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Deathstorm Action Figure – Crime Syndicate Edition

A new Deathstorm action figure has been solicited for April 2014 release! This time our favorite Nuclear Nemesis is portrayed in his recent Crime Syndicate persona. Click the image below to enlarge!

DC Comics Super-Villains: Deathstorm Action Figure Crime Syndicate

I’m really impressed with the flaming hair, glowing eyes, and overall sculpt! Looks like a really nice figure! Below is the full solicitation (which he shares with Bizarro):

The Crime Syndicate’s molecular-manipulating madman, Deathstorm, and Superman’s infamous backwards-speaking bad guy, Bizarro, are the latest figures taking over your shelves.
BIZARRO — 6.75″
Action Figure $24.95 US • On Sale April 2014

$24.95?!?! Ouch! Gonna have to really love Deathstorm to pony up for this one folks. With that said… yeah, I’m gonna get one.

My thanks to Keith G. Baker and Brandon Leonard for the heads-up!

Support Firestorm (and Deathstorm in molded plastic)! Fan the flame!


Deathstorm Toys, Ocean Master #1, & Geek Talk – FIRE & WATER #67

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 67th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

This episode Rob and Shag wrap-up Villains Month with Ocean Master #1 (by Geoff Johns, Tony Bedard, Geraldo Borges, Ruy Jose, and Rod Reis). The guys also discuss the NYCC and the recently-announced Deathstorm action figure (along with a brief retrospective of the character in molded plastic). Finally the podcast degenerates into a somewhat heated argument about the validity of the Earth-2 Aquaman!

You can find the 67th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (29 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

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As I mentioned on the show, DC Comics’ Villains Month may be over, but I’m declaring October my own personal Bronze Age Villains Month! I’m reading DC Comics Secret Society of Super Villains vol 1 and Marvel Comics Essential Super-Villain Team-Up vol 1! Click the image below to enlarge! And since recording the show, I’ve realized there is already a Secret Society of Super Villains vol 2. Ordered and en route to me now!

Bronze Age Villains Month - DC Comics Secret Society of Super Villains and Marvel Comics Essential Super-Villain Team-up

Check out the cover to Aquaman #23.2: Ocean Master #1 below! Cover Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis! Click to enlarge!

Aquaman #23.2 Ocean Master #1 cover by Paul Pelletier, Sean Parsons, and Rod Reis

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Firestorm Fan Art for Scribblenauts Contest

Scribblenauts Unmasked ran a contest recently inviting deviantART members to create their own Scribblenauts version of favorite DC Comics characters. Below are three Firestorm-themed entries! Enjoy!

Firestorm, The Nuclear Man by Bladien – Click image below to enlarge

Scribblenauts Unmasked contest entry featuring Firestorm by Bladien

Firestorm by Bwahhahahaaa – Click image below to enlarge

Scribblenauts Unmasked contest entry eaturing Firestorm by Bwahhahahaaa

Let’s Go by Zenero – Click image below to enlarge
Firestorm + Flash + Superman + Cyborg. Plus, Supergirl + Wonder Woman

Scribblenauts Unmasked costume entry featuring Firestorm by I-M-ZENERO

Such creative entries! Click here for the details on the Scribblenauts Unmasked contest (now over). While the Firestorm entries didn’t win, this fantastic Aquaman entry was one of the winners!

Support Firestorm (and Scribblenauts Unmasked)! Fan the flame!

Chris Giarrusso of G-Man draws Firestorm, Doctor Who & more!

Chris Giarrusso, best known for his work on G-Man and Mini-Marvels, drew this incredible team-up of Firestorm, Doctor Who, Captain Marvel, Orion, Galactus, and Optimus Prime!! Firestorm & Doctor Who in the same drawing?!? Two great tastes that taste great together!

Chris Giarrusso draws Galactus, Firestorm, Doctor Who, and more for Challengers Comics in Chicago

This was done for Challengers Comics in Chicago and graces their door! Lucky guys, I’d love to walk past this artwork every day!

I simply adore Giarrusso’s style! Clean lines with characters full of boundless enthusiasm and energy!! In a word… Super-Fun! Here is a close-up of Firestorm!

Chris Giarrusso draws Firestorm for Challengers Comics in Chicago

My thanks to Chris Giarrusso for sharing these images and granting permission to repost them here!  Thanks, Chris! Keep up with Chris Giarrusso via his website, Facebook, and Twitter!

