Welcome to FIREHAWK WEEK! This week we’ll be looking at different Firehawk-related items. Today we’ll be focusing on Who’s Who and the DC Encyclopedia. Wednesday we’ll be looking at other DC merchandise. And come back Friday for the unveiling of a newly-commissioned Firehawk sketch done for the FIRESTORM FAN site!
We start today with Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #8 (October 1985). It’s not clear who wrote this particular entry, but my money is on Robert Greenberger since he is responsible for the rest of the Firehawk write-ups we’ll be looking at today. The art in the entry below is by Rafael Kayanan and Dick Giordano. This particular issue of Who’s Who was published around the same time as The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man (volume II) #40 and Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, so information presented was current to that point. Interestingly enough, Firehawk didn’t start wearing this costume until Crisis on Infinite Earths #8. So it seems this Who’s Who entry was actually the first published appearance of this costume. As I mentioned recently, this is my favorite costume for Firehawk.
If you are interested in reading the text, click the image for a larger version.
Next we have Firehawk’s entry from Who’s Who in the DC Universe #9 (May 1991). This was the fourth Who’s Who mini-series and was published in a loose leaf format (you can see the hole punches in the images). Below you’ll see the front-side picture of Firehawk and the following image is the write-up from the back-side. The text was written by Robert Greenberger with art by Barry Kitson. This particular issue of Who’s Who was published about nine months after Firestorm (volume II) ended, so information presented was current to that point. If you are interested in reading the text, click that image for a larger version.
This next one comes from the Mayfair Games Who’s Who Volume 3 role-playing companion. Mayfair’s supplements featured role-playing statistics for each character, tips to role-playing the character (such as personality and subplots), and a complete list of comic book appearances for the character.
Below you will find the front-side and back-side of the Mayfair Who’s Who Firehawk entry. If you are interested in reading the text, click the image for a larger version.
This final entry was published just a few months ago in DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (September 2008). Robert Greenberger again did the writing chores, with art being reused from the Who’s Who entry above (even though this doesn’t represent Firehawk’s current costume). Firehawk did appear in the 2004 first edition DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, but the text was virtually the same as the text below. The only exception being that the 2004 edition mentions a brief romantic relationship between Firehawk and Booster Gold. Quite frankly, I think everyone is happy forgetting that anyway.
There you have Firehawk’s Who’s Who appearances. Come back Wednesday and Friday for more Firehawk!
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Lorraine’s one of my favorite aspects to the Firestorm brand!
I’d love to see DC give her a shot at a solo book. Even a one-shot.
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