teasing this new comic on his Facebook for a while with the following text…

400,000 years ago they landed on earth and started mining gold to save their homeworld Nibiru. 200,000 years ago they revolted, and in response man was created.
NIBIRU and the Legend of the ANNUNAKI
a monthly digital series by PAT BRODERICK

Anxious to see more? Then check out the five page free preview over on The Art of Pat Broderick! It’s a new website and they are still working out some of the navigation, so be patient and check back often!

Nibiru and the Legend of Annunaki by Pat Broderick

Also over on Pat’s new website you’ll find a cover gallery of his Firestorm work (like the example below) and a commission request page!

Fury of Firestorm #7 cover by Pat Broderick

Support Firestorm (and Pat Broderick)! Fan the Flame!

Firestorm Song by Luke Daab – Two of a Kind

Firestorm Song by Luke DaabLuke Daab, the most dastardly creative man alive, is at it again! This time he’s written a super-fun song about our favorite Nuclear Man from the viewpoint of Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch! The song is done in the style of a musical number and really gets your toes tapping! My wife felt the song was reminiscent of the music from the recent film The Muppets with Jason Segel. That’s high praise! The song premiered on the latest FIRE AND WATER PODCAST during the break (37 minutes & 30 seconds into the show).

If you missed it during our podcast, you can hear this song over on Luke’s blog by clicking here. Below you’ll find the lyrics so you can read along while you listen to this fantastic song! Be sure to note the two parts with Professor Stein! Those are quite a treat!


J: Hey Ronnie, are you ready?
R: You do know we’re about to do a musical number, don’t ya Jason?
J: Uh-huh.

J: I’m the one with the brains.
R: I’m the brawn
J: And when we get together we get our hero on
I’m a book learning guy; a real sensation
I’ve got the power of transmutation

It feels so swell
Whoever thought two minds could work together so well
It feels so grand
Both: The surge of power when we touch our hands!

Both: Oooh!
We’re two of a kind
One body with two minds
When we transform, we become the Firestorm

R: (spoken) All right Jason, go long!
I’m the one with the brawn.
J: I’m the brains
Both: Put us both together and we’ll fan the flame
R: I’m the one with the punch; I’ve got the muscle
When dangers near, I’m the one who brings the hustle

R: It feels so grand
So many awesome powers at our command
We’re a tale of intrigue
Both: Do you think they’ll ever let us in the Justice League?

Both: Oooh!
We’re two of a kind
One body with two minds
When we transform
J: We become the Fire
R: We become the Fire

Firestorm: I woke up from a nightmare, I was burning in my dreams
Don’t even know how I got there, but I heard the people scream
Whoa… Firestorm! Firestorm! Firestorm!

J: I’m the one with the brains.
R: I’m the brawn.
Hey, what’s your dad doing dating my mom?
J: Hey, it’s not what it looks like.
R: Huh, is that so?
J: Well, in study hall you better leave my girlfriend alone

R: It feels so fine
Stein: Please don’t forget about Professor Stein
J: We don’t kiss and talk
Both: But we once kinda made out with Firehawk
R: She’s hot
J: Totally!

Both: Oooh!
We’re two of a kind
One body with two minds
When we transform, we become the Fire
J: a raging burning Fire,
Both: We become the Firestorm.

J: We’re two of a kind; one body with two minds
We’re two of a kind; one body with two minds
We’re two of a kind; one body with two minds

Stein: My name is Professor Stein
And this story once was mine.
So I’ll join in this song,
Because I know it’s where I belong!

R: We’re two of a kind
And it’s driving me mad
We’re two of a kind
My mom is dating your dad

We’re two of a kind; one body with two minds
We’re two of a kind; one body with two minds
We’re two of a kind; one body with two minds

All: We become the Fire
R: Lest other men conspire
All: We become the Firestorm

How awesome was that?!?! Also, I was informed by Luke the line about Firehawk being hot was a purposeful tribute to my comments on THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST! I’m honored to be recognized in such a fashion! LOL!

If you’re not familiar with Luke Daab, he’s an artist, a writer, a musician and a puppeteer. Luke has created artwork for McDonald’s restaurants, Star Wars, DC Comics, Transformers and Kung Fu Panda! We’ve featured a handful of Luke’s fantastic artworks previously – click here to see those. Also, be sure to purchase the amazing Aquaman song Luke performed with the help of David Purnell – Child of a Lighthouse Keeper: The Aquaman Song!  It’ll only cost you $1.25 and it’s well worth it!

You can keep up with Luke Daab via his website, Tumblr, deviantART, Facebook, and Twitter!

Support Firestorm (and Luke Daab)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm Original Artwork Celebration

It’s time for more original Firestorm artwork from our good friend Jon from FIZZIT, the Firestorm-themed blog! He happens to own several original Firestorm pages and convention sketches and has been kind enough to allow me to publish scans of them here. Jon’s been a great contributor to FIRESTORM FAN and my thanks go out to him!  I’ve been terribly remiss in publishing his more recent acquisitions, so hopefully we’ll make up for some lost time here.  You may view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.

We’ll start with three pages from the classic Fury of Firestorm #36 featuring Plastique, Firehawk, and our favorite Nuclear Man by Rafael Kayanan and Alan Kupperberg!

Fury of Firestorm v2 #36 page 16 by Rafael Kayanan & Alan Kupperberg. Click to enlarge.

