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Posts Tagged ‘Comic books’

Gerry Conway Firestorm Interview Part 2 Play in new window | DownloadWe’re still celebrating one year of FIRESTORM this week! Today we’ve got part two of our interview with Firestorm co-creator, Gerry Conway! If you haven’t listened to part one of the interview, please click here.  As I mentioned the other day, Gerry was absolutely wonderful to talk with. […]

Gerry Conway Firestorm Interview Play in new window | DownloadWe’re celebrating one year of FIRESTORM this week!  In honor of the occasion, we’ve got an amazing interview with Firestorm co-creator, Gerry Conway! Gerry Conway was one of the most prolific comic book writers of the 1970s and 80s.  His writing credits go on for miles! He’s probably […]

Firestorm Original Art Extravaganza

Happy New Year, Match-heads!  We’re gearing up for the one year anniversary of FIRESTORM FAN with an amazing interview featuring Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway!  Watch for that in the coming weeks. In the meantime, it’s time for more original Firestorm pages from our friend Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog.  He happens to own several […]

Happy Holidays from Firestorm Fan!

Happy holidays from FIRESTORM FAN!  It’s been a great first year and I look forward to many more!  Come back in January for an amazing interview with Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway!  Ho Ho Ho! Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Nuclear News – 2009-12-16 – Gerry Conway Interview, JLA, Vs The Senty, and other web findings

Welcome to another installment of FIRESTORM FAN’s Nuclear News! Here are some news and web findings on our favorite hothead. I guess the biggest news about Firestorm this week is my own.  Gerry Conway, co-creator of Firestorm and writer of the character for nine years, was kind enough to grant an interview for FIRESTORM FAN! […]

Superman vs Firestorm Pin-Up – May 1983

Here is a fantastic Pat Broderick pin-up that appeared in The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man #12 (cover dated May 1983).  The drawing reenacts a scene from DC Comics Presents #17 in which Superman (under Killer Frost’s control) attacks Firestorm.  Pat Broderick is such a great artist and did amazing things while on the […]

Firestorm’s fate after ‘Blackest Night’ revealed in ‘Batman: Brave & the Bold’ cartoon?

According to TV Guide, Firestorm as he appears on the cartoon Batman: The Brave and the Bold will be a merger of Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond. Jason will be in control of the body with Ronnie’s consciousness along for the ride.  Given Firestorm’s current situation in the comic book series Blackest Night, is it […]

Fury of Firestorm Advertisements – May and June 1982

Here are a couple advertisements that promoted The Fury of Firestorm The Nuclear Man in various DC Comics in 1982. This first ad ran in comics cover dated May 1982.  In reality, comics with this cover date probably reached stores in February 1982. This next ad ran in comics cover dated June 1982.  In reality, […]

Nuclear News – 2009-11-09 – Brave & the Bold, Action Figure Magazine, Sketches, and more

Here are some Firestorm news items and findings from around the interwebs: Blackest Night #4 came out back on October 28.  If you haven’t picked it up yet, be sure to get a copy.  It’s a good issue and has one really good Firestorm moment. Still no word on an air date for the Batman: […]

Unpublished Cover to Firestorm #6 (1978) by Al Milgrom – Never Seen Before

As you probably already know, the first volume of Firestorm (1978) was cancelled after only five issues.  The series was an unfortunate casualty of the so-called DC Implosion.  What you may not know is that issue #6 was completely drawn, but never published.  The pages for issue #6 resurfaced only once in a volume entitled […]

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