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Posts Tagged ‘Ronnie Raymond’

Keeping Up With the Hype for Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the day!  It’s been four long years since Firestorm had his own monthly book and the wait is nearly over! For today I’ve compiled some hype-related links!  These should help keep your spirits up until you get your mitts on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1: DC Comics solicitation for THE […]

Advance Review: THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1 (No Spoilers)

THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1 is exactly what a good superhero comic should be — fun and fast-paced with a solid story!  Whether you’re new to Firestorm or a devoted match-head like me, you’ll enjoy the intriguing plot, relatable characters and gorgeous visuals! Co-plotter and cover artist Ethan Van Sciver was kind […]

Read Five Pages Right Now from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM #1

Wanna read five pages right now from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1?  If so, then head over to MTV Geek and check out their exclusive preview pages!  Click here to visit MTV Geek! Looks like we’re in for a wild ride!  THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1 by Ethan Van […]

Ethan Van Sciver’s Russian Clues Translated

Remember the Ethan Van Sciver drawing with the Russian characters we posted last week?  Well, I had a few minutes this past weekend to play Internet Translator Detective.  I’ve managed to translate the Russian clues… In the artwork we see both Jason and Ronnie as their respective Firestorms.  Around each of them are the following […]

New Firestorm and Ronnie Raymond Art from Ethan Van Sciver

Ethan Van Sciver has been posting some Firestorm-related artwork on his Facebook account recently.  Check out these super-cool drawings of Ronnie from THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN! You get a really good look at Ronnie’s costume in the drawing below. Below is the same shot again, but close-up on the face. Stunning line […]

Gail Simone Interview with FIRESTORM FAN

We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – an interview with co-plotter/script writer of the upcoming FIRESTORM series, Gail Simone! That’s right!  Gail Simone took time out of her very busy schedule for a brief chat with FIRESTORM FAN!  In addition to her work on THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN, […]

Brian Clevinger’s Firestorm

Brian Clevinger recently revealed his six-issue plan for the post-BRIGHTEST DAY Firestorm series that almost was.  As you may recall from our interview with Brian a couple months back, he was asked by editors at DC Comics to write the new FIRESTORM series.  By the time he’d scripted the first issue and outlined the second, […]

Ronnie Raymond Sketch by Ethan Van Sciver

Check out this cool sketch of The New 52 version of Ronnie Raymond by Ethan Van Sciver!  This was another item Ethan put up for auction on eBay recently.  It sold for $70!  What a steal! On eBay, Ethan mentioned he did this sketch in anticipation of the new Firestorm series! It was done in […]

More Firestorm Custom Statues

Check out these gorgeous Firestorm custom statues!  Last year we posted a fantastic Firestorm custom statue.  I thought that was the only one out there, but then I stumbled across these beauties! This first statue was sculpted by Gabriel Luna and is part of Averone’s collection.  I found this over on the Statues Community Forum.  […]

Firestorm in DC Comics Ultimate Character Guide

A couple weeks ago we covered DC Comics: The Ultimate Character Guide from DK publishing.  At that time we knew Firestorm appeared in the book, but didn’t have any images of him.  Well, our good buddy Jon from the Fizzit blog has come through for us again!  Jon picked up a copy of the book […]

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