If you head over to DC Comics website right now, you can download some cool Batman: The Brave and the Bold coloring pages! Among these pages is even one dedicated to the Nuclear Man!
Just for fun, check out the name given to this PDF file on DC Comics website: “08222013_2nd_3rd Tier Heros.PDF”. Second and third tier heroes?!?!? Ouch!!!
My thanks to Keith G. Baker for directing me to these super-fun coloring sheets! I’d like to stay and chat longer, but I gotta go find a box of crayons…
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I always thought that Firestorm’s admittedly complex costume translated really well to the TB&TB’s clean, bold style. It also really played up the New Gods style elements, which is another plus.
And don’t feel too bad — Hawkman didn’t even make the cut. D’oh!
Ha wow! 2nd & 3rd Tier heroes! Man DC doesn’t sugarcoat it. That’s sad that themselves view Firestorm that way when he used to be their top selling book.