A hallmark of being a fanboy is reimagining your favorite heroes. The internet is littered with fan redesigns of superheroes. Some are amazingly creative, some not so much. Today we’re celebrating those brave fans who put their redesigns out there for us to enjoy!
Many fans had hopes that Firestorm would make an appearance in one of DC’s animated series (i.e. Superman, Justice League, etc). Below you’ll find a few animated designs by fans: (L to R): By Warhawk; unknown artist; and by BatFriend514
Below you’ll find a cool Firestorm n’ Deathstorm redesign by NeroAngelus based upon Sean Galloway’s Spectacular Spider-Man animated series style.
These next few are fan reimaginings from the Superbuddies.net forum.
This first one is by Jor-El for his “Project: Justice.”
Below is the Firestorm from Earth-12 by Phantom Paladin
Below is by cattjay12345 and represents their vision of Firestorm from the Ultimate universe.
Below is by Jor-El and is essentially a fancy version of Firestorm’s contemporary costume.
Below is how Ronnie Raymond might look on the Smallville TV show, again by Jor-El.
Below is a Jedi version of Firestorm, also by Jor-El!
Below is Firestorm as a Legionnaire by ddzguy
Below is a Medieval version of Firestorm, which I cannot find a credit for. Sorry.
There are people with no artistic ability who also want to reimagine their favorite characters. Back in 2001 a cool program came along called HeroMachine (version 1.0). This program allowed fans to design superhero costumes, although the options were pretty limited in the early editions of the program. It was super fun and I’d spend hours designing different costumes! Below is a Firestorm redesign by Match-head, Ed “The Unique Geek”!
Lastly, I did a redesign myself back in 2001 using HeroMachine 1.0 which you can find below. Not exactly a design I’m proud of nowadays, but I made it — so I gotta own up to it. I can only guess I was heavily influenced by Superboy’s 1990s costume.
Support Firestorm (and fan creativity)! Fan the flame!

Love those animated images at the very top. That image from Smallville actually looks more like Ben 10.
I don’t know what I was thinking with that long hair. You state we created those images from 2001, which kind of surprises me because my memory is so horrible I was thinking it was much further back in time. In fact, looking at my image alone I would have said it was created in the early 90’s because that whole style looks like a product of the 90’s.
Well, we can stop guessing which iconic DC hero is going to be coming out. Bike shorts, Shag? Ranxerox goggles? Flamingstorm, the Nuclear Twinkie, more like. One of these days, I’ll have to post my own ’90s DC hero redesigns, around the time I’m ready to quit blogging entirely, since it’s hard to follow a blog with bleeding eyeballs.
The Firemage was part of a contest for the pld DCU Animated universe site, from long time ago. The idea was to desing a history about how the characters of the DC universe would be as medieval people. So, you went with a history and the administrators would make it in the Timm style. I remember among the winners were versions of Cap Marvel, Arrowette(was in the 90’s), Steel and… don’t remember the other two.
The Firemage idea was mine, humbly. It was the first time I win a contest in the web. That’s why I still remember him. Was a nice surprise see him again.
@Ed – I totally agree. While it was 2001, we were clearly still being influenced by the 90s. Dang, we’re old.
@Frank – LOL! Flamingstorm!
@Ziggy – Love your Firemage design! Super cool! Thanks for identifying it for us.
Thanks for the comments!