Howdy Match-heads! I’m back after some much-needed time off to: mourn the ending of Firestorm vol IV, recharge my batteries, and do some traveling for business & fun. I originally planned to take off a few days, but that turned into nearly two weeks. Thanks for your patience, we now resume normal service.
I want to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone that participated in the #FirestormFarewell campaign the week of May 22! If you missed it, this was an effort to give Firestorm’s final issue a social media send-off. We suggested that Firestorm fans change their social media avatars to the drawing below by the dastardly creative Luke Daab. This piece of art sums up how many Match-heads felt about the cancellation of this title. Additionally, folks were asked to post using the hashtag #FirestormFarewell.
I gotta say, I think the #FirestormFarewell campaign was a huge success! Y’all are simply amazing! Not only did we come together as fans, we also attracted the attention of some comic book and fan press! How cool is that?!?!
- Comic’s Russ Burlingame mentioned the #FirestormFarewell campaign in this post, and mentioned it during his interview with Dan Jurgens!
- Newsarama’s Graeme McMillan mentioned the #FirestormFarewell campaign on the Newsarama blog!
- Sci-Fi Jubilee’s Paul Bowler mentioned the #FirestormFarewell campaign in his review of Firestorm #20!
- Splitting Atoms, a Captain Atom fan blog by FKAjason, celebrated the whole month of May with Firestorm Appreciation Month!
Below are the awesome individuals that either adopted Luke Daab’s Firestorm image as their social media avatar, or posted with the hashtag #FirestormFarewell. And these are only the folks I was able to easily identify. I’m sure I missed some people, and to those folks I apologize. We’ve got here a list that represents over 100 unique individuals! That’s roughly 1% of the total readership for the Fury of Firestorm series. While that may not sound like a lot, you try herding this many cats into doing the same thing on the same day! My thanks to the following folks:
- Daniel Cynical Adams
- Keith G Baker
- Mark Baker-Wright
- Michael Bailey
- Chad Bokelman
- William Boyd
- David Bretter
- Russell Burbage
- Russell Burlingame
- Randy Caldwell
- Cliff Carmichael
- Justin M Clarke
- Roy Cleary
- Dave Cox
- Derek William Crabbe
- Kevin Culp
- Luke Daab
- Ken Deemer
- Thomas Deja
- Jeff DeWitt
- Loki DeWitt
- Manjit Dhanjal
- David Chuck Dill
- David J Dixon
- Anthony Durso
- Clark Edwards
- Terry Foster
- Johnny Freiberg
- Scott Gardner
- John Godwin
- Carlos Guimaraes de Almeida
- Robert Gross
- Shannon Hamilton
- Robert Happold
- Corey Hodgdon
- Paul Honles
- Wally H Hudnall
- Jason Jones
- PawPaw Kellum
- Robert J Kelly
- Sean Koury
- Bradley Leaver
- Negativsteve Mandel
- Jonathan McGavin
- Brian Miller
- Chris Mounce
- Hector Negrete
- Charlie Niemeyer
- Oscar Olalde
- Tone Penley
- Jason Pope
- Bill Powell
- Roger Priebe
- Rod Pruitt
- Bill Robinson
- Isaac Rodriguez
- Matthew Rodriguez
- Gethin Arfon Rowlands
- Rebecca Schoen
- Guillermo Valladares
- David Walker
- J David Weter
- Jon M Wilson
- Joshua Wolf
- Doug Zawisza
- Gerry Conway @gerryconway
- Yildiray Cinar @ycinar
- Brent the Badger @BrentTheBadger
- Bill Bailey @bbnetman
- Keith G Baker @kgbunc
- Justin Barlow @justinbarlow
- Matthew Barton @tbwUltraPowers
- Kyle Benning @kyle_benning
- Paul Bowler @paul_bowler
- Randy Caldwell @misterperturbed
- Count Comics @CountComics
- EdwardCrosby @EdwardCrosby
- Kevin Culp @kevculp
- Tony D! @tonydpyt
- Luke Daab @daabcreative
- DC in the 80s @DCinthe1980s
- Ken Deemer @KenViking
- Lucien Desar @LucienDesar
- Manjit Dhanjal @ManjitD
- Daoud Faquiryan @DaoFAQ
- Bad Andy Goodpizza @Kap_L
- Martin Gray @MartGray
- Corey Hodgdon @hyeroc
- Kord Industries @KordIndustries1
- Jay Jones @FKAjason
- Andrew M @Trueblade76
- Patrick M @amernesider_75
- Jimmy McGlinchey @JimmyMcG
- negativsteve @negativsteve
- Hector Negrete @Bauhaus45
- Raddsies. @Raddsies
- Jedi Raccoon @JediRaccoon
- Dennis Reads @DennisReads
- RoyWhutupshunMoris @KPM2008
- Keith Samra @KalelSamra
- Damian V @Obviousley
- Guillermo Valladares @gvalladare
- Stephen RJ Vaughan @SRJVaughan
- Rully Wiguna @Rullywiguna
- Snoopywoodstock @Snoopywoodstock
- Doug Zawisza @DZawisza
- Dave Barfield @scorpius_glc
- Michael C @TheUnMaskedGeek
- Brightest Daycare @bdccomics
- ealperin @ealperin
- Edwin @speedforce1973
- Going Geek News @goinggeeknews
- CraigimusMaximus @craigimusmax
- Loran Skinkis Art @loranskinkisart
- Joe Slab @Jslab425
- Saranga @sarangacomics
- Tony Stark @latinnegro
- Comics For Kids @comics4_kids
- Donald Miller @BigDonnyM82
- Matt @dabearsays
- The Code Crimson @TheCodeCrimson
- Alexander Adrock @adrock512
- Jeremy Nash @jeremy_nash
- Back Issues @BackIssues
- BW Media Spotlight @sw_tronix
- Matt Rapier @greatwhitemantt
Google Plus
- Keith G Baker
- Randy Caldwell
- Roxanne Collins
- Edward Crosby
- Kevin Culp
- Ken Deemer
- Daoud Faquiryan
- Glen Foster
- Martin Gray
- Hector Negrete
- Dale Russell
- Irredeemable Shag
- Tim Wallace
- ansuz369
- vikingken
- bauhaus45
- fkajason
- kgbunc
- kkincaid3
- dcinthe80s
Wow! What an amazing list of people! You guys rock!
Finally, a very special THANK YOU to Keith G. Baker and Hector Negrete for suggesting the #FirestormFarewell concept! Great idea!
The Firestorm monthly comic may be over, but the character lives on!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
At least we get at least 2 more trades to push regarding this run. Will be curious to see what the final sales numbers are for the Jurgens run.
The Farewell to Firestorm event was a huge success. It was amazing to see so many people talking about Firestorm and how much they will miss the regular series. Fan the Eternal Flame!
C’mon DC Collectibles, let’s seal the deal, New 52 Firestorm/Lady Atom 2-pack figure announcement (not the happy meal toy sized one, mind you) and I’ll buy day one (at full price) that god-forsaken new Deathstroke you will be peddling at the 99 cent store by the end of the year