Support Firestorm (and Chris Giarrusso)! Fan the flame!

Earth 2 Aquaman – FIRE & WATER #66

Firestorm and Aquaman: The Fire and Water PodcastThe 66th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

I took the week off, so Rob is joined by my buddy Michael Bailey of VIEWS FROM THE LONGBOX to talk about the Golden Age Aquaman and his appearances in Roy Thomas’ All-Star Squadron!

You can find the 66th episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (32 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Opening theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme! This episode brought to you in part by!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at

Here are just a few places you can find Michael Bailey on the inter-webs:

Below is the cover to All-Star Squadron #31, one of the issues discussed on this podcast! For more images from these books, visit our Tumblr site at

All-Star Squadron #31 cover by Jerry "The Extraordinary" Ordway!

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Random Panel of the Day

Here is your random panel of the day! Take a guess where it’s from, then check the image properties for the answer!

Justice League of America #208 by Don Heck and Sal Trapani with Superman, Aquaman, Zatanna, Liberty Belle, Firestorm, and Commander Steel discussing Per Degaton

Picked this panel as a nod to our latest WHO’S WHO PODCAST featuring Liberty Belle of the All-Star Squadron!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

DragonCon 2013 Cosplay – Firestorm & Killer Frost

While I wasn’t able to attend DragonCon this year (first one I’ve missed in 9 years), I’ve been checking out tons of the amazing cosplay photos online! Today we’re looking at a few Firestorm-related cosplayers from DragonCon 2013! Photos found via Pat Loika, Patrick Sun, David Ngo, and Bethany Maddock.

One of the coolest-looking events was the JLA vs Avengers photoshoot with George Perez! Click the image below to enlarge!

JLA vs Avengers Cosplay with George Perez at DragonCon

The majority of the photos I’m displaying today were taken during cosplay photoshoots organized by the Superhero Costuming Forum. The planning and coordination of these massive photoshoots is an astonishing task! My hats off to these folks for doing such a great job!

Next up is Firestorm cosplayed by Allen Hansard. Allen was the very first Firestorm cosplayer we featured here at FIRESTORM FAN. Additionally, Allen is the Grand Poobah over at the Superhero Costuming Forum. Here is Allen with George Perez!

Allen Hansard as Firestorm with George Perez at DragonCon 2013

More shots of Allen’s Firestorm! Firestorm the Nuclear Man vs Nova the Human Rocket!

Allen Hansard as Firestorm during JLA vs Avengers photoshoot at DragonCon 2013

Firestorm takes control as the cosplay photoshoot organizer!

Allen Hansard of Superhero Costuming Forum as Firestorm

Next Firestorm cosplayer is a mystery. This is the only shot I’ve seen of him.
Anyone know him?

Firestorm cosplayer at DragonCon 2013

Next up are a series of Killer Frost photos of cosplayer Bethany Maddock! Her costume is based on Killer Frost in the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us! Great job!

Killer Frost cosplay by Bethany Maddock at DragonCon 2013

Killer Frost cosplay by Bethany Maddock at DragonCon 2013

Killer Frost cosplay by Bethany Maddock at DragonCon 2013

Amazing job this year by all the cosplayers at DragonCon!

If you want more DragonCon JLA vs Avengers cosplay fun, check out these videos!

Support Firestorm (and cosplayers)! Fan the flame!

Scribblenauts Unmasked – Firestorm Family

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure went on sale last week. If you are unfamiliar with the Scribblenauts franchise, it’s a series of puzzle video games by 5th Cell for the WiiU, PC, and Nintendo 3DS. The latest version takes place in the DC Universe and boasts 1,050 heroes and 650 villains. Our buddy Keith G. Baker bought a copy and has been sending us screenshots of Firestorm related characters. Thanks, Keith!

Shot of several Firestorm’s in the game

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorms

Ronnie Raymond version of Firestorm, with Firestorm Protocols costume
(9th incarnation of Firestorm).

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorm Ronnie Raymond

Jason Rusch version of Firestorm, with his original costume
(6th incarnation of Firestorm).

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorm Jason Rusch

Elemental Firestorm (3rd incarnation of Firestorm).

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorm Elemental

Firestorm suit available to playable character, Maxwell.

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorm suit for Maxwell

Group shot of the Firestorms hanging with Red Tornado.

