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DC RPG: The Hero Points Podcast, Episode 01

The Fire and Water Podcast proudly presents a new addition to our family of podcasts …

DC RPG: The Hero Points Podcast

The inaugural episode of our HERO POINTS podcast is now available — the show that tackles role-playing games set in the DC Universe! This episode Shag and co-host Siskoid (of Siskoid’s Blog of Geekery) chat about DC HEROES ROLE-PLAYING GAME, the first edition box set from Mayfair Games released in 1985. Future episodes will be released occasionally and will examine various products from DC’s long history of role-playing games.

Find the first episode of DC RPG: THE HERO POINTS PODCAST on iTunes. Each episode will be released as part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST feed. While you’re on iTunes, please drop us a review. Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (54 MB).

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Share your memories of this game (or superhero role-playing in general) here in the comments, at SISKOID’S BLOG OF GEEKERY, or THE AQUAMAN SHRINE!

Be sure to visit for an impressive collection of character stats developed by the DC-Heroes Yahoo Group. Also, be sure to check out Siskoid’s own DC Heroes write-ups (circa 2001)!

Just to whet your appetite, here is what’s inside the DC Heroes Role-Playing Game first edition box set! For lots more images from this set and the game, be sure to check out our Tumblr site:!

Mayfair Games DC Heroes Role-Playing Game 1st Edition box set

Support DC Comics Role-playing Games! Let’s Roll!

Forever Evil #1 – So this happened…

Forever Evil #1 hit shelves yesterday! If you haven’t already picked it up, you might be interested to know this happened…

Firestorm Rogues in Forever Evil #1 by David Finch

Killer Frost from Forever Evil #1 by David Finch

Yup, in the top image that’s Black Bison, Multiplex(s), Typhoon, Plastique, Deathstorm, and Hyena. In the bottom image that’s Killer Frost.

And this is just a fraction of a bigger canvas! For the complete picture, pick up Forever Evil #1 in stores now!

Support Firestorm (and his Rogues)! Fan the flame!

Deathstorm – Trinity War Conclusion & Forever Evil #1

Forever Evil #1 hits comic book stores today! Share your thoughts on the issue in the comments! If you weren’t paying attention last week, you missed this…

The Earth-3 Deathstorm has arrived! In last week’s Justice League #23, Deathstorm and the Crime Syndicate made their grand entrance at the end of “The Trinity War”. Click the image below to enlarge.

Crime Syndicate from Justice League #23 Trinity War part 6 by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

In those last few pages of Justice League #23, we got a brief glimpse of the new Deathstorm’s manner.

Deathstorm and Power Ring from Justice League #23 Trinity War by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

You may recall a few weeks ago in an interview Geoff Johns said, “Deathstorm sees Power Ring as a fascinating experiment. Deathstorm is a scientist who’s been merged with the dead body of his lab assistant. It’s given him a cold demeanor and a clammy touch. He’s essentially a mad Nazi scientist with Atomic Power at his hand.” The panel above indicates just how different this incarnation of Deathstorm is from the Brightest Day incarnation. You can also see in these featured panels that Deathstorm’s costume looks somewhat different than before. For me personally, I find this new version a lot more intriguing than the previous incarnation.

We got one final shot of Deathstorm in action on the final page of Justice League #23.  Click the image to enlarge.

Crime Syndicate from Justice League #23 Trinity War part 6 by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis

Remember, check your local comic book shop today for Forever Evil #1!

Forever Evil #1 cover by David Finch

Support Firestorm (and Deathstorm)! Fan the flame!

Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest: Year’s Best Comics Stories #35 (1982)

You know those cool little Archie digest-sized comics you see in the grocery store? Believe it or not, there was a time when DC Comics pursued the digest market! Back in 1979, DC launched a digest entitled The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest that ran until 1986. This wasn’t the only digest series DC produced, but it lasted the longest. Once a year The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest would run a selection of stories under the banner “Year’s Best Comics Stories”. In the 1982 edition of “Year’s Best Comics Stories”, Firestorm was included! What an honor! They reprinted The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #7 featuring the introduction of Plastique! Below you’ll find the cover and back to The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #35, the 1982 “Year’s Best Comics Stories” edition. Art by Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano.

Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest, Year's Best Comics Stories #35 (1982)

Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest, Year's Best Comics Stories #35 (1982)

This particular issue contains reprints of stories from:

  • DC Comics Presents (1978) #50
  • Detective Comics (1937) #514
  • The Fury of Firestorm (1982) #7
  • House of Mystery (1951) #310
  • Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #286
  • The New Teen Titans (1980) #20
  • The Saga of Swamp Thing (1982) #4
  • Sgt. Rock (1977) #361

This was the only digest to feature a reprint of a Firestorm story, however, he did manage to make it on the cover of at least one more issue. The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest, “Year’s Best Comics Stories” #52 (1984).

Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest, Year's Best Comics Stories #52 (1984)

Click here for a wealth of information on DC digest comics, presented by our good friend Rob Kelly (of The Aquaman Shrine and The Fire and Water Podcast)! For even more, be sure to check out Rob’s old blog dedicated to Digest Comics!

For me personally, the first DC digest I picked up was The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #71. It was another “Year’s Best Comics Stories” featuring Ambush Bug and Blue Devil! I was immediately hooked! At the time I loved this digest and planned to pick up each new digest going forward. Then I read the last page of issue #71 … where it was announced this was the final issue. Just my luck.

My thanks to the Fortune Cookie Tumblr for attracting my attention to this particular super-cool digest!

Support Firestorm (and Digest Comics)! Fan the flame!

Classic Fury of Firestorm #3, Trinity War #6, & Aquaman #23 Reviews – FIRE & WATER #64

Continuing THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST coverage of the classic Fury of Firestorm series from 1982! We’ve received an incredibly positive response so far and we’re loving these comics! 

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water Podcast

The 64th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Rob and Shag cover the final chapter of “Death of a King” in Aquaman #23 by Geoff Johns, Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis. Next, the guys take a few moments to discuss Justice League #23, the concluding installment of “The Trinity War” (a segment in which Shag loses his mind for a moment). Finally, they tackle The Fury of Firestorm #3 (Aug 1982) by Gerry Conway, Pat Broderick, Rodin Rodriguez, and Gene D’Angelo. Killer Frost makes the scene and there’ll be a cold time in the old town tonight!

You can find the 64th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (36 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at Check our Tumblr for relevant images from “The Trinity War” conclusion:

Check out the covers to Fury of Firestorm #3 and Aquaman #23 below!

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man vol II #3 cover by Pat Broderick and Dick Giordano! Interior story and art by Gerry Conway, Pat Broderick and Rodin Rodriguez! Click the image to enlarge.

Fury of Firestorm #3 cover by Pat Broderick and Dick Giordano

Aquaman #23 by Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis! Click the cover to enlarge!

Aquaman #23 cover by Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Firestorm Coloring Page on

If you head over to DC Comics website right now, you can download some cool Batman: The Brave and the Bold coloring pages! Among these pages is even one dedicated to the Nuclear Man!

Firestorm from Batman Brave and the Bold  - coloring page on DC Comics website

Just for fun, check out the name given to this PDF file on DC Comics website: “08222013_2nd_3rd Tier Heros.PDF”.  Second and third tier heroes?!?!? Ouch!!!

My thanks to Keith G. Baker for directing me to these super-fun coloring sheets! I’d like to stay and chat longer, but I gotta go find a box of crayons…

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Sterling Gates Exclusive Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – an interview with the writer of the upcoming KILLER FROST one-shot, Sterling Gates! 

With just two weeks before the release of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #7.2: KILLER FROST, Sterling Gates took time out of his busy schedule for a chat with FIRESTORM FAN! You may be familiar with his work on Supergirl, War of the Supermen, Justice League of America’s Vibe, or one of his many other projects. Sterling is a rising star in the world of comics and he’s bringing his passion and creativity to the Nuclear Man’s #1 nemesis!

Sterling Gates

FIRESTORM FAN: How did you first get interested in reading comics and what were some of your favorites?

STERLING GATES: Well, my parents owned a comic store in Tulsa, OK when I was growing up, so comics have always been a part of my life in one form or another. We sold the store when my dad passed away in 1998, and then in college I became the weekend manager of a comic book store called Speeding Bullet Books and Comics. My final thesis was writing and drawing a 20-page comic. I graduated college in 2005 and moved to Los Angeles. Through the help of Geoff Johns, I got a job as a production assistant on Blade: The Series. Comics have played a huge role in almost all of the different areas of my life so far, and hopefully they’ll continue to do so for a long time coming!

When I was a kid, I was chubby and slow. As a result, the Flash was my favorite hero, because he could always outrun the bullies! I actually found an old script the other day I wrote when I was a senior in high school. In it, Kid Flash teaches a young boy (who suspiciously looks a lot like me) how to be faster and outrun the bullies who chase him after school. I was a really, really big Flash fan when I was a kid.

I was also really into Batman (and Tim Drake Robin!), Superman, the Justice League and Spider-Man when I was a kid, and then as I got older I got really into slice-of-life comics. Adrian Tomine, Craig Thompson, that kind of thing.

FF: How familiar were you with Killer Frost and Firestorm before receiving this assignment? Any particular appearances stick out in your memory?

