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Quit goofing around on the internet. Go read The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10 in stores today! This issue is plotted by Joe Harris & Ethan Van Sciver, written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar, inked by Marlo Alquiza, and colored by Hi-Fi. Not only do we meet Rakshasi, India’s Nuclear Woman, we also get a cover penciled by Yildiray Cinar and inked by Ethan Van Sciver! On top of that, Ronnie gets a new costume and powers too!

We’ll talk later. There’s lots to discuss. Be sure to leave your comments here!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10 cover by Ethan Van Sciver and Yildiray Cinar

 While you’re thinking about Firestorm, check out who is saying what today…

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The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10 goes on sale tomorrow! If you can’t wait that long, check out the three page preview over on DC Comics’ Facebook page right now! Click here to check it out!

This issue is plotted by Joe Harris & Ethan Van Sciver, written by Joe Harris, penciled by Yildiray Cinar, inked by Marlo Alquiza, and colored by Hi-Fi. In this issue we meet Raksashi, India’s Nuclear Woman! Also, we get a cover penciled by Yildiray Cinar and inked by Ethan Van Sciver! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

Below is one of the three pages in the preview. Be sure to visit DC Comics’ Facebook to see all three preview pages!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10 by Joe Harris and Yildiray Cinar

Dude, Professor Stein!?!?!? I’m so jazzed! Don’t forget, pick up your copy of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #10 tomorrow!

Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Interview with Sirena Irwin – FIRE AND WATER Episode 22

Firestorm and Aquaman (Mera) - The Fire and Water PodcastThe 22nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE.

In this episode Rob interviews actress Sirena Irwin! Ms. Irwin played Mera on the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series, and they talk about her place in Aqua-History, as well as her other roles (such as Lois Lane, also on B:TBATB), both in live action and animation!

You can find the 22nd episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (17 MB).

As always, thanks to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Intro theme, “That Time is Now,” by Michael Kohler. Special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our fantastic original closing theme!

Have a question or comment? Send us an e-mail at:

Support Firestorm and Aquaman! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!

Pre-order Your FURY OF FIRESTORM Trade Paperback

Be sure to pre-order your copy of the THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN VOL. 1 – THE GOD PARTICLE trade paperback! Most local comic book shops will be placing their orders for this collection with their distributors within the next few days. Don’t miss the chance to pre-order this trade paperback!

Even if you already have the issues, order a copy of this trade! Let’s send a clear message to DC that we’ll support Firestorm comics in trade paperback format! Order today!

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men Vol 1 The God Particle

Here is the solicitation:

Two FIRESTORMS make their explosive returns in the DC COMICS – THE NEW 52 series! • As RONNIE RAYMOND and JASON RUSCH learn to work together, they learn that they are hardly the only FIRESTORMS! • Collecting THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #1-6!
Written by: Ethan Van Sciver, Gail Simone
Art by: Yildiray Cinar, Norm Rapmund
Cover by: Ethan Van Sciver
Page Count: 144
U.S. Price: $14.99
On Sale Date: Sep 12 2012

Support Firestorm!  It’s not just slogan!  Seriously, SUPPORT FIRESTORM by ordering this trade paperback! Fan the Flame!


Ronnie Raymond & Ray Palmer: The Firestorm That Could Have Been

I love this image of Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm with Ray Palmer as the Atom! This comes from JLA #69 (Oct. 2002) by Yvel Guichet and Mark Propst.

 Ronnie Raymond as Firestorm with Ray Palmer as the Atom

This art comes from a time when Ronnie was operating solo as Firestorm. Also during this era, Ray Palmer was mentoring Ronnie in science to aid him with his atomic restructuring powers. Given the circumstances, Ray Palmer made a great stand-in for Professor Martin Stein.

I’ve said it before, but just imagine if Ray had joined the Firestorm matrix! While merged, Ray would have brought his scientific know-how and granted Firestorm the ability to shrink. Those adventures would have been atomically cool!!! In the early 2000s, I was convinced this merger was going to happen at any moment. I envisioned Ronnie having the option of becoming Firestorm on his own, or by merging with Ray. That would have provided lots of storytelling opportunities for Ronnie and Ray to team-up or operate independently. Given that neither character could support a series of their own at that time, it seems logical that together they might have attracted enough readers and revitalized the characters. I still think this would have been a great idea…

For a little more on Ronnie and Ray during this era, check out these posts:

Finally, if you’re a fan of The Atom be sure to check out the Power of the Atom blog run by our good buddy Diabolu Frank! It’s a fun site dedicated to The Atom and Captain Atom!