Fury of Firestorm #36 page 16 by Rafael Kayanan and Alan Kupperberg

Fury of Firestorm v2 #36 page 19 by Rafael Kayanan & Alan Kupperberg. Click to enlarge.

Fury of Firestorm #36 page 19 by Rafael Kayanan and Alan Kupperberg

Fury of Firestorm v2 #36 page 20 by Rafael Kayanan & Alan Kupperberg. Click to enlarge.

 Fury of Firestorm #36 page 20 by Rafael Kayanan and Alan Kupperberg

Next up are three pages from Firestorm v3 featuring Jason, his best friend Mick, and an O.M.A.C. by Patrick Olliffe and Simon Coleby!

Firestorm v3 #18 page 12 by Patrick Olliffe & Simon Coleby. Click to enlarge.

Firestorm #18 by Patrick Olliffe and Simon Coleby

Firestorm v3 page 17 by Patrick Olliffe & Simon Coleby. Click to enlarge.

 Firestorm #18 page 17 by Patrick Olliffe and Simon Coleby

Firestorm v3 #18 page 19 by Patrick Olliffe & Simon Coleby. Click to enlarge.

Firestorm #18 page 19 by Patrick Olliffe and Simon Coleby

And finally, something interesting that I just had to call…


Below you’ll find several versions of Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch. First up is a straightforward pencil and ink drawing of the page. Click to enlarge.

Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch

This next one is also pencil and ink, but notice Firestorm’s hair is missing in the parts I circled. More on that in the next image.

Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch

Below is an overlay for this page featuring Firestorm’s hair (see how they match up with the image above). These were used to distinguish a specific color. After checking out this image, scroll down to see the final comic page. You’ll see how the flames below are colored red in the finished comic, rather than the usual black ink.

Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch

Below are the computer readouts for each character from this page. Presumably the creators used a computer printer to generate these fonts then added them afterwards.

Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch

Finally, here is how it all came together.  Notice Firestorm’s red hair (instead of black lines), and the computer type on the middle images. Seems like a lot of effort just to produce one page! … Especially a page of Extreme Justice. :) Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Easy target.

Extreme Justice #12 page 5 by Tom Morgan & Ken Branch

Thanks again to our good buddy Jon of the Firestorm-themed FIZZIT blog for letting us publish the artwork he purchased!  Be sure to check out Jon’s awesome Firestorm original art collection!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Aquaman #17, Firestorm #17, and Justice League #17 Reviews

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 45th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

Shag and Rob cover the conclusion of the monumental crossover, “Throne of Atlantis”, plus we chat about Firestorm’s latest issue! We discuss Justice League #17 by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, and Rod Reis. Next we dive right into Aquaman #17 by Geoff Johns, Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis! Finally, we cover The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #17 by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, Karl Kesel, and Hi-Fi color!

You can find the 45th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (47 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Visit our Tumblr site at

Check out the gorgeous virgin covers (meaning without the logos) to Fury of Firestorm #17, Aquaman #17, and Justice League #17 below!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #17 cover by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, and Hi-Fi

Aquaman #17 cover by Paul Pelletier and Art Thibert

Justice League #17 cover by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Elsewhere in The New 52…

The Fury of Firestorm may be starting to wind down, but that hasn’t stopped the Nuclear Man from getting around The New 52 lately! Below are a couple panels from this week’s Channel 52 strip. Check out ole Match-head! Also, I gotta say I was thrilled to see Firestorm and Ambush Bug appearing on the same comic page! Sorry, I cut my scan off just below Firestorm; Ambush Bug was featured in the panels beneath.

Firestorm in Channel 52 strip

Next up are a couple panels from Justice League #17 by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis! Not only do we get to see the Nuclear Man in action, we also get to see disembodied-Jason-head and Firestorm’s transmutation powers! Be sure to pick up your copy of Justice League #17 to see more Firestorm!

Firestorm from Justice League #17 by Ivan Reis

Nice to see our favorite hot-head getting around!  Looking forward to seeing more of Firestorm as a member of the League!

Support Firestorm! Fan the Flame!


Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #17 in stores today! This issue features story and pencils by Dan Jurgens, finished ink art by Ray McCarthy & Karl Kesel, colors by Hi-Fi, and lettering by Travis Lanham! Let’s get out there and show our support for Firestorm! There may only be four issues left, but let’s make sure the title goes out on a high note!

If you can’t get to the comic shop right now (what’s wrong with you?!?!), then head over to CraveOnline to check out the six page preview! Below is a two-page spread from the preview. Be sure to visit CraveOnline to see all six preview pages! Click the image below to enlarge.

Fury of Firestorm #17 page 2 - Click to enlarge

Here is the fantastic looking cover to this issue!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nulcear Man #17 cover by Dan Jurgens, Ray McCarthy, and Hi-Fi Color

Be sure to pick up a copy and tell your friends to also! Let’s get out there and show our support!

While you’re thinking about Firestorm, check out who is saying what today…

We’ll talk later. There’s lots to discuss. Leave your comments here!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Already voted in the Firestorm contest? If so, please vote again…

If you voted in our Firestorm contest prior to 11:00pm EST on Monday, February 25, please vote again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Due to some voting inconsistencies, I had to delete the original poll. The new poll was launched just after 11:00pm on Monday. You may select up to six responses, but please don’t vote for the same response multiple times. If there is a repeat of voting inconsistencies, I will terminate the voting and select the winners myself.

The new poll URL is:

Happy voting! May the best Match-head win! For yesterday’s post announcing the vote, please click here.

Firestorm The Nuclear Man

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