In honor of Black History Month, Comixology is currently running a sale on the first few issues of Firestorm from 2004! For only $0.99 per issue, you can read the earliest exploits of Jason Rusch by the creative team of Dan Jolley and ChrisCross! Click here to visit Comixology’s site!
You better hurry because this sale ends tomorrow, Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 11:00pm EST. Sorry for the short notice. The sale has been going on since last Thursday and I had planned to promote it last week, but some other news came up as you may have noticed.
Be sure to pick up these issues! C’mon, it’s only $5 for all five issues! Show your support for the Nuclear Man! I bought my copies, shouldn’t you?
Finally, don’t forget to enter the “What Do You Like About Firestorm” contest! Given Firestorm’s recent cancellation announcement, this contest is even more important! Over 40 entries already! Enter today and you might win a prize!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

It makes me sad that they only put half of Steel’s run on sale, and it’s the half that’ll make sure you never want anything to do with the other, better half. I’d also say Firestorm got better after the first arc, particularly toward the end of Dan Jolly’s run.
I got the five FIRESTORM issues as well as STEEL #1, though I haven’t had a chance to read them yet.
What surprises me is that BATWING is not on the list of books being discounted. I would think with the recent announcement that Palmiotti and Gray are taking over the writing chores on the series this summer, this would be a good opportunity to move some of the early issues in the series to build some more fan support and knowledge. Also, because those ancillary Batman titles need all the help they can get.
Yes. Once they gave up on Jason merging with people at random, the series got better. It was a good idea to experiment with on paper, but ultimately a dead end.