Happy New Year, Match-heads! We’re gearing up for the one year anniversary of FIRESTORM FAN with an amazing interview featuring Firestorm co-creator Gerry Conway! Watch for that in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, it’s time for more original Firestorm pages from our friend Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog. He happens to own several of the original Firestorm pages and has been kind enough to allow me to publish scans of them here. I’ve been horribly negligent in publishing his more recent acquisitions, so I’m playing catch up today. Jon’s been a great contributor to FIRESTORM FAN and my thanks go out to him. You may view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.
Below is an amazing shot from the series 52. This is page three from issue #24 featuring Firestorm’s attempt to create a new Justice League. It was drawn by Phil Jimenez with inks by Andy Lanning. Such a wonderful shot of a truly quirky team. I love every character in this group!
Below are two preliminary sketches by Matt Haley as he tried to figure out the design for the cover to Firestorm vol III #11.
Below are two pages from Firestorm vol II #19. These were drawn by the legendary Gene Colan. The second page was even signed by the artist!
The following page is a nice piece from Firestorm vol II issue #30 by penciller Rafael Kayanan and inker Romeo Tanghal.
These next two pages come from Firestorm vol III issue #5 and were penciled by ChrisCross and inked by Keith Champagne. In these pages, Firestorm meets Superman and the Flash for the first time.
This next one is from Firestorm vol III issue 11 and features a great shot of Killer Frost. This was drawn by penciller Dale Eaglesham and inker Wade von Grawbadger.
The next page is from Firestorm vol III issue 12 and features the return of the Ronnie Raymond Firestorm! In this shot he’s chasing down his long-time foe Multiplex. This nuclearrific page was penciled by Jamal Igle and inked by Rob Stull.
The page below is from Firestorm vol III issue 22 and features the fusing of Jason Rusch and Professor Martin Stein. This page was penciled by Eddy Barrows and inked by Rob Stull.
Finally a nice quiet diner scene from Firestorm vol III issue 32. This one was penciled by Jamal Igle and inked by Keith Champagne. Be sure to watch for the characters in the background!
My thanks again to Jon at the Fizzit Firestorm-themed blog for providing me with theses scans to publish!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Wow, what a great set of art! Thanks for sharing!
I loved Firestorm’s 52 JLA too. Poor Bulleteer, where have you gone?
Nice! Great collection! I have a couple pages of Firestorm art myself. I don’t see too many available. I can send a couple of pics if you’d like.
Andy – That’d be great! Thanks for the offer!