In an early issue of his Superman run, John Byrne featured word balloons from over a dozen other titles released that same month — including Firestorm! This information was featured recently over on CBR’s “Comic Book Legends Revealed.” The issue was Superman #10 (Oct. 1987) by John Byrne and Karl Kesel. In the story, Superman’s powers are increasing uncontrollably. On the page below, Superman’s super-hearing is enhanced to the point where he can hear every sound on the planet (or at least the entire line of DC Comics from that month).
Man, I miss John Byrne on Superman! Great stuff! On the page above, check out the word balloon above Superman’s cape that starts with, “How were you…”. Then take a gander at this panel below from The Fury of Firestorm #64 (Oct. 1987) by John Ostrander, Joe Brozowski, and Sam de la Rosa.
That’s so cool! My thanks for the heads-up on this to Walter from the outstanding Boosterrific site dedicated to Booster Gold!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Slipknot! Double bonus!
So true! Every time Slipknot shows up, take a shot!
It’s not only quoted, it’s the exact same lettering.
Slipknot! This makes up for that “Sweetcheeks” debacle a few days ago.
Maybe Fury is actually Slipknot! Slipknot would certainly call someone “Sweetcheeks.”
Ahh the good ol’days, when Superman actually looked like… Superman!