SG: Very familiar. In 2010, I developed a huge Firestorm pitch for DC post-Brightest Day, so I spent a lot of time going through Firestorm’s rogues and figuring out things to do with all of them. I think Frost is probably the most important Firestorm villain, the most iconic. Their subplot in Crisis on Infinite Earths made sure of that!

I also think her inclusion in the Injustice video game marks a pretty big development in the character’s life and profile. She’s got such an interesting look and is so powerful, I think she should be put up there with the great DCU villains.

Killer Frost by Derlis Santacruz

FF:  Congratulations on being the first to write a Killer Frost solo story! What can you tell us about the one-shot?

SG: Is this the first Killer Frost solo story ever? Like, ever ever?! I had no idea! That’s awesome!

This one-shot is Killer Frost’s secret origin, a brief history of her time in the New 52 DCU, and her reaction to the events in FOREVER EVIL #1.

FF:  Killer Frost appeared in the recent Firestorm series, but we still don’t know much about her. Will we learn about her past in your story? Can you tell us some of the differences between the original Killer Frost and the New 52 version?

SG: One of the exciting things about the New 52 Universe is that we can explore familiar stories and characters but update them in different ways. In our story, we’re introducing Caitlin Snow as if she’s never existed in the universe before (outside of her two appearances in Dan Jurgens’ recent Firestorm run), so we’re getting to know her before she became the powerful villainess, Killer Frost. Caitlin was a brilliant young scientist before the events of her secret origin, and I wanted to really emphasize just how smart and…well, innocent she was before she became this monster.

Whereas Gerry Conway wrote evil and bitterness in the first Killer Frost as an extension of her personality, I wanted to flip it, so that Frost is the polar opposite of Caitlin’s normal existence. That almost Jekyll-and-Hyde approach gave me a lot to play with in this issue, and it’s a slightly different take on Killer Frost than we’ve seen in the past.

One of my editors, Kate Stewart, said she really appreciated that Caitlin is this very relatable, smart, independent young woman before she changes into the villain we all know and love….or know and hate, I guess. Depends on your point-of-view! [laughs]

Killer Frost by Derlis Santacruz

FF:  What aspects of Killer Frost have you found most enjoyable to write? What aspects are the most challenging?

SG: Well, Caitlin’s very, very well read and intelligent, whereas I am not. [laughs] She’s a young S.T.A.R. Labs scientist with a head full of science and scientific theories…stuff that I didn’t study in art school. I read a lot about perpetual motion machines and thermodynamics to try and prep myself for writing her, but I ended up just skimming the surface of all the hard science in her narration. And then once she’s frosted up, she’s like a shark or an energy junkie. She just has one thought in mind: “Hungry.” Once she gets her fix, though, she relaxes and can think through things a little better.

I like that dichotomy, and I liked developing a character who is (hopefully) very sympathetic and interesting to the reader, then letting her cut loose mentally and physically and watching her tear things up.

I was also very happy to reference a Peter Stark article about freezing to death in the issue. He wrote this great article about the cold for Outside magazine twenty years ago, and it’s easily one of the scariest things I’ve ever read. If you get a chance, look it up, it’s fascinating.

Killer Frost drawn by Derlis Santacruz

FF:  You’ve only got 20 pages to tell Killer Frost’s tale. If you were given the opportunity, where would you take her story after this one-shot?

SG: Well, I cheated, because Geoff told me where Killer Frost’s story goes after this one-shot in FOREVER EVIL. Since I knew what would happen to her, I knew where I needed to leave the character. I’d love a proper shot at writing more of her and Firestorm some day. The scenes between the two of them are really quick in the issue, so I didn’t get to do too much with them.

Killer Frost and Firestorm drawn by Derlis Santacruz

FF:  What comic books are you reading nowadays?

SG: Oh, geez. A lot…? [laughs] I’d have to actually look at the stack on my desk and I’m on vacation right now. I don’t read a lot of comics anymore, but I try to always stay up on Marvel and DC stuff.

At Marvel, I’m all about Mark Waid and Chris Samnee’s Daredevil. I think it’s one of the best superhero books on the market, and delivers the perfect amount of character, action, and tone. I’m reading a few of the main X-Men books, All-New and Uncanny and Wolverine & the X-Men. I’m rereading all of the old Len Wein Thor stuff from the ‘70s, just because I’m so pumped for a new Thor movie.

With DC, I’m reading all of Geoff’s Justice League books, all of Jeff Lemire’s books. I LOVE Aquaman. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman.

A couple Image books, like Saga, I read in trade and really enjoy them. Duffy Boudreau’s BlackAcre is awesome if you haven’t checked it out yet. Buffy season nine. Anything Jen Vaughn draws, anything Adrian Tomine puts out. Optic Nerve #13 was PHENOMENAL. Anything Frank Cho draws….Man, that’s a tough question when you’re not sitting in your office and can just look around and talk about what you’re seeing. [laughs]

FF:  Besides Killer Frost & Vibe, are there any other projects you are currently working on or have coming up?