Support Firestorm (and Ray Palmer)! Fan the flame!

Interview with Dustin Koetsch, artist of DC Minimalist Poster

Last month we featured some really cool DC Comics fan artwork by Dustin Koetsch. This included a collage of several “minimalist posters” based upon the costumes of DC Comics characters, as well as a Firestorm faux cover. After running this art, Dustin and I started a correspondence which eventually led to an interview about the process of working on the pieces as well as some general comic book talk. Check out Dustin’s fantastic collage below (click to enlarge), then continue reading for the interview.

DC Comics Minimalist Poster by Dustin Koetsch

Firestorm Fan: How did you first get interested in reading comics and what were some of your favorites?
Dustin Koetsch: When I was 12 or 13 I would always buy those assorted comic book packs in Toy’s R’ Us on birthdays, holidays or with my allowance. My favorites were Batman and X-Men (I happened to start reading around the year they did Death of Superman and Knightfall in the DC Universe and X-Men just got “Rebooted” by Jim Lee.) Now my love for comics has grown exponentially and I even have Swamp Thing #1 cover tattooed on my forearm and the old Green Lantern issue #49 tattooed on my Bicep.

FF: What started you on the DC Comics minimalist poster project?
DK: Honestly it was out of trying something new and because I had seen this one guy get attention for it for doing Marvel minimalist posters and I thought, “Well I can do that and probably do it better” so I did.

FF: Do you have any favorites of your DC Comics minimalist posters?  Were there any characters you had difficulty adapting for the minimalist posters?
DK: Favorite is probably the Sinestro one as it was the basis for starting the whole project, from there I did the Lantern Corps individually, then went to do any character I could think of. Anti Monitor was the hardest I would say.

FF: Have you done any further minimalist posters that weren’t incorporated into the collage (or as I like to think of it — the quilt)?
DK: I haven’t done any others recently no. I have been thinking about doing more of those faux covers with characters still, since there are SO many I could do still.

FF: Total nerdy question here… what did you use for reference when you created you Firestorm minimalist poster?
DK: I can’t recall because it was about a year ago but if I had to guess I would say a comic cover where the logo is prominently displayed, it was definitely an older issue though I know that.

Faux Firestorm cover by Dustin Koetsch

FF: Your faux Firestorm cover is sheer genius! What inspired your technique and how did you go about selecting Firestorm images?
DK: Well when I was doing the faux covers I though it would be a cool idea to have the concept be “what if it was an anniversary issue culminating the years of the character in one silhouette” So I believe the first one I did was The Flash and just kept doing them from there, sometimes the reference pictures were more difficult than others but in the end they came out pretty unique.

FF: Would you consider yourself a Firestorm fan? If so, how did you discover the character and do you have any favorite storylines?
DK: I really really loved what Geoff Johns did with the character in Blackest Night/Brightest Day but with the New 52 I felt like they lost a lot of the promise that character had built up from that. I stopped reading after the first story arc because it felt too cheesy.

FF: Are there any other projects you are currently working on or have coming up?
DK: Mostly in my spare time I’m a graphic designer and when I’m not touring I make shirt designs for bands. So I haven’t had any really unique or cool ideas just yet but I’m always thinking of something to create, especially things Swamp Thing related now!

FF: Who would win in a fight – Lockjaw or Krypto?
DK: Since I’m a DC guy I have to say Krypto

Firestorm Minimalist Poster by Dustin Koetsch

My thanks to Dustin Koetsch for making time for this interview! Be sure to check out Dustin on his website, deviantART, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and numerous other locations on the web! Tell him FIRESTORM FAN sent you!

Support Firestorm (and Dustin)! Fan the flame!

Another Firestorm by Luke Daab

I’m quickly becoming a huge fan of Luke Daab’s artwork! Luke is a big supporter of our FIRE AND WATER PODCAST, and we’ve featured his super-cool artwork here previously. The artwork below is from last year, but I just came across it recently on Luke’s Tumblr. I love this design, from the fiery hair, to the atomic symbols, to the logos, to the faces, to the swirly background! Brilliant!

