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Posts Tagged ‘Justice League of America’

The Firestorm Series That Almost Was, Including Never-Before Published Artwork – 2003

Firestorm volume III premiered in mid-2004 introducing Jason Rusch.  Many people don’t realize that Firestorm volume III was scheduled to premiere nearly a year earlier starring Ronnie Raymond (rather than Jason Rusch).  That’s right, before Jason Rusch was even a glimmer in Dan Jolley’s eye, there was a monthly Ronnie Raymond Firestorm series in the […]

Brightest Day Starts Today, Sketches, Voice Actors, Customs, and more

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. The biggest Firestorm news is that Brightest Day #0 ships today!  Be sure to stop by your local comic book store and pick up yours.  Hopefully Firestorm will play a role in the issue. If […]

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths post-game report

The Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths DVD came out last Tuesday and it’s phenomenal!  Great story and action!  I’ll be doing a full review over at ONCE UPON A GEEK sometime in the near future, so watch for that. As discussed here previously, Firestorm is used in a couple scenes of the film. He […]

Nuclear News – 2010-02-03 – B&B Cartoon Sneak Peek, Figures, Legos

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. Cartoon Network has posted a sneak peek of this week’s Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode.  The clip is nearly six minutes long and features High School Coach Ronnie Raymond and High School student […]

Nuclear News – 2009-12-16 – Gerry Conway Interview, JLA, Vs The Senty, and other web findings

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. I guess the biggest news about Firestorm this week is my own.  Gerry Conway, co-creator of Firestorm and writer of the character for nine years, was kind enough to grant an interview for FIRESTORM FAN! […]

George Perez Firestorm Postcard (1984)

Back in 1984, George Perez drew a fantastic set of Justice League of America postcards.  There were 15 postcards in the set, with one more added later of Batman.  Below is a scan of the gorgeous Firestorm postcard!  This was sent to me by our good friend Doug Zawisza of the Doom Patrol blog and […]

Nuclear News – 2009.10.26 – T-Shirt, Wallpapers, M&Ms, and more

Blackest Night #4 is due in stores this week!  Be sure to pick up your copy.  After last issue, I’m pretty anxious to find out what’s going on with our favorite match-head.  Until then, here are some Firestorm sighting across the net to keep you satisfied. Thanks to Dispatches from the Arrowcave (The Green Arrow […]

Nuclear News – 2009.10.12 – Recent Firestorm Appearances

Seems like Firestorm is all over the place right now.  Below is a list of recent appearances you may wish to track down.  Besides Blackest Night, I don’t know of any other upcoming Firestorm appearances.  The comics below may very well be the final Firestorm appearances pre-Blackest Night continuity. Blackest Night #3 (of 8 ) […]

Nuclear News – 2009.09.29 – JLA, Casting, Reviews, Toy, and Sketches

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Blackest Night #3 was released back on September 16.  If you haven’t read it, be sure to pick it up as soon as possible. Now for some Firestorm news and web findings… Disappointing news… Firestorm will no longer be a member of the Justice League of America […]

How Jason Joined the JLA

I really like the way Jason joined the JLA.  See the page below from Justice League of America vol. 4 #15 (Jan. 2008) by Dwayne McDuffie and Ed Benes. I like Batman’s demanding nature in this bit.  I think the scene works really well.  I don’t see it as condescending to Jason, but it does […]

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