SG: I’ve got a bunch of stuff happening in the fall. I scripted a superhero webseries called The Posthuman Project and the trailer for that hit last month. I think you’ll be hearing more about that as time goes on.

I’m co-teaching an online comics writing class for That’s a fun, six-week course that covers the basics of comic writing, everything from how to start a script, to how to structure a story, to why it’s important to number word balloons and captions. Bree and I have a lot of experience in various aspects of the comic industry, so it should be a cool class to check out.

I’m developing a couple other comic projects and working on a novel, but I probably shouldn’t talk about them until they’re further along.

Oh, and JLA: VIBE comes out every month! Vibe’s dimension hopping through several famous DCU dimensions in issue 8, and then issues 9 and 10 are a big throwdown with the supervillain, Rupture…which, if you’re reading the book, you know how big that battle could potentially be.

People call things “Earth-shattering.” When Vibe and Rupture fight, it’s potentially “universe-shattering.” Hope you guys check it out.

Vibe #8 by Brett Booth and Norm Rapmund

FF:  Who would win in a fight: Dale Gunn or Archer?

SG: Oh, Gunn, all the way. Alllll the way. I gotta rep my Vibe guys.

Thanks a lot for the opportunity to chat, and I hope you guys enjoy the Killer Frost one-shot!

Killer Frost by Tony S. Daniel

My thanks to Sterling Gates for donating his time to this interview! JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #7.2: KILLER FROST goes on sale September 11, 2013. If you haven’t already, be sure to reserve a copy now with your local comic shop! To keep up with Sterling Gates, be sure to visit his website and follow him on Twitter!

Support Firestorm (and Killer Frost & Sterling Gates)! Fan the flame!

Ethan Van Sciver original Firestorm page with Professor Stein

Remember the ghostly glimpse of Professor Martin Stein in The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 (2012) drawn by Ethan Van Sciver? This was a big moment for Match-heads as it was the first time we’d seen Professor Stein in the New 52 (other than flashbacks)! We saw the outline of Martin’s glasses and heard him call Ronnie by the name, “Ronald’! It was only one panel, but it was enough to jump for joy!!

Below you’ll find the original art for that page by Ethan Van Sciver, followed by the print version with colors by Hi-Fi! Click the pages to enlarge.

The best part… I’m now the proud owner of this original page!!! In all my years collecting Firestorm, this is only the second original page I’ve ever owned! I’m so thrilled about this! I gotta tell ya, Ethan is an incredible guy. He’s always been so supportive of FIRESTORM FAN, whether it was during his tenure on the book or even after. Thank you, Ethan!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 original art with Professor Stein by Ethan Van Sciver

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #8 original art with Professor Stein by Ethan Van Sciver

Man I love this page!! Be sure to support Ethan’s work on Batman: The Dark Knight, as the upcoming regular cover artist on Earth-2, and the zillions of variant covers he’s got lined up in the next few months!

Also, I need to extend thanks to Roger Priebe who arranged the shipping of this art piece! Thanks Roger! Be sure to visit Roger’s site Off the Record DVD and pick up his interview with Gerry Conway on DVD!

Support Firestorm (and Ethan Van Sciver)! Fan the flame!

Brave and the Bold comics – FIRE & WATER #63

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 63rd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

Join Aqua-rob and Fire-shag as they go for a swim in Bronze Age buttery-goodness! The guys dive into two classic issues of The Brave and the Bold featuring Batman! They cover one issue guest-starring Firestorm and another with Aquaman! Plus, they discuss the recent casting of Batman for the Man of Steel sequel!

You can find the 63rd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (40 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at

Here are the covers to the Brave and the Bold issues we covered! For more images from these books, visit our Tumblr site at

Brave and the Bold #172 with Batman and Firestorm by Gerry Conway, Carmine Infantino and Jim Aparo

Brave and the Bold #114 with Batman and Aquaman by Bob Haney and Jim Aparo

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Firestorm #2 Cover Re-imagined – Now with more Superdickery!

Indigo Kelleigh took it upon himself to reimagine the cover to the classic Firestorm The Nuclear Man vol 1 #2. He did a fantastic job and really captured the Superdickery quite nicely. Check it out below!

Firestorm #2 cover reimagined by Indigo Kelleigh

For comparison, Firestorm The Nuclear Man vol 1 #2 cover by Al Milgrom and Bob McLeod

Firestorm #2 cover by Al Milgrom and Bob McLeod

Follow Indigo Kelleigh’s artwork on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and his website! Also, for more information on Superdickery, please click here.

Support Firestorm (and Indigo Kelleigh)! Fan the flame!

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