Firestorm by Luke Daab

Luke Daab is an artist, a writer, a musician and a puppeteer. Luke has created artwork for McDonald’s restaurants, Star Wars, DC Comics, Transformers and Kung Fu Panda! For more information on the artist, visit his website!  And if you’re an Aquaman fan, you’ve got to check out his original song, Oceans Rise.

Support Firestorm (and Luke Daab)! Fan the flame!

Happy Father’s Day To Me!

Happy post-Father’s Day to all the dads out there! While today’s post isn’t strictly about Firestorm, it is geek-related. And this is technically my blog, so I think the occasional digression is reasonable.

I had a fantastic Father’s Day weekend with my family! Spent some good quality time with my six year old daughter — a daddy-daughter date on Friday, and the whole day to ourselves on Saturday! Sunday the whole family spent together playing, snacking, and swimming in the pool! All in all a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend.

I received some very nice “normal” Father’s Day gifts, but I simply had to share these geek-related items I received…

My step-son gave me the super-cute JLA plush toys below! They look like steroid monsters — massive upper bodies, tiny little legs. :)

DC Universe JLA Plush Toys

From a marketing perspective, it’s interesting the tags feature The New 52 JLA (and even state “The New 52″ when you unfold the tag). Yet the plush toys feature the classic costumes. Seems like the merchandising hasn’t caught up with the new look just yet.

DC Universe JLA Plush Toy Tags

Next, my daughter gave me these super-cool Star Wars pint glasses! Love them! Now I have to decide whether to drink from a Firestorm pint glass or these while recording THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST. Decisions.. decisions..

Star Wars Pint Glasses

That’s it for geek-related presents this year. However, I can’t mention Father’s Day without sharing the amazing gift I received back in 2009. My wife commissioned local artist, Billy Penn (Hot Shot & Mighty Girl, Savage Dragon), to do a comic book cover featuring me. For the full story on this parody of Flash #123 (Sept. 1961), check out the original post on ONCE UPON A GEEK.

Support .. uh .. me? Well, maybe. But definitely support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Firestorm Rogues Gallery Cubees

Today we’re looking at more adorable do-it-yourself Cubees designed by Joshua Wolf! This time around he’s focused on several of the Nuclear Man’s rogues! These are made entirely from folded paper; no tape or glue necessary! To get an idea what an assembled Cubee looks like, check out this Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) Cubee. Previously, we’ve also featured Cubees of Firehawk, Firestorm (Jason Rusch), Killer Frost, and Plastique! Check out all of Joshua Wolf’s Cubee designs over on deviantART.

First up you’ll find that villain we love to hate, Deathstorm! Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Deathstorm Cubee by Joshua Wolf

Next is one of my favorite Firestorm rogues, Typhoon! Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Typhoon Cubee by Joshua Wolf

Next up we’ve got another classic Firestorm rogue, the Hyena! Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Hyena Cubee by Joshua Wolf

Let’s be honest, this is the closest you’ll ever get to a Black Bison action figure! :) Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Black Bison Cubee by Joshua Wolf

Next we’ve got the lovely Silver Deer! A more obscure rogue, but certainly worth remembering. Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Silver Deer Cubee by Joshua Wolf

Our last rogue is one of my favorites to mock. It’s Zuggernaut! Nothing says Aliens/Guyver-wannabe like our buddy Zuggernaut! Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Zuggernaut Cubee by Joshua Wolf

As a bonus, check out another Firestorm Cubee – this time the Elemental version! Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Elemental Firestorm Cubee by Joshua Wolf

While I was on deviantART looking at Cubees, I came across this awesome one below! This Firestorm Cubee was done by Jesus Ayon (handita2006 on deviantART). Click here to download a full-size version on deviantART.

Firestorm Cubee by Jesus Ayon (handita2006)

Here is a picture of Jesus Ayon’s completed Firestorm.

Firestorm Cubee by Handita

Support Firestorm (and Cubees)! Fan the flame!

Firestorm Mentioned in DC Universe Online Game

While Firestorm still hasn’t made an appearance in the video game DC Universe Online, he did get a mention! Check out the clip below!

DC Universe Online

If you can’t see the embedded video above, please click here. My thanks to Christopher Chance for the heads-up on this!

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