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorm group in action

Black Lantern Firestorm (a.k.a. Deathstorm)

Scribblenauts Unleashed Black Lantern Firestorm - Deathstorm

Extreme Justice featuring Firestorm (though costumes are more modern)

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firestorm in Extreme Justice

Firehawk with Lorraine Reilly text, but with New 52 Therese costume.

Scribblenauts Unleashed Firehawk

Soyuz and individual entries.

Scribblenauts Unleashed Soyuz

Scribblenauts Unmasked Soyuz Firebird

Scribblenauts Unleashed Soyuz Perun

Scribblenauts Unleashed Soyuz Morozko

Scribblenauts Unleashed Soyuz Vikhor

Scribblenauts Unleashed Soyuz Rusalka

Captain X, Ronnie Raymond’s grandfather.

Scribblenauts Unleashed Captain X

Killer Frost

Scribblenauts Unleashed Killer Frost


Scribblenauts Unleashed Multiplex

Black Bison

Scribblenauts Unleashed Black Bison


Scribblenauts Unleashed Plastique


Scribblenauts Unleashed Brimstone


Scribblenauts Unleashed Bolt


Scribblenauts Unleashed Naiad

Zuggernaut… yes, Zuggernaut is in the game!

Scribblenauts Unleashed Zuggernaut

Finally, Keith was incredibly thorough and searched the game for numerous other characters. Sadly, here is a list of characters that didn’t make it into the game: Typhoon, Hyena, Professor Martin Stein, Doreen Day, Cliff Carmichael, Gehenna, Pozhar, Bug & Byte, Tokamak, Silver Deer, Mindboggler, Goldenrod, Moonbow, Shadowstorm, Shoe Shine, Power Company, Stalnoivolk, Weasel, and most disappointing is… Slipknot. :(

Again, our thanks to Keith for sending all these great screenshots! Be sure to pick up your copy of Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure today!

Support Firestorm (and Scribblenauts)! Fan the flame!

WHO’S WHO: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe, Volume XIII

Who's Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC UniverseThe Fire and Water Podcast Presents… WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE, Volume XIII!

The thirteenth episode of our WHO’S WHO podcast is now available — the show that dares to tackle one of DC Comics’ greatest publications! Each episode Rob and I cover a single issue of the legendary 1980s series, Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe. This time around we chat about WHO’S WHO: Volume XIII, discussing characters such as Krypto, Lady Lunar, The Legion of Super-Heroes, Liberty Belle, Lois Lane, and many more! We wrap up the show with Who’s Who Listener Feedback! This episode sponsored in part by!

Be sure to check out our Tumblr site for several pages from this Who’s Who issue:!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

You can find the thirteenth episode of WHO’S WHO: THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE on iTunes. Each episode is released as part of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST feed. While you’re on iTunes, please drop us a review. Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (68 MB).

Thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on this episode! Special thanks to Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge with their band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic Who’s Who theme song!

One of the coolest aspects of each Who’s Who issue was the amazing wrap-around cover! Check out this impressive George Perez cover for Volume XIII! Click the image to enlarge.

Who’s Who: The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe, Volume XIII cover by George Perez

Here is your Firestorm-related Who’s Who entry from this issue…

Liberty Belle of the All-Star Squadron drawn by Mitch Schauer and Dick Giordano! Firestorm met Liberty Belle in Justice League of America #207 (Oct. 1982) during the JLA/All-Star Squadron crossover “Crisis on Earth Prime!” Admittedly Firestorm and Liberty Belle don’t have a long history together, but I’ve always liked the character … and she’s reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllly cute.  :)  Click the image to enlarge.

Who's Who Liberty Belle by Mitch Schauer and Dick Giordano

Support Firestorm (and the WHO’S WHO podcast)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm Comic Binding – Custom Collection

Over on Instagram, a user called “comicbinding” has been assembling an impressive custom Firestorm collected edition. When finished, the book will contain the first 22 issues of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man (1982), plus Annual #1. Essentially it’s the Conway/Broderick collection. I am sooooooo jealous!

Each post to Instgram shows a little more of the assembly process. So far he’s posted around 20 pictures/videos. To see the entire process, be sure to check out the posts on Instagram. Below I’ve posted a few examples to pique your interest.  Step 1: Acquire Issues…

Firestorm Custom Comic Binding

Below is another example of his custom binding process.  Step 5: Cord sewing

Firestorm Custom Comic Binding

Below is the finished cover! So gorgeous!

Firestorm Custom Comic Binding

To follow the entire process, be sure to check out “comicbinding” on Instagram!

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